by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and WayShower, guiding the way to living a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Doubt is a powerful emotion that comes with a list of reasons why we are in a wrong situation. Doubt about the self comes in many forms, such as our beauty, intelligence or choices. Doubt about the world can show up in our finances, relationships, or feeling of safety in our environment. Our heads spin stories about how we are not good enough, can't have what we want, aren’t making the right choices, or aren’t where we are supposed to be. When we doubt, we feel helpless in our ability to control our thoughts, feelings, situation and experience. Doubt can stop us from moving forward with our dreams and enjoying our lives now. The freedom, joy, relief, love and trust we are craving does not lie outside of doubt. The way out is the way through. Rather than trying to solve the problems that doubt seems to create, the first place to start is by changing our minds about what doubt actually is. We can choose to tell a different story about doubt, even if there is no evidence that our new story is “true” or “factual.” Remember that you can gather evidence to prove that your doubts are real. That is just one viewpoint of many you can choose to live in. Instead of making yet another enemy in life, the “doubt monster,” we can begin by greeting our doubt as we would a friend, a wise teacher, and an ally. Doubt screams at us to listen, and if we resist, it only screams louder. We can hold up the white flag and say, “Ok, ok! I surrender! What are your terms?” You might think that the way through doubt is to take action despite your doubts and concerns. While this is a part of moving through doubt, using action alone it is like putting a small Band Aid over a deep cut that needs much more attention. Ignoring the wound will not make it go away. If you take a step towards your doubt by acknowledging it and asking what it wants, you’ll find that the peacefulness that trust brings is available within your doubt. Acknowledging your doubts opens up freedom to make a different choice. We often drown in our doubts or use any means necessary to avoid, escape or find relief from them. What is being called for is to understand that these doubts are based in the past, when you experienced separation from your true authentic self and the divine. They are a gift because they show you where your attention is and that you have forgotten your authentic nature, which is connected to and in harmony with all. By the nature of who you truly are, your choices and challenges are always a part of your divine path. This includes the experiences that had you feel unsafe, alone and uncertain. When you choose to trust your path, you open to the abundance, peacefulness, support and love that reside within you and around you. When you doubt, you have an opportunity to choose trust. This means you must first be honest about your doubts, thanking them for trying to protect you, and then choose to focus on trusting yourself, the universe and your unique path of evolution and growth. This will begin to give you clarity as to whether your doubt is based on fears or your intuition. The difference between the two lies in your experience of doubt. Know that intuitive guidance that directs you, for example, to stay away from a dangerous situation, is not doubt but rather a type of inner knowing. Your intuition may suddenly alert you to an immediate action to take, but it not bogged down by your busy mind, fears, anxiety, worry or stress. Anytime you notice a doubt, you can breathe, place your hand on your heart, and say, “I trust myself. Thank you for my life!” Be gentle on yourself and your doubts. Each time you allow yourself to actually notice and feel your doubts, you are receiving the gift of an opening to bring more loving attention to yourself and return to trust. A MESSAGE FROM THE ANGELS & ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL
Trust comes from a place of allowing. Many of you do not feel comfortable with the word surrender, so we will use allowing to explain the energy of trust. Allowing is a statement to the universe, to God and the angels, that you are willing to be supported, open to the possibility that you are not alone, not in danger, and never held in a negative view by a vengeful God or universe. You are here to thrive, not survive. You have survived for so long, many of you repeating lifetimes on this Earth in which your survival was your primary task. Or so it seemed. Archangel Jophiel steps in to speak: You are meant to feel the joy of the angelic realm, the beauty of your abundance of experiences. Look at the earth around you, at nature. I am here to assist you in seeing the abundance and joy that surrounds you. It is always surrounding you. Oh, the beauty of the world opens your heart! Can you feel it? Nature calls you to allow yourself to open to its beauty, its harmony and its abundance. Call on me, Archangel Jophiel, to assist you when you feel doubt. I am here to protect you, to envelop you with the pure essence of trust. All your desires live within you, and if you were not capable of having them manifest, you would not wish for them. This is the illusion of time. Just because you do not have things as you see they could be does not mean you have done something wrong. It means that you see your future, and it is certain. How can this be? You, beloved, are here to create more love and beauty than has ever been known. You were born to do this. You can have this now by enjoying the beauty around you, infusing it with the love in your heart, with the attention of your sweet gratitude and appreciation. Do you see? Open your eyes to the beauty around you and you will have more! This is surrender. You surrender to trusting that all you need is here now, and all you seem to not have is simply not time for yet. Your doubt of the present is really just seedlings beneath the earth promising beautiful flowers in Spring. Are you willing to trust? Are you willing to infuse the flowers in bloom now with your loving appreciation? You are loved and cared for unconditionally. Allow yourself to feel your connection to the divine, even just to connect to the smell of a flower, the smile of a stranger, or the warmth of the sun. Trust and know that you are completely enveloped by the light of the divine at all times, even in your darkest hour and doubts. Open to receiving all the love, support and guidance by trusting yourself and your divine unfolding. You are so loved!
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October 2021