Take a look at these peeps on YouTube, their websites or FaceBook pages if you feel drawn. Remember that YOU are the Master and have all you need inside you. No one knows better than you, and knowledge, doctrine or practices are meant to have you expand on your journey, eventually beyond them. If someone's viewpoint has you feel peace, relief, joy or remembering, great! If it doesn't resonate with you, feel good, has you doubt yourself or feel anxious, it's not for you.
Personal Support in the Ascension Process Sri and Kira - This beautiful heart-centered couple have a weekly radio show (sriandkiraradio.com), Monthly Ascension energy YouTube updates, classes, lots of free info (selfascension.com), Mala beads you know are sourced ethically and authentically (www.malasforascension.com) and more! Sandra Walter - Ascension Guide with deep support and inspiration for the shift in consciousness occurring Quantum Conversations with Lauren Galey - Lauren interviews amazing peeps to educate and inspire you to raise your vibration and awaken to our new reality. (register and you'll get info on live upcoming interviews or re-play- she won't try to sell you anything!) Lisa Transcendence Brown - Lots of info on the Ascension process and current energies on the shift occurring Matt Khan - Inspiring you to love everything that arises (watch his YouTube videos!) Suzanne Lie - Channeled transmissions from our star brothers and sisters, the Arcturians Christine Day - Channeled transmissions from our star brothers and sisters, the Pleiadians Drunvalo Melchizedek - A different look at our origins and support in the Ascension process, seeped in sacred geometry. "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" Vol. I and II are classics!
Consciousness Studies - Bridging Science and Spirit Gregg Braden - I've always adored Gregg Braden, whom I discovered almost 2 decades ago. He is committed to bridging science, spirit and human potential. Institute of Noetic Sciences - A nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individual and collective transformation through consciousness research, transformative learning, and engaging a global community in the realization of our human potential. The HeartMath Institute - HeartMath's training, research and technologies help people bring their physical, mental and emotional systems into balanced alignment with their heart’s intuitive guidance. This unfolds the path for becoming heart-empowered individuals who choose the way of love, which they demonstrate through compassionate care for the well-being of themselves, others and Planet Earth. Bruce Lipton - Biologist Bruce Lipton addresses the biology of belief, integrating , applying the cutting edge science of epigenetics to enhance human potential. Dr. Joe Dispenza - Assisting in reaching your full potential, Dr. Dispenza pulls from epigenetics, neuroscience and quantum physics. Ken Wilber - Transpersonal Psychology and Integral Theory ScienceNews - If you're not one to read scientific journals (most of us aren't), this reputable site gives you current findings in all branches of science using concise lay person's terminology.
Health Green Smoothies Girl - Robyn Openshaw has spent decades researching nutrition and detox. Oh How She Glows - Lots of great vegan recipes I've personally used that are easy, taste great, and my meat-loving husband really enjoys too! Minimalist Baker - Plant-based recipes requiring 10 ingredients or less, 1 bowl, or 30 minutes or less to prepare Dr. Mark Hyman - Dedicated to addressing the root cause of illness through Functional Medicine. He's worked with a host of professionals addressing the "broken brain" and how to optimize brain health. Food Revolution Network - John and Ocean Robbins offer a host of invaluable information on nutrition, sustainability and wellness for ourselves and the planet. The Truth About Cancer - Offers well-researched alternatives to traditional cancer treatment, as well as prevention and after-care. The Environmental Working Group - Committed to empowering people to be healthy through knowing what's in their food, water, cosmetics and more. A must have is their always-updated list, available as a phone app, of the top "Dirty Dozen" pesticide-filled produce to avoid and "Clean Fifteen" foods .
Unity Consciousness and Co-Creating New Earth The Vision Alignment Project - Align with other's visions and bring them into the world. Global Coherence Initiative - The GCI is an international effort that seeks to help activate the heart of humanity and promote peace, harmony and a shift in global consciousness. GCI conducts groundbreaking research on the interconnection between humanity and Earth’s magnetic fields and energetic systems. Join them to get emails about their monthly Care focus. Global Unity Meditations - Join thousands of others in creating New Earth Now in weekly Sunday meditations
Extras Dr. Stephen Greer - Heading up the Disclosure Project - The Disclosure Project is a research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. Greer's CE-5 protocol supports our multi-dimensional ability to be ambassadors of Earth, welcoming our Galactic Family in love and peace. Doreen Virtue - All about Angels! I'm talking before her born-again Christian era. No offense - it's just that I'm specifically linking her because if you're interested in angels, she's a great resource. Peruse her books and cards and see what you're drawn to. Abraham-Hicks - Had to throw this group of beings in, who discuss the Law of Attraction. My 22-year old son grew up listening to them on cassette tape in my car when he was little! Lafayette Morehouse - Relationships, Communication and Sensuality. If you're perfect just the way you are and there's nothing to fix or change, what if your greatest contribution to the world is living a life of fun, joy and pleasure?! Intenders of the Highest Good - The Intenders of the Highest Good show you how to set your intention to have that which you desire come to you as easily and effortlessly as possible.
Classics Bhagadvad Gita I AM Discourses (St. Germain Press) Law of One