by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. First of all, for those of you who haven’t read The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Condo, it’s time for you to pick up the book! Marie offers conscious access to one of the primary aspects of the authenticity of who we divinely are. We are joy!
It’s easy to focus on what is wrong, including around your home. You might look around and think how you need to clean, clear your clutter and get more organized. It’s natural to want to get rid of the problem that is causing upset or pain. Change is often motivated by fear, and it’s true: fear is a big motivator. However, it’s also so draining, so tiring and stressful, to continually focus on what we need to change and fix in order to feel better. Good news! There is a different way! This way is through the power of gratitude. It is the gateway to experiencing authentic joy. In her book, Marie discusses how we can let go of items that don’t spark joy by acknowledging that at some point they did, thanking them, and releasing them for someone else to enjoy. I’m sure you have items in your home that you purchased yet never used, such as clothing or books. Why did you buy these? Consider that in that moment you were in a place of joy, even if just the possibility of joy in the future. You might think, “Well, if I truly feel gratitude for an item and the joy it brought me even if it was long ago, won’t I just keep everything in my home?” Absolutely not! We hold on to things with an attitude of lack. There are two reasons we keep items that don’t bring us joy in this moment. The first reason is that we hold on to the past, as if when we let an item go, we will surely lose or forget the love, joy, peacefulness, abundance or experiences that the item represents. Personally, I am very attached to my books. If I kept all my books from over the past 25 years, I would have a room in which every wall was filled with books from top to bottom. In my most recent release of books that don’t currently bring me joy, I noticed that there were books that had been on my shelf for literally 25 years or more. I collect informative books, specifically on topics around holistic health, metaphysics, spirituality and consciousness studies. I noticed that my books are like symbols of who I am, of my interests, my experience, my passions and my knowledge. It was extremely challenging to let many of them go because I felt like I would lose a part of myself and forget all that they represented. I realized that my books are not me! Furthermore, I saw that my past has brought me to who I am now, and I can release the past, whether my memories or physical items, and know that all that matters is this present moment of my experience. My past has brought me to now, and anything I need is inside of me! When gazing at a book that didn't naturally light me up in the moment, I noticed it would seem to shout, “You are not enough right now. You might forget all the experiences and knowledge from your past, so I will remind you. You might need this book in the future. Furthermore, look what you’re not practicing or doing right now!” I held the book, reflecting on when I got it and the experiences I was having at the time, and felt authentic gratitude for those experiences and the wisdom I received from the book. This allowed me to let go of the book with love and appreciation, opening to new ideas, new experiences, and new me. The second reason we hold onto items that don’t bring us joy in this moment is because of our fears about the future. Like the past, fears of the future reflect feelings or thoughts around limitation, lack and scarcity. It could as simple as, “What if I’m having a bad hair day and don’t have anything to wear that will make me feel pretty?” (Notice that in that moment you are thinking your physical body is lacking beauty…) Fears about not measuring up might come, such as, “What if my friends thinks I’m poor, stupid or missing something by not having this item?” We might think we’re being logical and responsible by thinking, “What if I need that item again and can’t find it anywhere?” or, “What if I need that item in the future and don’t have the money to buy it?” Ooh, that last one is one the main fears of lack when it comes to material possessions, isn’t it? Furthermore, we have limited our openness to abundance by thinking that the items we need can only be attained through using our own money to purchase them. Can you see how keeping items that don’t authentically inspire joy right now creates a feeling of lack and limitation? You could have a house full of items and yet feel you never have enough. How many times have you purchased an item only to find you already have it? One day I was clearing out my first aid shelf and found that we owned seven elastic (“Ace”) bandages. Two were unopened, and I remembered buying those because I was concerned that if my son sprained his ankle (yet again), we wouldn’t have any bandages. The shelf was so cluttered and unorganized that I couldn’t find the bandages that were there all along. Keeping only what brings you joy actually creates more abundance. A great example of this is clothing. Have you ever felt like you have nothing to wear? You go through your cluttered closet and drawers, stuffed with clothing, and can’t find anything you want to wear that day. What if you truly only had items that had you feel good when you looked at and wore them? Imagine you could look in your closet and every item was something you love the idea of wearing! Material possessions don’t really bring us joy. Instead, they inspire us to express the authentic unending stream of joy that resides in us. Keeping only what inspires joy is practicing a new way of being, a way of living an authentically magical and abundant life. As you gaze around your home, every item can be something that prompts you to express gratitude. Gratitude aligns you with joy and joy aligns you with authentic divine YOU. You don’t need to “force” yourself to express gratitude or joy. Committing to surround yourself with items that have you feel good and thankful is all it takes. It’s also important to be honest with yourself about your fears, whether holding on to the nostalgia of the past or concerns about you future. A home infused with your gratitude and joy creates an opening for even more gratitude and joy. The question to ask yourself is, “If this doesn’t spark joy, why am I keeping it?” You don’t have to reflect on what you don’t like about the item. Instead, know that when you got the item it did bring you something, even if just the possibility of something, such as being prepared and calm in an emergency (those Ace Bandages), or a healthier lifestyle through those kitchen gadgets or workout equipment. Honoring that you picked and kept an item with the best of intentions will cultivate gratitude for that item and an ability to then let it go. Let’s be honest: if there is one thing we can count on, it is change. Our possessions are a way to practice being open to change, to letting go of trying to feel safe and secure in an ever-changing reality. Instead, we practice moving toward gratitude and joy, independent of what we have or don’t have right now or in the future. Your possessions are just one aspect of your life. They give you an opportunity to be honest with yourself about your fears and doubts. They also give you an opportunity to experience gratitude and tap into joy! They steer you in the direction of filling your life with joy and gratitude in all that you do, to ask yourself time and again with every aspect of your life, “If this doesn’t spark joy, why am I doing it?” You are meant to have items in your home that remind you that inside you is all the abundance, joy and love you could ever desire. These items might be beautiful or useful. You can courageously clear out the things that you’ve kept that seem to protect you from the loss of letting go of the past or fears of scarcity in your future. Opening up your physical space opens you to the vast spaciousness of your own heart, of your authentic self. No longer weighed down by material possessions that don’t activate your joy right now, you assert to the universe that you trust life to provide you with all you need. You declare that You Are Enough, You Have Enough, now and in the future. You can look around at what fills your home and let every item you use or gaze upon remind you to be truly grateful and enjoy your life right now.
by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Some of you are very familiar with the idea of grounding your energy. The concept is used to really get our “feet on the ground,” to be fully in our bodies. When we are grounded, we are better able to handle all of life's challenges as well as fully experience all of life's gifts.
The first time I learned to ground my energy was back in about 1988 at the Berkeley Psychic Institute. I would send a cord from my root chakra, at the base of the spine, down to the center of the Earth. I’ve also grounded by imagining roots like a tree coming out from my feet and grounding down into the earth. When I was a fitness instructor, I would guide my yoga students to ground in this way during "tree" pose, as well as release what no longer served them by giving it to the earth, where it would be composted. After all, it’s the nature of earth to gain rich and fertile soil through dead leaves and creatures. Wouldn’t the same be true with dead thoughts, feelings, habits and memories that no longer serve our highest good now? Over the past few years, I’ve noticed I feel strange about grounding my energy as I used to. I’ve been drawn to more heart-centered practices, sensing that the heart is the place to start in my spiritual practice. In fact, I even feel strange about a tried-and-true method of bringing in light through the top of my head, grounding it down into the earth and filling my body with light. Not that I don’t still use light in many ways including a pillar of light from above and below, but it is different than in the past. Know that I am not talking about “earthing”, a practice of naturally connecting to the earth such as through barefoot feet. We can talk about that another day. As you know, it’s a challenge to trust yourself without anyone else agreeing with your viewpoint, especially when new ways of being and acting in the world are involved. I’m blessed to know the universe is co-conspiring with me (as it is with you!), and because of that, I have noticed that others whom I respect are talking about what I’ve come to find as well. There are two realities afoot, my friends. The first is the one we know so well, that of 3rd dimensional experience. The other is 5th dimensional and beyond. Take a look around you and you’ll see the world is in chaos. While 5th dimensional earth is here, 3D is as well. Which do you want to add to? I don’t want to get too “out there” with you in my blogs, though I do like to sprinkle in new concepts and possibilities that I’m certain you’ll be hearing about more and more. My goal is to serve you in a practical way, a way that brings more love, peace, joy and abundance to your life each day. When we use outdated methods of grounding, as I described I’ve used in the past, we are unintentionally adding to the chaos. Mother earth is going through what we are, so she is not the best being to assist us in grounding into our bodies as spirits. Yes, we can indeed connect to her in 5th dimensional ways, but this does not include using her to recycle our internal waste or ground a body that is stressed, anxious or fearful. So where do we start? How do we come more fully into our bodies, knowing that when we are stressed, our spirits tend to want to be anywhere but in our bodies? Your anchor, your grounding point, is your heart. You start from there. Think of the heart as the new root chakra, the chakras no longer thought of as energetically linear bottom to top as in the past. When we want to remember and live the truth of who we authentically are, when we want relief because we are stressed, overwhelmed, or dizzy with the chaos around and within us, we can anchor and ground into our hearts. This is a practice. No amount of reading or others telling you what’s possible can replace you actually doing the practice. We must practice a different way of being in order to experience change in our lives. I know that you know this, but it’s easy to forget, especially when you are feeling victimized by circumstances you can’t control. When we are in a state of pain, fear and doubt, we naturally want to escape. Know you are doing the best you can, and can also commit to a new way of being. 6 Ways to Ground Into Your Heart 1. Try HeartMath. If you’re a more scientifically-minded person, begin with taking a class with the HeartMath Institute. There are many places to find classes, from Meetups to The Shift Network, to HeartMastery. They also have developed an amazing biofeedback system called the emWave so that you can literally know when you are in a coherent state with your heart and sustain longer periods of this state. When your heart beat rhythm is coherent, meaning have a more consistent pattern, the heart sends a message to the brain and all other systems in the body to become coherent. In coherence, the body’s psychological and physiological state, such as the immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems, become harmonious and highly effective. These are the states of relaxation, peacefulness, and joy. Try their “Quick Coherence” practice. It takes just a minute or so! 2. Add on to the Quick Coherence technique. Place your hands on your heart, and breathe. Imagine your breath is coming into your heart and out from your heart. With your attention in your heart, say a word, such as “peace.” My personal favorite is, “I love you.” What is it that you need in this moment? Other phrases might be, “I am safe,” “I am loved,” “Relax,” “I trust myself,” or “All is well.” Whether you feel different or not right away, you are practicing your ability to move and change energy by calling forth what you are wanting. You are powerful. 3. Expand Light From Your Heart. As you connect to your heart, imagine that there is an eternal flame of light within you. It is who you authentically are. It is your true essence, where all the love, joy, peace and abundance you might tend to seek outside yourself exists. This love is not dependent on any outer circumstance, including when you are feeling pain in your body or thoughts that tell you otherwise. Sense, see or feel this light in your heart, a crystalline diamond white light. If you see or sense another color, trust that. Imagine this light expanding from your heart, filling your entire body. Don’t worry if you don’t experience anything. Just imagine. Imagine this light expanding out in all directions – above, below, in front of and behind you. If you’d like, expand it to your home, your neighbors, your town, your country and around the earth. You can even expand this light into all dimensions and timelines past, present and future. You are divine love and light! 4. Take a walk. This is a way to use our beloved earth for grounding. As you walk, deliberately connect to your heart by placing your hand on your heart, breathing into your heart and allowing yourself to feel, see and smell nature around you. 5. Call For Help. You are never alone. When your emotions, stress and thoughts are so intense that you can’t get yourself to do your own practice, call for support. Ask the universe for support, call on your angels for their love and guidance, call a friend who you know will remind you that you are strong and able to be in your body as you move through your upset, read inspiring words, or listen to a guided meditation or uplifting music. 6. Practice Calling On Your Heart. One of your best practices is to call on the help of your true divine self, that light that expands from your own heart. Practice noticing your connection to your heart when things are going well, when you are in a space of love, gratitude and trusting your process. You are the one that can really be there for yourself in the most loving and powerful way. What does this look like in practice? I’ll explain with a personal example. I’ve found myself time and again noticing that I feel anxious, that I am doubting my abilities, my process, and where I am at in my life. I place my hands on my heart, breathe, and give attention to where in my body I am feeling anxious. I notice the thoughts that go along with my feelings. I say, “It’s ok, I am here for you. Tell me all about it. I love you.” I listen, like a loving mother would to her child. I’ll say, “I love you. I’m not going anywhere and am always here for you. You are safe. It’s ok.” You see, the heart, the root of your true authentic self, is your greatest guide and biggest fan. This is the part of you that loves you for all that you are. Your heart is meant to guide your mind and ego. It’s habitual for us to think it is the other way around: that the mind, filled with fear, doubt and a need to control our experiences and future, is meant to guide our true authentic self. Some of you have practiced meditation, meaning practiced being the “observer”. While this is an excellent practice, know that divine you is not a separate you who observes your experiences. You came here to experience being a human, with human thoughts, feelings and judgments. While I am practiced at observing, when I call on help from my true divine nature, it actually is not separate from “me”. It is the me that remembers that I am not my experiences. I remember that my experiences do not define me nor limit my reality, but I can describe them. Rather, I am having experiences, and honor that what I am experiencing is absolutely real to me. This brings me the light, relief, calmness and love that is ever present if I only remember. You can be like the hawk, flying higher to see this bigger perspective and truth of reality. When you come down from the sky and go to catch your dinner, filled with survival needs like feeding your body, you are bringing with you that bigger perspective of what brings true nourishment to your soul when you were flying above. A hawk is always a hawk. He immerses in his experience, whether from a broader perspective above or hunting on earth below. By deliberately practicing, you can remain conscious of who you really are, even when immersed in any life experience. So go ahead and practice observing during your meditation time, and then come down, grounding into your heart and body here and now, able to fully be there for yourself, even in challenging times. by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Spirituality is something I’ve been passionate about since I was a child. I’ve been most interested in lifting that thin veil between the reality we’ve been taught is “real” and the one that contains magic and miracles, the one where anything is possible and everything is an aspect of the divine. Some people have stories of their spiritual awakening, those sudden profound experiences that changed their world. Others, like me, are slow and steady.
I understand that spirituality is also my “hobby”. Not everyone is an avid researcher and experience seeker like me. Maybe you are passionate about your relationships, career, health, nature, music, art, or sports. Most of us weren’t trained to talk about spirituality, so it’s becomes a bit of a mystery. It’s either enmeshed in religion, a taboo subject at the dinner table like politics is, or considered unrealistic, “woo-woo” or new age thinking. If we do go there, it’s compartmentalized. Today I’ll be spiritual when I meditate in the morning, then I’ll eat, get some exercise, work, be with and take care of my family and friends, and relax in front of the television. The thing is, spirituality isn’t just a form of entertainment or a hobby. It is the nature of who we are. It permeates every aspect of our lives. It is there when you wake and while you are sleeping. Why would you want to consciously separate it out from the rest of your life? That’s an easy one to answer: When we feel separate, or compartmentalize spirituality from other aspects of our lives, it is simply a part of our forgetting. Spirituality is a journey, one of forgetting our true divine nature and then remembering. Truth, deep wisdom, is a felt experience and state of being, so it is difficult to put words to. Once we start to talk about our true nature, there is a natural feeling of separation from it in order to understand and dissect it. What I want you to know is that you cannot separate yourself or your life from your true authentic self. It’s all part of the game, an illusion! It’s not like, “Well, I don’t meditate, I don’t live from my heart, I don’t believe in God, or I don’t go to church. I’m not into spirituality.” Or worse, “I’m not spiritual enough. I’m not aware enough, loving enough, happy enough, or don't practice enough.” Being spiritual can easily become a game of getting to some place, some ideal life or way of being, that you aren’t already at. One day, you’ll arrive. What if you have arrived, right here, right now? What if there’s nothing to do but practice remembering you’re perfect just the way you are, with all your “imperfections”? Yes, it is a practice. We’ve built up a strong wall to have us feel safe and in control of an ever-changing reality. This wall is filled with habits that have us successfully survive this life yet keep in place the veil of illusion between what we were raised to believe reality is and the true nature of ourselves and the universe. Are we doing something wrong if we’re suffering? Absolutely not! Suffering is what propels us toward remembering. Suffering is purposeful and part of our soul’s journey. It is a gift, a teacher and is divine. Whatever screams at you as not divine and spiritual is exactly the thing asking you to remember. There is a reason why you’ll keep hearing about the power of the present moment. It is because your spiritual practice is right now, in this moment. Right now you can choose to remember, despite any circumstance. What could be more important? If you are struggling financially, consciously practicing living a spiritual life makes available the reality that abundance is the nature of the universe. If you notice your home is dirty or you need to take a shower, it could be because you are drawn toward the truth of beauty and the deep care for honoring your body and environment. If you want more love in your life, it could be because you are being called to love yourself more than ever before. If you are upset with someone, it could be a call to listen to and understand others, and yourself, more deeply. If someone is violent toward you or others, it could be a way to alert you to the violence within yourself and to see that you deserve to be honored, respected and loved. If you want to lose weight, it could be a call to love your body, care for it more deeply, and shift your relationship with food from enjoying your food to infusing your food with joy. There is plenty more to list, but you can see that spirituality is a shift in perspective and a state of being that includes every aspect of our lives. Who does not want to feel free to be authentically self-expressed, seen and loved for all that they are? Who does not want to trust themselves, to feel joy, to feel loved, and have a rich and meaningful life? Spirituality gives us an opportunity to be empowered rather than victimized by a dangerous world, filled with rules, limitations, lack and just simply unfair experiences. We do not need to seek out living a spiritual life, for we are already living one. Waking up to this reality is what has the universe be able to support the fulfillment of our dreams in magical and miraculous ways. Most of the world is asleep, and this is also a part of the game afoot. You, my beloved, are waking up. How do I know? Because you’re reading this. Know that it’s not your job to wake others up. It is for you to wake up more fully, experiencing the beauty, perfection, magic and love that permeates every moment of your life when you choose to see it. This includes when you notice you are sleepy, drowsy or asleep. It’s all a part of your waking up to the truth of who you authentically are. It is your offering and service to the world. Is the goal, then, to wake up fully? It would be easy to say yes, but honestly, I’m so done with that goal. Instead, let your goal be to trust your process here and now, infusing your life with joy in all that you are and all that you do. For today you are alive! How cool is it to get to be a multi-dimensional spiritual being able to create and have experiences in a dense physical world? Let it go, just let all that “yadda yadda” talk in your head go, for just this moment. Put your hands on your heart and breathe. Right now, at this very moment, there is so much to be grateful for and appreciate. Truly! Look around you or look within you, seeking out the sparks of beauty, love, care, peacefulness, connection and abundance that are here right now. Right now, move in the direction of your deepest values, your greatest heart’s desires and full self-expression of the wonderful, magical, divine and joyful gift that YOU are. by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. With Spring Equinox yesterday and the upcoming Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on Wednesday, March 23rd, there is a powerful opportunity to plant the seeds of our dreams and desires. Right now, our intuition and emotions are also heightened. Before we declare our dreams and intentions, we must be willing to look at and release that which is holding us back. Choosing to commit to being awake to the truth of who you divinely are is the Hero’s Journey, the warrior’s path. For on this path, we must bravely and honestly face all of our thoughts, feelings and experiences. As you look at what your are wanting to manifest, you can ask, “Are these dreams feeding the growth of my soul, the desires of my authentic self?” Any dreams that are based in love, in a feeling of pure joy for being alive, come from the authentic self. Any doubts that you can have those dreams fulfilled alert you to your forgetting about who you really are and what you are actually capable of. Your fears and doubts give you an opportunity to move toward your greatest dreams and desires. They show you where you have outdated habits that are based in upset from the past or fears of the future. By being aware of them, honoring how they guide you to move toward your true divine nature, you can then choose practices that bring you into conscious connection with your authentic self. You can choose to trust your process, which includes upsets and challenges. Because of the powerful energies affecting all of us right now, you are naturally more in touch with your heart’s desires and the path to reaching those desires. Trusting that your intuition is heightened, you can tap into your inner knowing as well as the divine guidance that surrounds you. This is a truly magical time! You deserve to take full advantage of having your dreams fulfilled! A Simple Releasing and Manifestation Ritual You’ll need: Pieces of paper and pen, a fire-proof container such as a kitchen pot, matches or a lit candle, a bowl of water large enough to dip your hands into, your journal or paper to write on. 1. Set aside a quiet time where you will be uninterrupted for at least 20 minutes. 2. Make your space feel good! This could be with a beautiful or inspiring image, crystals, flowers or a statue. Maybe you’d like to light a candle or put on some soothing music that creates peacefulness and warmth in your heart. 3. Begin with your regular meditation practice or the following: Sit comfortably, close your eyes and breathe. Place your hands on your heart and as you exhale, make a sound such as “Ahhhh.” Do this a few times. Imagine white light is expanding from your heart, bringing with it peacefulness and relaxation. This white light, the divine essence of who you are, expands more and more, enveloping your body like a bubble of white light. 4. Ask yourself, “What am I willing to let go of that no longer serves me?” Notice whatever comes to mind, whether a habitual thought, judgment, fear, or a way of acting in the world. For example, this could be eating habits, unhealthy relationships, or physical pain. Open your eyes and write each down on a separate piece of paper. 5. For each item you wrote (filling in the blanks with that item), declare: “I am willing to let go of ________. Thank you, _________ for trying to protect me and keep me safe. I now release you for my highest good and growth. I forgive myself for _________. I did the best I knew how, given my state of consciousness at the time." 6. If you feel any doubt, repeat your declaration until you feel you truly are affirming you are willing to let go. 7. In a safe and secure space (or outside), do the following for each piece of paper: Over your fireproof container, light a corner of the paper with your candle or matches, placing it in the container. As each piece of paper burns, declare, “I now release you with love. I am free. So it is.” 8. Be sure all fire is out completely. 9. Placing your hands in the bowl of water, declare, “I wash away the old and open to the new.” 10. Sit with your journal or paper and pen in arms reach. Close your eyes and place your hands on your heart. Feeling the white light surrounding you, call on your angels. “Angels, I call on you for guidance for my highest dreams fulfilled. Please assist me in clearly knowing my next divine step. Thank you! I am open to magic and miracles!” 11. Notice any thoughts, feelings, sensations, memories, sounds, or images that occur. Open your eyes and begin to write in your journal. Allow whatever comes to mind to be put on paper. Write all the things you notice, no matter how seemingly unrelated. Trust that whatever you write is coming from your intuition and divine guidance. If something doesn’t make sense, you can ask for clarity, breathe, let go, and write more. Remember: you’re not “trying” to get answers. You’re simply writing freely whatever you notice or is guided through your hand to pen and paper. This could be drawings as well. 12. Drink plenty of water. Consider leaving your journal entry for 3 days and returning to reading it then. Often more insight, integration and understanding blossom after a few days. 13. Take any action guided by your insights! May you be blessed with empowered magic and miracles manifest! by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and WayShower, guiding the way to living a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Doubt is a powerful emotion that comes with a list of reasons why we are in a wrong situation. Doubt about the self comes in many forms, such as our beauty, intelligence or choices. Doubt about the world can show up in our finances, relationships, or feeling of safety in our environment. Our heads spin stories about how we are not good enough, can't have what we want, aren’t making the right choices, or aren’t where we are supposed to be. When we doubt, we feel helpless in our ability to control our thoughts, feelings, situation and experience. Doubt can stop us from moving forward with our dreams and enjoying our lives now. The freedom, joy, relief, love and trust we are craving does not lie outside of doubt. The way out is the way through. Rather than trying to solve the problems that doubt seems to create, the first place to start is by changing our minds about what doubt actually is. We can choose to tell a different story about doubt, even if there is no evidence that our new story is “true” or “factual.” Remember that you can gather evidence to prove that your doubts are real. That is just one viewpoint of many you can choose to live in. Instead of making yet another enemy in life, the “doubt monster,” we can begin by greeting our doubt as we would a friend, a wise teacher, and an ally. Doubt screams at us to listen, and if we resist, it only screams louder. We can hold up the white flag and say, “Ok, ok! I surrender! What are your terms?” You might think that the way through doubt is to take action despite your doubts and concerns. While this is a part of moving through doubt, using action alone it is like putting a small Band Aid over a deep cut that needs much more attention. Ignoring the wound will not make it go away. If you take a step towards your doubt by acknowledging it and asking what it wants, you’ll find that the peacefulness that trust brings is available within your doubt. Acknowledging your doubts opens up freedom to make a different choice. We often drown in our doubts or use any means necessary to avoid, escape or find relief from them. What is being called for is to understand that these doubts are based in the past, when you experienced separation from your true authentic self and the divine. They are a gift because they show you where your attention is and that you have forgotten your authentic nature, which is connected to and in harmony with all. By the nature of who you truly are, your choices and challenges are always a part of your divine path. This includes the experiences that had you feel unsafe, alone and uncertain. When you choose to trust your path, you open to the abundance, peacefulness, support and love that reside within you and around you. When you doubt, you have an opportunity to choose trust. This means you must first be honest about your doubts, thanking them for trying to protect you, and then choose to focus on trusting yourself, the universe and your unique path of evolution and growth. This will begin to give you clarity as to whether your doubt is based on fears or your intuition. The difference between the two lies in your experience of doubt. Know that intuitive guidance that directs you, for example, to stay away from a dangerous situation, is not doubt but rather a type of inner knowing. Your intuition may suddenly alert you to an immediate action to take, but it not bogged down by your busy mind, fears, anxiety, worry or stress. Anytime you notice a doubt, you can breathe, place your hand on your heart, and say, “I trust myself. Thank you for my life!” Be gentle on yourself and your doubts. Each time you allow yourself to actually notice and feel your doubts, you are receiving the gift of an opening to bring more loving attention to yourself and return to trust. A MESSAGE FROM THE ANGELS & ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL
Trust comes from a place of allowing. Many of you do not feel comfortable with the word surrender, so we will use allowing to explain the energy of trust. Allowing is a statement to the universe, to God and the angels, that you are willing to be supported, open to the possibility that you are not alone, not in danger, and never held in a negative view by a vengeful God or universe. You are here to thrive, not survive. You have survived for so long, many of you repeating lifetimes on this Earth in which your survival was your primary task. Or so it seemed. Archangel Jophiel steps in to speak: You are meant to feel the joy of the angelic realm, the beauty of your abundance of experiences. Look at the earth around you, at nature. I am here to assist you in seeing the abundance and joy that surrounds you. It is always surrounding you. Oh, the beauty of the world opens your heart! Can you feel it? Nature calls you to allow yourself to open to its beauty, its harmony and its abundance. Call on me, Archangel Jophiel, to assist you when you feel doubt. I am here to protect you, to envelop you with the pure essence of trust. All your desires live within you, and if you were not capable of having them manifest, you would not wish for them. This is the illusion of time. Just because you do not have things as you see they could be does not mean you have done something wrong. It means that you see your future, and it is certain. How can this be? You, beloved, are here to create more love and beauty than has ever been known. You were born to do this. You can have this now by enjoying the beauty around you, infusing it with the love in your heart, with the attention of your sweet gratitude and appreciation. Do you see? Open your eyes to the beauty around you and you will have more! This is surrender. You surrender to trusting that all you need is here now, and all you seem to not have is simply not time for yet. Your doubt of the present is really just seedlings beneath the earth promising beautiful flowers in Spring. Are you willing to trust? Are you willing to infuse the flowers in bloom now with your loving appreciation? You are loved and cared for unconditionally. Allow yourself to feel your connection to the divine, even just to connect to the smell of a flower, the smile of a stranger, or the warmth of the sun. Trust and know that you are completely enveloped by the light of the divine at all times, even in your darkest hour and doubts. Open to receiving all the love, support and guidance by trusting yourself and your divine unfolding. You are so loved! by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and WayShower, guiding the way to living a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Decisions, decisions. Why is it so easy to see what looks best for a friend to do and sometimes so challenging to make decisions for yourself?
Okay, maybe it’s not so hard to decide what to eat for dinner. Or is it? Research shows we make between 15 - 200 decisions a day around food. Furthermore, we make anywhere between 5,000 and 35,000 decisions every day. The ability to make wise choices isn’t a personality trait, and having no willpower isn’t your problem. Psychologists call it “decision fatigue,” and it depletes your natural willpower. Given my background in fitness, I like to think of each decision as doing one repetition in strength training. If you’re doing bicep curls, at some point, your muscles are going to weaken and fatigue. We start out in the morning filled up with energy and our best decision making skills. As the alarm goes off, we have to decide to snooze it or not. We decide if we’ll get out of bed, brush our teeth, take a shower, what to wear, what to eat or drink, and not to mention whatever else in going on in that head of ours about things we will be doing that day. Feeling a little depleted already? Decision fatigue effects our ability to make the best and healthiest choices. That’s when we grab the easiest thing to eat, do our impulse shopping, or snap at a loved one when we otherwise would have stayed calm or communicated more lovingly. If decision fatigue has the ability to make our day-to-day decisions more challenging, imagine what it can do to those bigger life decisions around career, health, money, and relationships. These are decisions we’ve probably been thinking about for quite a while. Filled with doubt and uncertainty, we are probably exhausted by the stress of it all. As time goes by, clarity seems to elude us even more. How To Make Decisions More Effectively 1. Meditate. Meditation is a way to calm the mind and become more present. Taking even a few minutes to simply notice your breath begins to illicit more relaxation in your body and clarity in your mind. Remember that the mind and your thoughts are not something you need to “turn off” during meditation. Meditation offers peace of mind as we embrace whatever we are experiencing in the moment with gentle attention. Once you are aware of your experiences, with nothing to fight against, you then have a greater ability to choose what to give your attention to, be it your breath, bodily sensations, thoughts or emotions. This gentle awareness cultivated during meditation allows you to have more clarity and make better choices. 2. Take a Walk. There’s nothing like fresh air, sun and nature to clear your mind and relax you. Even in the city, where I grew up, nature shows itself through the cracks in the sidewalk, the air, the sounds of pigeons and the sky above. Put down what you’re doing and take a walk, even for 10 minutes. I promise you’ll feel even better and clearer about your decisions. 3. Become Aware of When You’re Fatigued. Sometimes we don’t like to admit when we’re fatigued. The “be tough” attitude keeps us moving forward despite illness, pain and emotional upset. What are we trying to prove and who really cares? What if the coolest thing you could do, the thing most respected by others, was taking care of yourself? Admitting you’re fatigued allows others to step up and assist you. I know you can toughen up and get it done. You’ve got nothing to prove to me. Notice when you’re on edge, when you want to grab those chips or candy bars at the check out, when you’re more “snappy” or impatient with your loved ones, or just plain not enjoying your life. You’ll be at your best when you admit those times you’re not in the best state to make decisions. When you’re confused, hungry, sick, tired, angry, frustrated, doubtful or agitated, know that you are not going to make the most effective decisions in the moment. Make the ones you absolutely need to right now, and save the rest for when you feel calmer, more peaceful, clear and loving. 4. Connect To Your Heart. Your heart is a source of infinite solutions. It is meant to guide your mind and ego. Your heart holds and expresses the most loving viewpoints and choices available to you. Placing your hand on your heart and putting your attention and breath into your heart aligns you with your Divine Will-Power to make the best choices in the moment. It may surprise you by its guidance, but if you take action from that gentle quiet voice beneath your stressful thoughts and concerns, you’ll find that each step you take is indeed for your highest good. 5. Plan Ahead. Even the most spontaneous of us can benefit by planning ahead. Write out your grocery list before you shop. Schedule in when you’ll pay the bills. Commit to what time and days you’ll exercise. Plan your meals ahead of time, whether that morning or for the week. Clear out your closet of clothes you don’t wear. Choose what day you’ll do laundry or clean house. You don’t need to be a schedule hound, but by planning ahead the things you know you’ll be doing anyway, you’ll have more energy for the decisions you need to make today, especially if there are big life-changing decisions you are thinking about. 6. Ask for Help From the Universe. You don’t have to believe in God or the angels in order to get assistance from a universe that is in a living co-creative relationship with you. The thing I love about divine guidance is that it comes one step at a time, relieving us of a laundry list of decisions to make when making plans toward a goal. Calling, praying, or asking for help works! Do it in your style, in a way that feels good to you, knowing that the universe and divine guidance are an ever-present source of love and support that will assist you if you ask and are willing to take action. You are never alone! 7. Talk to a Neutral Friend. If we are stressed, trying to decide something, the last thing we need is for someone else to tell us what to do or rev up our stress by agreeing with us about how difficult our decision is. You may think this is what you want, but if you reflect back, you’ll find that although your friends meant well, what you really wanted was someone to just listen to you with love and compassion. You want to find your own answers. When a loving friend gives you even the best of advice without your asking, you are usually left feeling bad about not using it and they are left feeling frustrated by you not taking it. Asking a friend to just listen and gently reflect back what they hear helps you see more clearly. You might ask for their advice as a way to open your mind to a new viewpoint, knowing that in the end you are the one who will make your own decisions. Your friends love and care about you, and it is their love that holds you up in challenging times. 8. Journal. Writing down your thoughts, concerns, dreams and fears is a way to get them out of your head so you can think more clearly. By taking the time to give attention to your thoughts on paper, you get to know what you really want, what is stopping you, and which choice feels best. Journal. Draw. Doodle. Put those choices out on paper so you can see more clearly. 9. Make Decisions Quickly. There’s plenty of research to back up the fact that successful people make decisions quickly. Now wait a minute – remember you do want to be in a calm clear state of mind before making major decisions. I’m talking about those day-to-day decisions that you might put off or doubt. What restaurant should we go to? Which shirt should I buy? Should I take a walk or continue working? Over thinking decisions has us doubt ourselves and creates more stress. When you practice making decisions quickly, you begin to trust your own choices. You tap into your intuition, which is depleted when you analyze and dissect your choices. By practicing making decisions quickly, you’ll be better able to make those important choices when they arise. 10. Get More Sleep. Yeah, yeah, you’ve heard this before. But seriously, our culture right now seems to pride itself on being over-worked and sleep deprived. Put down the phone, turn off the television and close your computer. Some of you remember the days before cell phones, computers and Cable T.V. Did you miss anything important back then? That text, Facebook post or T.V. episode is not that important. It’s all a form of more unnecessary stress, increasing your decision fatigue. Should I answer that text right now? Should I like that FB post, emoticon it, or type a comment? Cut out unnecessary decisions and instead treat yourself to more rejuvenating sleep. Fill up your cup of clarity and energy for your next decision-filled day! 11. Eat Your Vegetables. We live in a country of abundant food choices where many of us are under-nourished and sick. A plant-based whole foods diet feeds your body with the nourishment it needs to make the best choices for your life. Glucose levels in our brain play an important role in our decision-making ability. We might habitually increase our glucose by eating sugar, but unfortunately, sugar spikes our glucose levels and then crashes them down quickly. We need to fuel our bodies with healthy nutrients throughout the day. If you’ve ever dieted, you know the effect that minimal food or lack of certain nutrients has on your willpower. Worrying about the sugar, much less the carbs, fat, chemicals, GMO’s and processing that goes into your food will only create more stress. (I felt stressed just writing that last sentence!) Instead, consider adding more whole foods, organic if possible, into your diet. Add double the veggies in a recipe. Eat a handful of nuts instead of a Snicker’s bar. Choose to have water instead of soda. Buy whole grains like brown rice instead of white. Order a side of steamed vegetables. Eat an apple. You get the idea. More veggies please! 12. Make Your Important Decisions In the Morning. Knowing that decision fatigue increases throughout the day, consider making your most important decisions in the morning. This is when you are well-rested and those glucose levels in your brain are at their highest. P.S. Did I give too many choices on ways to make better decisions? Well, just pick one! Tell me a number between one and twelve. That one! by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and WayShower, guiding the way to living a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Having a magical life isn’t just for those who cast spells, dress in gypsy garb, channel messages from beyond or seem to suddenly manifest their dream job, home or relationship. In fact, you’re able to have a magical life simply because it is the nature of who you are. It’s all a matter of what you choose to believe and put your attention on. Magic arises from a state of consciousness where anything is possible. The world of magic will come out to play when you are willing to play with it. You deserve all the fun and joy you can imagine you can have! Life calls you all the time to play in the world of magic and miracles. Want to hear its call more loudly? Try some of these! 75 WAYS TO HAVE A MORE MAGICAL LIFE 1. Use your intention, like you’re a magician or high priestess using words of power. “I call forth magic and miracles manifested for the highest good of all. So it is!” (Make some cool hand movements while you do it.) 2. Sing or whistle back to the birds and imagine you’re having a conversation. 3. Watch the clouds and let them show you shapes and images. 4. Volunteer. 5. Bless your food and water. Thank the Earth and Kingdoms for their nourishment and infuse your food and water with the highest light. 6. Put crystals, flowers or essential oils in your bath water. 7. Pick up some angel or tarot cards and choose a card for the day each morning. 8. Upon waking, say, “Thank you for this day! May I be blessed with more love and joy than ever before!” 9. Take a walk and ask the universe a question. Notice the first 3 things you see that catch your attention or seem out of place. There is your answer! 10. When someone upsets you, say to yourself, “Thank you wise teacher! May you be blessed. Thank you for pointing me in the direction of things I need to love more within myself!” 11. Open your arms wide to the sun and imagine its light filling every cell of your being. 12. Ask the universe a question, write it down and put it under your pillow, knowing you will receive the answer in a dream. 13. Stop what you’re doing, take some deep breaths and notice the beauty around you. 14. Call on your angels to fill your room and home with light, love and protection. 15. Meditate with the words, “I AM.” 16. Hug a tree. 17. Smile and say hello to the check-out clerk. Give them a compliment. Make eye contact. 18. Imagine that anything you need or want is right around you. Eyes open, bring your eyes to that invisible spot that contains what you want and imagine a string connecting you with it. 19. Put on a song you love and dance, fully self-expressed, like if someone was watching you, they’d think you’re crazy! 20. Talk to your car. Tell it how much you love and appreciate it. Find its sweet spot and rub it – like on the dashboard above the steering wheel. 21. Give all your attention to someone you want more attention from. Be interested only in getting to know and understand them more. 22. When paying bills, say, “Thank you! Thank you for showing me that I am filled with prosperity by giving me a service and trusting I will pay for it afterward!” 23. Get a tattoo that reminds you of something you love and brings you joy each time you see it. 24. Assume you can see angels and fairies. Look for flashes of light at the edges of your vision. 25. Declare that everything in your life has brought you to this most magical and powerful moment right now. 26. Buy yourself your favorite flowers. 27. Stand or walk barefoot on the earth. 28. Draw a mandala. 29. Catch snowflakes on your tongue. 30. Ask the “parking angels” to show you where your parking spot it is. Imagine yourself parking your car in the perfect spot, and then just follow any inclination of what direction to drive to get to it. 31. Make a wish on a shooting star. 32. Write yourself a love letter, expressing all the things you love and appreciate about yourself. Mail it! 33. Pay for the toll of the person behind you at a toll bridge. 34. Howl at the full moon. 35. Ask a question and then open any book to a random page and read what your eyes are first drawn to. 36. Get an intuitive reading, knowing that person is just reminding you and affirming what you already know. 37. Give away any the clothes that don’t make you feel good and beautiful. 38. Wear fairy wings and grant people wishes. 39. When you have a sudden thought to do something, like make a call or take a walk, do it right now! 40. Be the first one to apologize after an argument. 41. Write down 10 things you are grateful for each morning. 42. Create an altar that brings you joy. 43. Imagine that someone you want to talk to, a deceased loved one or famous person, is sitting across from you at the table. Ask them anything you want. 44. Infuse your money with love and imagine giving that love to the person you hand it to. 45. Take a class on something that looks fun and for no other reason. 46. Ask your body what would nourish it most when choosing what to eat. 47. Put a quartz crystal in water on a windowsill in sunlight for a few hours. Drink it. 48. Tidy Up: Keep only what brings you joy in your home. 49. Strip down and run into the ocean or jump into a lake. 50. Watch one of your favorite comedies. 51. Get an astrology reading. 52. Wonder if something you don’t believe in isn’t real because you don’t believe. 53. Write down something you’re ready to let go of and burn the paper. 54. Make a list of all the extraordinary experiences you’ve ever had. 55. Make a vision board and watch your dreams manifest. 56. Call up a friend just to say hello and find out what they’re up to and how they’re doing.
57. Play outside in a summer rainstorm. 58. Go for a drive with no specific destination in mind. Take exits that look interesting. 59. Plan your dream vacation. 60. Have a picnic. 61. Stop watching or reading mainstream media and news, even just for a week. 62. Sing along with abandon to your favorite song. 63. Imagine ahead of time how well a situation is going to go. 64. Watch a sunrise or sunset. 65. Blow bubbles! 66. Sage your house, blessing it with love and light. 67. Plant crystals into the earth. 68. Wear your favorite jewelry no matter the occasion. 69. Put some chimes outside, a sound you love. 70. Walk a labyrinth. 71. Cat videos! 72. Smell a flower while out on a walk. 73. Turn off the television, phone and computer, and have a conversation with a loved one with no distractions. 74. Simply say, “Thank you!” when given a compliment. 75. Choose to believe in magic. by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and WayShower, guiding the way to living a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Taking action on the desires and guidance of your heart can be scary and confusing. This kind of guidance resides outside the norm of time and space, where we plan, research and use our logic and intellect to make responsible decisions. When we follow our hearts, there is no apparent safety net, no rules or time-tested measurable results we can count on. Our hearts call us to make choices that bring us closer to our true divine nature. We didn’t grow up being taught about our true divine nature. In fact, as we grow up, we become more and more separated from our natural ability to live in the moment and experience life through the eyes of our divine selves and the higher dimensions. We are taught that we cannot trust our hearts, for it is our hearts that have led us astray in aspects of our lives like relationships and finances. Someone says they are following their heart, and we see how they are about to crash and burn. The experiences you have witnessed, in others and yourself, where following your heart led to pain, is a misinterpretation both of the heart and of pain. Taking action from a heart desperate for love, for fulfillment, for joy and connection, actually blocks your heart’s natural ability to inform your mind of the next step to take. The desperation or frustration you feel is informing you that you are not actually in your heart in that moment. Desperation and yearning are forms of lack, of not enough. We want something we think we cannot have right now. Your heart lacks nothing, filled with a depth of love that connects you to an unending stream of joy, connection, abundance and peace. Keys To Trusting Your Heart’s Desire 1. Cultivate Heart-Based Emotions Your heart is your power source, plugged into unconditional love and radiant light. You get to strengthen that power by connecting more to your heart, or weaken it by unplugging your heart from your mind and ego. In order to follow your true heart’s desire, you must practice living in your heart. Take some deep breaths, and imagine your inhale going into your heart and your exhale coming out from your heart. This begins to anchor your awareness in your heart, allowing it to inform you. The easiest heart-based feeling to cultivate is gratitude and appreciation. This can be for anything: any person, any item in your room, any experience that you can authentically feel gratitude for in this moment. Other heart-based emotions include peacefulness, calmness, joy, and harmony. 2. Build Self-Awareness Following our hearts without self-awareness is often what people think of when judging others who follow their hearts as irresponsible and dumb. A lack of self-awareness results in following your heart blindly. Love does not make us blind. Our lack of practice in knowing our thoughts, motivations and fears do. We’ve all had friends who say they are “following their hearts,” and from your view, you see they are being foolish and know the end result will be bad for them. This seems to happen most often around money and relationships. What’s up with that? They say love is blind. On the highest level, it is; for love does not judge and sees all as divine. But as you know, the saying “love is blind” usually implies choices made that result in negative outcomes. Blindness comes from unwillingness to take an honest look at yourself or simply a lack of education or experience in being self-aware. Self-awareness naturally extends to awareness of others. When you make choices or take action without taking a look at your motivations, beliefs, doubts and fears, you are using more wishful thinking than your heart’s guidance. You want more prosperity, so you invest in something that in the end is a scheme or doesn’t work out. You want more love, and wind up in a relationship that is manipulative or abusive. What is happening is that you are actually being guided by your ego, the one who wants what they want and wants it now, the one who is so painfully lacking the experience of love, attention, abundance, and vibrant well being you want now. Getting to know yourself is a path of compassionate awareness. You might take on a practice such as meditating in the morning. Remember that self-awareness isn’t just those 5 minutes or an hour you set aside. That is your “practice” time that enhances your ability to have that awareness 24/7, any moment you remember to, with an attitude of loving attention as opposed to if you are doing it right or wrong. 3. Be Committed to Opening Your Heart When we begin to cultivate heart-based feelings, often all the excuses, feelings and experiences that are not of the heart surface. Normally we try to push those aside, especially when we are committed to a spiritual love-centered path. Even when our goal is to be positive and loving, it’s easy to think that our job is to remove, destroy or ignore anything that is “not” that. Your fears, pain, doubt, guilt, anger, grief and frustration do not go away when you push them aside. They surface to ask for the loving attention of your heart. It is the brave warrior that is willing to open her heart and say, “Yes!” to what is presenting in the moment. Notice the ways you escape what you are being called to notice and love, such as through eating, watching television, shopping or drugs. Be gentle on yourself, especially in challenging and stressful situations. Know you really are doing the best you can in the moment! As we open our hearts, what we are really doing is melting away the blocks of protection we’ve put over our already-open hearts. You might feel palpable sensations in your heart, whether pressure, chest pain or changes in your heartbeat. Always seek medical attention if you are drawn to, and also be open to the possibility that your heart is simply opening. In my personal experience when confronted with my own fears, worries or doubts, there have been times when I feel I can’t breathe. I feel pressure on my chest as if my lungs are closing, my throat feels blocked, and as like I'm going to have a panic attack. I think, “I can’t stay in this body! Let me out!” Each time this has occurred and I choose to stay with my experience, breathe into my fears and trust my process, my heart has opened to love more than ever before. Please remember that what you do for yourself you do for the entire collective of people on the planet. While our experiences are personal, they are also a part of what is happening to everyone and we are feeling it all. I acknowledge and thank you for being brave, for being committed to love despite your fears, and for transforming the entire world through your own practice. 4. Examine Your Heart’s Desire Being willing to be honest about all your thoughts and feelings will give you clarity about your true heart’s desire. Take a piece of paper out and make two columns. At the top of the left column write the words, “My Heart’s Desire” and at the top of the right column, “My Fears”. The more you’ve practiced cultivating heart-based emotions, the easier it will be to know the difference between your heart and your head or ego. Our job isn’t to get rid of the ego, but to live first and foremost in our hearts, allowing the heart to inform the mind and ego. Example: My Heart’s Desire My Fears Be in romantic loving relationship I like my independence. I’m too old, ugly, fat, poor… I don’t want to get hurt again. Have the career of my dreams I can’t make money doing that. I have responsibilities. I don’t have enough experience. Take a look at your fears column and notice that most of them are based on your past experiences, your assumptions about your life and reality, and on what is lacking or “not enough”. You’re not good enough, no job or person is good enough, there’s not enough money, not enough time, etc. In order to protect yourself, you must stay in the same spot you are in now. Even if it is painful, at least you’re surviving. Consider that if you want to follow your heart, then you must honor your fears by respecting them. Ask them how you can serve them. Thank them for trying to protect you. Let them know you are there, to simply love them and honor them. 5. Notice Your Heart’s Desire Right Now Once you are aware of what is not your heart’s desire, you can open up to what is. Your heart’s desire comes from a place of pure love, where trusting yourself and a feeling of peacefulness and enthusiasm for life reside. It has no set future plans, meaning that it is in the timeless place of the present moment. Your heart nudges you, in this moment. It is so easy to navigate your day on automatic pilot. This is often experiences as a constant to-do list in your head. It is a list of “shoulds”, of judgments about yourself and what you or others should be doing. We rush around, keeping busy, shutting out the quiet guidance of our hearts. Your heart’s guidance most often arises as a gentle feeling, a soft voice or image in the background of your busy mind. It might nudge you to stop and enjoy the scenery around you, take a walk, drink some water, or give loving attention to a friend. Your true heart’s desire is to have the life of your dreams right now, in this moment, and you can! All you desire, nothing lacking, resides in your heart. Your future does not hold the place of your dreams fulfilled. Right now, this moment, does. Your heart knows that you are perfect just as you are in this moment, and so is everyone else, even with all your fears, judgments and shortcomings. This means that you have the choice in this moment to enjoy your life just as it is. Your heart gives you power in any situation, for if there is nothing to fix or fight against, then all that is left is to take the most loving action, for yourself and others, in the moment. It might assist you to think of someone whom is the most loving being you know. It could be someone in your life, someone like Jesus, Buddha or Mother Theresa, or your divine guides and angels. Ask yourself, what would the angels do? What would Jesus do? What would my true divine self do? 6. Be Willing to Make Mistakes Let’s say you want to have a better relationship with a friend or partner. Your heart’s desire is to have more love present, more understanding, connection or better communication. You’ve noticed that you have a list of fears: They don’t care about what I have to say. They’ll leave if I am honest about my feelings or opinion. They’re just like that and are never going to change. I’ve tried that before and it made it worse. When you take action from those fears, that action often seems to backfire. However, consider that even if you choose to take action when aware of your fears that are still present, it is movement in the direction of your heart’s desire. You are practicing! You have committed to practicing self-awareness (see #2). You can begin to unravel the difference between your fears and your heart’s desire. You don’t have to wait. Every experience can teach you how to live in and trust your heart more and more. Living a life trapped in the box of fearing rejection, upset or failure may have us feel safe, yet at the same time closes us off to the stream of possibility that our hearts offer. We all want more freedom, self-expression, joy, pleasure, abundance and connection. We can have more when we choose to trust our heart’s desire and take action from that desire. The Truth of Who You Are
The truth of who you are is that you are not lacking in anything, and the one to give you what you want is you. No amount of money, no amount of sage advice or guidance from another, no amount of attention or love from another can give this to you. Your heart is crying out to let you know that YOU are the one who contains all you desire. When you are willing to take a look at yourself honestly and cultivate love, compassion, forgiveness and trust, then the universe can provide you with what you are wanting in your outer experiences. Your heart is waiting for you to fall in love with yourself! It is asking you to fall in love with all that you are and your life just as it is now. Take the time to slow down, to breathe, and to take a step in that direction in this moment. Your heart will never fail you. No matter how small that step is, such as to smile at someone in the grocery line, to say hello to a neighbor, to pet your dog or smell a flower, your heart is guiding you to live in this precious now moment and take actions that infuse you with joy. by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and WayShower, guiding the way to living a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Ah, love. It’s something everyone wants more of. How do you know when you are accessing divine love or just that regular yummy but strings-attached conditional love? First we’ll look at what divine love is not. Anyone raised in a traditional religion was taught that there are certain behaviors you must exhibit and rules you must follow in order to be in the good graces of God and get to that divine place, be it Heaven, Eden or Nirvana. That’s far from divine love. Anytime you have the “I will love you if…” experience, from a loved one or yourself, you know you are not experiencing divine love. There is a very specific reason I was drawn to becoming an expert at connecting to my client’s angels, archangels, ascended masters and divine guides. Calling upon their angels, that person is immediately enveloped with divine love. We all know that feeling well, for it is who we are, in our hearts and our divine higher self. Divine love says, “I love you. How may I serve you?” It is unwavering. No action, thought, feeling or experience can change the timeless stream of pure acceptance, peace and love that flows through the higher realms of angels and the true divine self. Love is the nature of the universe. Divine love and the universe are neutral, with that no-strings-attached attitude. The universe gives you more of what you have your attention on and call forth, without question or judgment. How do you know when you’re connecting to your higher self, to your divine intuition, or to your angels? Everyone experiences this uniquely, but there are some palpable cornerstones of divine love I’m sure you have experienced at least one of. Even when you experience divine love for the briefest moments, miracles occur. *PEACE* Despite anything happening in your world, you feel a sense of calmness. Your breathing becomes slower. You relax. You experience in the present moment that all is well and there is nothing you have to worry about, change or strive towards. *COMPASSION* Divine loves comes with a gentle heart. The lion rests with the lamb. Things we fought against we now surrender to. A compassionate heart seeks to understand all viewpoints and know that any action taken by ourselves or another comes from doing the best that we can given where we are in the moment. You see the pain in others and within yourself, the longing for love and relief. With compassion, you take any action necessary for the well-being of all, including leaving a situation that is abusive. *TRUST* Enveloped by divine love, you release the need to control anything in your life. You simply know, for no logical reason, that all is well in the world. You know that putting your life into the hands of the angels and your higher self will have everything you need taken care of. You trust that everything you are experiencing is for your highest good. *SAFETY* Divine love comes with a sense of safety. Held in the wings of angels, you become more courageous and empowered to take steps you would not have before because of fears and doubts. This love calls forth your ability to take chances and follow your intuition. You may not know what your future holds, but you sense that you do not have to “be in charge” anymore, manipulating, planning and controlling your life in order to feel safe in a dangerous world. *GRATITUDE* The experience of gratitude and appreciation comes more naturally when you feel divine love. You want to bless all the people in your life and all your experiences, as challenging as they may be. Nature becomes more vivid and beautiful, and little things you may not have noticed before rise up to be appreciated. You start to notice what an amazing life you have, here and now. I want some of that! How can I experience more divine love? First, know that you are not lacking in divine love. In fact, it is who you are. You just forget sometimes. Life is our journey of remembering. All the cornerstones of divine love can be practiced and cultivated. Your angels are your guides, not the ones who supply you with divine love. They are here to remind you and show you how you can connect to Divine YOU. Listen to that quiet guidance beneath your to-do list and conditions you must adhere to in order to be able to love yourself, shine out your contribution to the world and give love to others. A MESSAGE FROM THE ANGELS
Divine love is not separate from conditional love or any experience you are having. It is infused in every particle of the universe. You think you need to look outside yourself for divine love and guidance. The truth is, we, the angels, are a part of you, not separate from you. Because you’ve forgotten your own divinity, we stay with you throughout your life, reminding you that you chose this path for a very sacred reason. We applaud you for your bravery and willingness to be a spirit who has chosen to forget their true nature. What challenges you have overcome and will continue to! If you were in our position, seeing you as we do, you would fall to your knees, tears flowing in absolute awe at your inner strength and commitment to love. Loving is easy when everything around you is perfect – when you are surrounded with people who love you just as you are, with an abundance of food, shelter and health, and with an absolute knowledge of why you are here and your gifts to the world. Instead, you have chosen to forget your own mastery and greatness. Your world can bring pain, separation, lack, violence and competition. Yet despite these challenges, you love! You make a difference for others, enjoy and appreciate life, and trust there is reason for it all, even if you do not know what that reason is! Do you see how divine you truly are? Nothing in this life can take that away. Use us to assist you in remembering. Use us to help you align with your divine self and guide you to the steps that will bring you the love and peace you are wanting so desperately sometimes. Ask and you shall receive. Know this to be true. Declare it. Call forth all your angels. Fill your room and home with us. We will guide you toward feeling the love that you are more and more, greater than you ever imagined possible. You must be willing to take help when it is offered. This comes in many forms, whether from humans or the angels. You are not meant to do this alone or with your own will alone. Divine will comes from knowing you are a part of a greater plan, a greater game afoot. You will know divine will by the way you feel when asked to follow it. Doubts and fears can cloud your judgment but are not a part of divine guidance. Commit to acting upon divine will and accepting all the assistance that surrounds you. We love you always and eternally. by Julianne Kulosa I’ve noticed that recently, most of my “re-pins” on Pinterest are number sequences. Pinterest is a site where you can post or “pin” pictures you like and create a “board” of pins, such as a board I have called, “Angels and Divine Guidance.” In fact, over the past 24 hours, 6 people have re-pinned the number sequence 222 from my Angels board. It’s become literally a feedback loop for seeing this number sequence myself, affirming the powerful experience I had with my personal guardian angel about 24 hours ago. If you’re reading this blog, I’m sure you have had the experience of seeing repetitive number sequences or patterns, such as 12:12 on your clock or a bill for $33.33. Seeing number sequences usually come in clusters, as opposed to just seeing one here and there every month or two.
Of course, we immediately want to know, “What does it mean?” You can look up the meaning of specific sequences, such as in “angel numbers” or numerology. There’s good reason seeing these sequences are being called angel numbers, for they occur in response to a higher vibration. If you’re like most of us, you don’t often immediately connect spiritual experience with the physical body. For example, spirituality might come in the form of meditation in the morning and if you have a physical experience, it is left for your physician to diagnose. Physically, we have something called a vagus nerve, which effects our health and creativity. The vagus nerve is one of 12 cranial nerves, and is intimately connected with the heart, lungs and digestive system. Through the action of electrical impulses, the vagus nerve initiates the relaxation response, translates “gut feelings” in the digestive tract to the brain, and brings information from the heart to the brain. As you go through your awakening into a deeper connection with your higher self and divine guidance, the vagus nerve begins to re-wire and expand, causing various symptoms. One of the most common symptoms is seeing number sequences. Numbers are part of the language of light, of divine guidance and the higher realms of the angels. Seeing number sequences isn’t about the angels trying to communicate you. It is about you shifting your own vibration so that you are more in tune with their ever-present guidance. The way to allow these patterns to assist you is to embrace the knowing that you are, indeed, connecting more and more to your higher self and the divine higher realms. Each time you see a series of numbers, say, “Thank you! Thank you for affirming that I am raising my vibration and receiving divine guidance. I am highly intuitive. I am guided by my heart, Divine Will and the angels.” Celebrate these number sequences as proof that you are doing wonderfully! You can look up those numbers and notice what interpretation feels right to you, or you can simply choose to listen to that quiet voice inside that is nudging you to take a step in a certain direction. Trust that gentle voice and you will receive more and more guidance from it. My angels nudged me while writing this, so below is their message. From the Angels While it is true that seeing numbers is affirmation that you are receiving guidance from the angelic realm and your higher self, specific number sequences are like specific colors. Each number and series of numbers holds a very special energy and vibration that contains specific information. 222 The number sequence 222 pertains to the balance of opposites, the opposing energies of light and dark, masculine and feminine, fear and love. When you embrace these opposites, you stand in the center, in your true divine nature, that of unconditional love. Three 2’s remind you that you are integrating your spirit and soul with your body. When you see 222, let it remind you to breathe and know that all is truly well, that you are ever embraced and pulsing with divine love and light, surrounded by angels and guides who love you just as you are, whether you are peaceful, happy, kind, loving, angry, afraid or resentful. No matter your circumstance, you are loved just as you are for all that you are. Sweet angels, you are not ever alone, and all that you are experiencing is your schooling in remembering your own divinity, your own connection to us and your true nature. Let these numbers you see teach you, for they contain special codes of information that will guide and empower your path. You know how you feel a certain way when you experience a color? How do you feel in the forest, surrounded by green trees? How do you feel in the desert, surrounded by tans and browns? How do you feel when you wear certain colors, or enter a room painted in a specific color? The same is true for numbers. How do you feel when you see these numbers? Do you notice something different when you see the numbers, such as in your environment, thoughts, sensations or feelings? You need not try to see these numbers nor strive to understand their meaning. Instead, we ask that you surrender. Allow your present moment perceptions to inform you, what you notice when you see numbers. When you stop trying to make meaning of things, answers and guidance arise on their own, like the wings of angels lifting you up. Appreciate the experience of seeing them, ask for our guidance, and let go. We are always here for you. You need not search us out, just as you can not search for numbers. Let your now moment experience be your guidance, knowing that we are with you always. Let these numbers be your affirmation that you are receiving guidance from us. We love you. by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and WayShower, guiding the way to living a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. I woke from a dream in which some were leaving the planet and others were staying. It was my time, and I could leave. I didn’t want to, thinking how much I love the earth and being human.
After writing my dream down in my dream journal, I knew there was a term for a Christian prophecy my dream seemed to represent. Searching on Google, I found it: the rapture. There’s much debate about it, but basically it is a part of the end times prophecies in the New Testament, foreshadowed in the Old Testament. The simplest interpretation of this prophecy is that believers and followers of Christ suddenly leave the planet (to happily ever after) and non-believers remain (to suffer and be punished). The rapture - where those chosen ascend to the sky in their physical bodies or suddenly disappear - is dismissed by most Christian sects. However, it is entangled with more common prophecies like Judgment Day and the Second Coming of Christ. Prophecy is challenging, for it is filled with symbols and fuzzy lines, and subject to many interpretations. At this time on Earth, the shift in consciousness occurring means that we literally are integrating our higher selves, our souls that reside in 5th dimensional consciousness and beyond, with our physical bodies. The term “ascension process” is often used to describe this choice. One way can ascend is by literally leaving our bodies, aka dying a physical death, which is an absolutely fine choice. What is available now is to connect completely and consciously with our souls while in a physical body. Historically, this was available to only the few, now known as ascended masters, such as Buddha or Jesus. I had another dream recently in which I was in a group of people standing in a circle around a spiritual teacher. He wore layers of natural clothing, such as an oatmeal colored linen robe tied with a rope. We had put some kind of mixture on our faces that I knew would give me a tan afterward. It burned a bit. My face was also covered by a cloth whose thick fibers were rough and spread apart. It hurt to speak, as the fibers cut into my face, and I kept my eyes closed, as if to follow protocol. As the teacher walked away, I followed him with a question as I was trying to peel off the mixture on my face painfully, like you would the layer of skin that peels away from a bad sunburn. The teacher looked upset, as if sad, disappointed and confused. He said, “I don’t understand why people think they need to suffer in the name of spirituality.” I woke and had a Buddhist word in my head, recognizing it but needed to look it up to make sure, as my brain is filled with too many years of education. The word was, “bodihisattva.” A bodhisattva is a Sanskrit term and compound word. “Bohi” means spiritual awakening or enlightenment and “sattva” means a being, essence or spirit. A bodhisattva is an ordinary human like you and me, motivated by pure compassion, and committed to enlightenment and the path of awakening for the benefit of all of humanity. My bodhisattva guide clearly reminded me how the path of awakening, of remembering who we truly are, is much different than in the past. Our beloved ancestors provide us blueprints and wisdom along the way, and we no longer need to suffer in the name of spirituality and being contribution to the world. In the past, the path to enlightenment often included renouncement of the body and physical world, whether through fasting, self-torture, vows of poverty or abstaining from sex. The game has changed. It involves, first and foremost, living in and expanding from the heart. The energy or consciousness of divine love is also called Christ consciousness. It is non-religious, devoid of dogma or judgment. The path of enlightenment, of awakening to our divine nature, is now a process of integrating our spirits into our bodies, as opposed to renouncing the body and physical world. The physical structure of our bodies and the earth are literally changing into a crystalline form, a world in which we can live awake and aware of our divine nature. The ascension process is a bit of a misnomer, as ascension implies upward and outward and our process now is integrating inward, consciously living as spirits in bodies. As we consciously unite our spirits with our bodies, we are all also interconnected in an indescribable way called unity consciousness. Once we attempt to describe this unity, we have separated ourselves from it. At the same time, we each literally live in our own unique experience or dimension. No one ever will have the same exact experience as you. That is what makes each of us so unique and important on this Earth. Masses of people, such as in the rapture prophecy, are literally living in different worlds more and more. Yes, some may choose to leave the planet entirely. For those that stay, some may live in a world of chaos, pain, destruction and violence. Others live in a world of unity, love, abundance and joy, despite any experience. In Christian terms, one is hell, the other heaven. In many ways, we must “die” to who we think we are (our minds and egos) as well as what we think reality to be. If you’re reading this, you probably oscillate between those worlds, as we walk the path of integrating and creating New Earth. New Earth is Christ Consciousness, literally the second coming spoke of in the bible. One definition of Christ out of Merriam-Webster’s dictionary is, “an ideal type of humanity.” Christed, or crystalline, consciousness is pure love, compassion and light, and is in each of us and in everything. Be aware that as the ease of connecting to your true divine self and vibrations of love, peace and unity increases, so does the energy of doubt, fear, separation and lack. The collective consciousness right now, the group energy or planetary thought body of humanity, resides primarily in the denser energies of fear. This is why if you are choosing to be a part of the shift in consciousness of the planet, you must be dedicated to consciously choosing, moment by moment, where to align your energy and awareness. So, my beloveds, you need not fear. You have choice! You may freely walk any path you choose. I offer this as a way to increase your awareness and choice to love yourself and trust the process amidst anything you are feeling, thinking, experiencing or witnessing. Honor your own experience and bless others, no matter how different their reality may seem from yours. Live from your heart, love fiercely, and trust that All is truly Well. by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. The clock reads 2:14 AM and my body says it’s time to get up. I whine, “But I don’t wanna, it’s so early! Can’t I just cozy up to my cuddly husband and sleep some more?” Still under the warm covers, I place my hands on my heart and say on this particular morning, “It’s ok, I love you. I love you. May I be more loving and compassionate than ever before. I am love.” Ok, yay, I feel some more enthusiasm now. And hey, I can write my first blog right now! My housemate is still awake and my son is out skateboarding with his friends. My housemate follows me to the kitchen and wants to talk, and I wonder if the “muse” to write will go away if I don’t start now. I notice that fear, and breathe into my heart and notice that it feels so good to be with her right now. I then get to spend some no-distractions very sweet quality time with my good friend in the wee hours, and pet the neighbor’s cute cat who comes by for a visit. My son comes home and I get to see him with his friends having fun. I think about how awesome it is that he’s still friends with one of them he went to middle school with and now they’re both in college. I used to try so hard to sleep like a “normal” person. Yes, I have Narcolepsy, a sleep disorder, but our society sure does have a lot going on sleep, right? Insomnia plagues some of us, and the daytime can be filled with using coffee or other tactics to keep awake. God forbid someone calls you lazy. Have you noticed how people love to show off, or complain, about not getting enough sleep? It’s the cool way to show that you know how to suffer and push through, and are damn proud of it. Hey, believe me, I get it! Poor me, Miss Narcolepsy. Here’s the thing, all the research out there that tries to figure out how much sleep people need and what’s wrong with them that's causing all their sleep problems. Furthermore, word on the research street continuously reflects all the things that are bad about not getting enough sleep. Oh, BTW, if you’re reading this on your phone, those experts say it’s bad for your sleep, too. Isn’t it time to tell a different story? Thinking about how you’re not getting enough sleep, right kind of sleep, or all the things you do that interfere with your sleep, could really keep you up at night! In these crazy times of the shift in consciousness occurring on the planet, things are getting stranger. This includes sleep. Personally, the, “I should sleep more at night and not be sleepy or nap during the day,” monster has been instilling fear and doubt in me for a long time. I’m practicing listening to my heart and soul more, and learning to thank my head for trying to keep me safe and normal within the bounds of how we were taught life is supposed to be lived. I’m getting my best work done in the wee hours of the morning. Besides, I’d be missing the amazing full moon right now if I woke into the daylight. It’s a crystal clear moon, glowing a sweet soft pink color, shooting out rays of light like a magical geometric star. I’ll wake up for that! So what’s a new story we could tell about sleep? Sleep is a time we actually get a lot of work done. Our minds are at rest and our resistance is down, so we can really get into the juicy stuff now. As we lift our vibration, we need our sleep to let our bodies integrate light into our physical form. Furthermore, we download lots of information in our sleep time, accessed more consciously, if we wish, through practicing dream work and putting those dreams into action in our waking life. It’s important to honor your own cycles in each moment. Sometimes all you’ll want to do is sleep. Other times you’ll have bursts of creative energy. If you put yourself in a box of when and how much sleep to get, you aren’t honoring your unique process.
I know, I know, you’re on a schedule. It’s easy for me to say to sleep when you need to because I don’t have a 9 to 5 job. What if by following your inner guidance, honoring the nudging of your heart and intuition, time would shift such that you’d be able to sleep when you need to? Ok, maybe that’s too much to take on as a new possibility for you right now. But you could consider it. Why is it that my life has been such that I can sleep when I need to, even as a single mom? Am I just lucky? Absolutely not. Can you cultivate being more lucky? Yep. Check out Richard Wiseman’s work on the psychology of luck if you want to find out more about that. I’ve known since my teenage years that I create my own reality. That means not only can I have it how I want it, but I can interpret my experiences however I want to. Sleep is one of my personal areas that I am challenged to interpret in a positive and loving way. Let’s keep supporting each other in choosing to see our sleep patterns as right just the way they are, whether we slept a few hours, can’t sleep, nap, or sleep hours on end. There’s good reason you’re sleeping the way you are. It’s time to look for those good reasons instead of all the bad reasons your patterns of sleep are hurting you! |
It's not just you, my beloved. The world is transforming and we're all in this together. You are a master and expert in your unique experiences and contribution to the world. Together we'll navigate through these challenging yet oh so juicy and magical times. Archives
October 2021