by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and WayShower, guiding the way to living a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Having a magical life isn’t just for those who cast spells, dress in gypsy garb, channel messages from beyond or seem to suddenly manifest their dream job, home or relationship. In fact, you’re able to have a magical life simply because it is the nature of who you are. It’s all a matter of what you choose to believe and put your attention on. Magic arises from a state of consciousness where anything is possible. The world of magic will come out to play when you are willing to play with it. You deserve all the fun and joy you can imagine you can have! Life calls you all the time to play in the world of magic and miracles. Want to hear its call more loudly? Try some of these! 75 WAYS TO HAVE A MORE MAGICAL LIFE 1. Use your intention, like you’re a magician or high priestess using words of power. “I call forth magic and miracles manifested for the highest good of all. So it is!” (Make some cool hand movements while you do it.) 2. Sing or whistle back to the birds and imagine you’re having a conversation. 3. Watch the clouds and let them show you shapes and images. 4. Volunteer. 5. Bless your food and water. Thank the Earth and Kingdoms for their nourishment and infuse your food and water with the highest light. 6. Put crystals, flowers or essential oils in your bath water. 7. Pick up some angel or tarot cards and choose a card for the day each morning. 8. Upon waking, say, “Thank you for this day! May I be blessed with more love and joy than ever before!” 9. Take a walk and ask the universe a question. Notice the first 3 things you see that catch your attention or seem out of place. There is your answer! 10. When someone upsets you, say to yourself, “Thank you wise teacher! May you be blessed. Thank you for pointing me in the direction of things I need to love more within myself!” 11. Open your arms wide to the sun and imagine its light filling every cell of your being. 12. Ask the universe a question, write it down and put it under your pillow, knowing you will receive the answer in a dream. 13. Stop what you’re doing, take some deep breaths and notice the beauty around you. 14. Call on your angels to fill your room and home with light, love and protection. 15. Meditate with the words, “I AM.” 16. Hug a tree. 17. Smile and say hello to the check-out clerk. Give them a compliment. Make eye contact. 18. Imagine that anything you need or want is right around you. Eyes open, bring your eyes to that invisible spot that contains what you want and imagine a string connecting you with it. 19. Put on a song you love and dance, fully self-expressed, like if someone was watching you, they’d think you’re crazy! 20. Talk to your car. Tell it how much you love and appreciate it. Find its sweet spot and rub it – like on the dashboard above the steering wheel. 21. Give all your attention to someone you want more attention from. Be interested only in getting to know and understand them more. 22. When paying bills, say, “Thank you! Thank you for showing me that I am filled with prosperity by giving me a service and trusting I will pay for it afterward!” 23. Get a tattoo that reminds you of something you love and brings you joy each time you see it. 24. Assume you can see angels and fairies. Look for flashes of light at the edges of your vision. 25. Declare that everything in your life has brought you to this most magical and powerful moment right now. 26. Buy yourself your favorite flowers. 27. Stand or walk barefoot on the earth. 28. Draw a mandala. 29. Catch snowflakes on your tongue. 30. Ask the “parking angels” to show you where your parking spot it is. Imagine yourself parking your car in the perfect spot, and then just follow any inclination of what direction to drive to get to it. 31. Make a wish on a shooting star. 32. Write yourself a love letter, expressing all the things you love and appreciate about yourself. Mail it! 33. Pay for the toll of the person behind you at a toll bridge. 34. Howl at the full moon. 35. Ask a question and then open any book to a random page and read what your eyes are first drawn to. 36. Get an intuitive reading, knowing that person is just reminding you and affirming what you already know. 37. Give away any the clothes that don’t make you feel good and beautiful. 38. Wear fairy wings and grant people wishes. 39. When you have a sudden thought to do something, like make a call or take a walk, do it right now! 40. Be the first one to apologize after an argument. 41. Write down 10 things you are grateful for each morning. 42. Create an altar that brings you joy. 43. Imagine that someone you want to talk to, a deceased loved one or famous person, is sitting across from you at the table. Ask them anything you want. 44. Infuse your money with love and imagine giving that love to the person you hand it to. 45. Take a class on something that looks fun and for no other reason. 46. Ask your body what would nourish it most when choosing what to eat. 47. Put a quartz crystal in water on a windowsill in sunlight for a few hours. Drink it. 48. Tidy Up: Keep only what brings you joy in your home. 49. Strip down and run into the ocean or jump into a lake. 50. Watch one of your favorite comedies. 51. Get an astrology reading. 52. Wonder if something you don’t believe in isn’t real because you don’t believe. 53. Write down something you’re ready to let go of and burn the paper. 54. Make a list of all the extraordinary experiences you’ve ever had. 55. Make a vision board and watch your dreams manifest. 56. Call up a friend just to say hello and find out what they’re up to and how they’re doing.
57. Play outside in a summer rainstorm. 58. Go for a drive with no specific destination in mind. Take exits that look interesting. 59. Plan your dream vacation. 60. Have a picnic. 61. Stop watching or reading mainstream media and news, even just for a week. 62. Sing along with abandon to your favorite song. 63. Imagine ahead of time how well a situation is going to go. 64. Watch a sunrise or sunset. 65. Blow bubbles! 66. Sage your house, blessing it with love and light. 67. Plant crystals into the earth. 68. Wear your favorite jewelry no matter the occasion. 69. Put some chimes outside, a sound you love. 70. Walk a labyrinth. 71. Cat videos! 72. Smell a flower while out on a walk. 73. Turn off the television, phone and computer, and have a conversation with a loved one with no distractions. 74. Simply say, “Thank you!” when given a compliment. 75. Choose to believe in magic.
It's not just you, my beloved. The world is transforming and we're all in this together. You are a master and expert in your unique experiences and contribution to the world. Together we'll navigate through these challenging yet oh so juicy and magical times. Archives
October 2021