by Julianne Kulosa Over the past few months, I’ve been coming across various YouTube videos discussing “The Event”, a term I had never really heard of. The conversation has been around for many years actually, but is popping up more and more in videos and blogs. The Event it is about a flash or waves of photonic light that will suddenly shift the consciousness of the planet. When, exactly, is uncertain. The result will be the entire planet popping into 5th dimensional consciousness, resulting in tangible changes like disclosure of the cabal, disclosure of extraterrestrial existence and technology, deeper care for the earth and animals, financial structures re-arranging to care for all, and more.
This time in history has been discussed throughout most ancient civilizations and wisdom traditions. These cultures, such as Mayan, Native American, Egyptian, Indian (the ancient yoga culture), Greek and Hebrew, all understood how things unfold in cycles. This time in history is a unique turning point, a New Age, a New Earth, a time of awakening and remembering Who we really are and Why we’re here (ah, the eternal questions). Because the Truth is that everything is interconnected, one unified field, astronomical events occur that effect our planetary, collective and personal consciousness. During the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, particular planetary alignments occurred, and from an astrological perspective, it was an opportunity for a call to awaken from the collective dream of separation, war and competition. Around the world, people, myself included, gathered to “put the call out” to the Universe and our Galactic Family to say, “Yes! We are ready! We are ready to awaken into and create a world of unity, love and peace!” 2012 This was definitely going to be the Big Event (though I hadn’t seen it termed that way). Astronomically, the Sun crossed Galactic Center on December 21st, 2012. Astronomers will tell you this is no big deal – it actually happens twice a year, as from the sun’s viewpoint, the earth crosses the galactic equator twice a year. Astrologically, we were looking at an approximate 26,000 year cycle called, “precision of the equinox”. This consists of cycles of astrological ages – 12 to be exact, matching the 12 signs of the Zodiac. The dawning of the Age of Aquarius came into bloom in the 1960’s, and I myself wished I could have been there, as I hung onto the hippy era while hanging out in the Haight-Ashbury in the 1980’s, going to Grateful Dead shows, getting my Volkswagen bus, and experimenting with psychedelics that only served to have me remember and solidify all those experiences and insights from my childhood. The “New Age” movement came into full force: the transitioning from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian age, marking the ending of a 26,000 year cycle. The Mayan Calendar played a prominent role in predicting the ending of one age into another at this point in history, with the Mayan Long Count calendar ending approximately 2012. Because this was the end of the Mayan Calendar, it was easy for people to see it as The End. End times, the Apocalypse, Judgment Day, the Rapture, call it what you will. I never saw it that way myself: it was the end of one age and the beginning of a new. I was very interested in all things about the upcoming 2012 date, and by 2006 or so, I had gathered enough information to wonder why there weren’t many books out on the general subject and why most people didn’t know about it. I was ready for anything, including everything going dark as the earth’s poles literally shifted to opposite points. Nope, that didn’t happen, but it’s always good to be prepared. Yes, there is no definitive correctness about any of these Shift points. Dates are controversial, and facts are highly disputed. Furthermore, it takes a willingness to shift one's own consciousness to perceive something new and different. Not to be dismissed, however, is the acceleration of the Shift occurring since 2012. It's happening, and happening quickly. These include but are not limited to: science bridging spirit, an increase in the shifting of the earth's axis (since about the year 2000), things like alternative medicine and meditation becoming more "mainstream", people waking up more and more to seeing that our financial, government, healthcare, educational and economic structures aren't working, more action in sustainability and care for the animals, easier access to organic foods, and a consistent rise in the use of prescription medications for the anxiety and depression (as the old falling away can be challenging). I'll throw in here, as a lover of clothing, how I've noticed graphic tees with sayings about love, empowerment, joy, peace and freedom are popping up in mainstream more and more. Who needs Etsy when you can get it at Target? (Just kidding - I prefer supporting individual artists or buying pre-owned!) Today: THE EVENT Granted, there are better places than this blog to research the intel on this. Dolores Cannon seems to have talked about this many years ago. It’s actually quite similar to the possibilities that were discussed about the 2012 event. I wonder if it’s a sort of continuation of the 2012 sudden shift conversation. Back in 2012, it was possible that everything would go dark, and the earth’s poles would reverse. During that time, it would be important not to go into fear or panic, as such a high vibrational point would create a space of Here and Now where all things would be instantaneously manifested. The result of the Shift event is being discussed in various ways, but seems to always include that flash or waves of powerful photonic light. I myself, having stepped into that possible timeline, see myself in that moment going outside, maybe laying on the grass or hugging a tree. If my loved ones are with me, I’ll take them along, grounding those energy waves with an open heart, calmness and oh such juicy gratitude. Will that rainbow bridge be there, ready to cross, all of us on the planet awakening? Those completely unaware of this possible experience (and all that density inside of fear and separation that will come up and cleanse out as the body suddenly shifts into 5D), as well as being unaware of the shift in consciousness occurring on the planet, could kinda freak out, don’t you think? So, boyscout motto in place, always be prepared. Prepared also means food and water stocked etc., as “The Event” discusses closing of banks, disclosure of the Cabal as well as our Galactic Family, and an opening of abundance and care for all – all people, animals and the Earth. Here’s my bottom line: Hey, a sudden event that changes everything would be awesome. The question is, do we, as a collective, want that to occur? Humans have freewill, and at this time in history, it has looked like “the end” because the future is one that we are consciously creating together. I’m open either way. Event or not, I’m committed to creating New Earth NOW. There’s no waiting for a solar flash to do it for us. Those flashes of photonic light are coming in stronger and more consistently anyway, assisting us to embody more light. If you’re reading this, you know how intense this awakening process can be, and the high frequency waves of light happening now are plenty to work with and integrate. It’s for each of us trust our own process, and to step up and say, “Yes! I see the reality I want for the world, and I live it NOW!” And the NOW is asking for us to unite even more, co-creating New Earth. I actually had a dream many years ago, before 2012, in which I was on the freeway and all the cars stopped running suddenly. We all got out of our cars and I remember the energy was quite different than “normal”. I wasn’t afraid, quite elated actually. That photonic light flash could certainly have all electronics shut down, right? Maybe “The Event” isn’t something that will happen at the same time and in the same way for all of humanity. While we are actually experiencing a collective awakening into 5th dimensional New Earth, each of us is doing this very uniquely and at the perfect time and pace. Maybe The Event is experienced as one big flash of Light for some people, literally and/or figuratively. Maybe it’s series of flashes, openings, gateways and waves of light for others. These waves of light have already been coming more and more consistently and powerfully. It’s happening now. As more and more of us are awakening, we open the space for even more of humanity to awaken – and with greater ease. So truly, whether with one at a time or all of humanity in a single flash of photonic light, we are all awakening together. After all, time is a mute point in 5D, it’s all happening Here and Now. And, again, each of us has the free will to say, “yes” or “no” to what is offered and available. Therefore, if The Event is going to occur, we need to agree collectively (consciously or unconsciously) that this is what we all want. If the idea of a game-changing event inspires you in your awakening process, has you feel more love, peace, hope, faith, joy, and desire to be of service, then by all means, dive into that conversation! On the other hand, if it has you think, “Oh boy, another one of those predictions again,” “Same old same old…” or “We’ll get there some day one day,” or has you think, “Hey, why bother with all this ascension process stuff since The Event will just pop us into New Earth anyway,” then: just drop it, because it’s just serving to keep you solidified in an old story about reality or takes away your motivation and commitment to stepping into your mastery and contribution as a responsible co-creator Here and Now.
with Julianne Kulosa I remember as a teenager having the aha moment, “We create our reality!” As I went through life, magical moments occurred, as well as the understanding that my interpretation of my experiences were simply that: a personal interpretation and story about myself, others, the world and reality itself. We also share a collective story, a collective reality. Supported by the universe, this story is now crumbling away into a new paradigm, a New Earth.
New Earth is based in unity consciousness, and reality is shared in our co-creation: with our multi-dimensional self, others, Gaia, our Galactic Family, the Universe and Source. This sense of unity, all connected, is quite different than our current state of duality, the systems in place (educational, economic, political etc.) that support the continued sense of separation, lack, survival of the fittest, fear and “not enough”. Isn’t it exciting that these systems are crumbling away?! I’ve noticed an escalation in this sense of duality, have you? It’s a “you’re with me or you’re against: there’s no in between” conversation. I’m right and you’re wrong. You’re for Trump or you’re against him, you’re for guns or you’re against them, you’re for equal rights or you’re against them, you’re for animal rights or you’re against them…the list goes on. The question is, do you want to live in that reality? Where the split grows larger and larger? Things are coming to extremes because they need to, it’s a part of that clinging to the old as it begins to fall away, our attachment to the comfort of the familiar and what the “collective” agrees is the “correct” reality. As the energy supporting our collective Ascension process accelerates, more and more of us are awakening to a higher reality. This reality is based in unity, where each of us is unique yet embraced as a part of the whole. In our Awakening process, some are called to begin boldy co-creating with others, while others are called to go within, retreating from the bombardment of the old 3rd dimensional reality. That dense energy tends to pull you down, draw you in, so honor your desire to spend more time alone and in nature. Know that you are NEVER alone, letting your time of transformation inside give you solace. CREATING REALITY You actually do this all the time, and now you are choosing to be a CONSCIOUS creator. You came here to do so, and you have inside of you the ability, the God-given power, the inner technology, to do this NOW. In 5th Dimensional consciousness, all time exists Here and all space exists Now, as compared to your 3rd Dimensional experience of time and space. Creating in “5D” means you do so from your heart, from your authentic divine self, driven by the desire to contribute to a better world for all. Rather than seeking to fix anything, you choose to powerfully focus on a future you see for the world, that you are destined to step into, because you are experiencing it NOW. Because you are a unique one-of-a-kind piece of the puzzle, you will find your unique way to create. I break down the simplest basics for you below, but trust yourself above all else. Trust what practices you are drawn to, that light you up, bring you freedom, peace, calm, trust, gratitude and joy. 1. COME INTO A HEART-CENTERED SPACE This means bringing your attention to your heart, placing your hands on your chest above your heart center and breathing into your heart to bring your focus there. Now cultivate a heart-centered emotion, bringing to mind something or someone you feel deep care or gratitude for. Allow that sensation to move throughout your body. 2. IMAGINE WHAT YOU ARE WANTING You have it NOW, right now. It is done. Let yourself have the experience of how your life is in this new reality you’ve created. Has your environment changed? What sensations are you experiencing, sight, smell, touch, taste, sounds? How are you relating with people and/or your environment? 3. FEELING This is the most important aspect in your ability to create. When thought combines and aligns with emotion, anything is possible. For example, if you want a new car, see yourself with that car, and also what that car brings you. Do feel you more freedom, such as of time? More ease and peace of mind? The ability to have more adventures or more easily get to a location such as visiting friends or working at a job that you love? 4. UNIFY Let this be bigger than you alone. New Earth is about unity consciousness, so all you do is for and a part of the collective. Be specific, yes, and also grander. Imagine all people everywhere having that freedom and ease you felt with your car. How does that feel? Honestly, manifesting a car is pretty 3D. You’re so beyond that. I purposefully used that as an example so that you can feel into the difference between creating something for yourself and creating something that serves and contributes to the collective. In a world of infinite possibility and abundance for all, where we are all united and connected, serving the collective always takes care of you, your family and your loved ones. 5. IT IS SO! Deliberately shifting into a new future, a new timeline, is a co-creative adventure. Let this new reality you just created in this HERE and NOW spin out and align with the universe, with Source, with a greater energy than just you. You can do this in many different ways. For this moment, I will say to simply imagine it being sent out into the web of creation, aligning with that now-future reality. Then state, “It is so!” (or another present moment creation term you’ve like to use). For example, “So it is, Amen, or So mote it be.” 5. GRATITUDE You are now aligned with the future you want to create. There is no waiting game: you have it now. Gratitude may well naturally wash over you. Milk it! In a world of abundance and connection, there is much heart-opening gratitude to have at any moment! 6. ACTION Continued focus and alignment with what you have created is key to creating in 5D. Because you are awakening to your responsibility as a conscious co-creator, it takes dedication to continually being aware of where your attention is at any given time. This is never reason to beat yourself up, only to notice and choose to shift your focus. With that car: if you notice others with a new car and resent that you don’t have one, or feel frustrated by your situation, or that you don’t have the money for a car, etc., that focus only serves to align you with that reality you’ve decided you want to shift. So you breathe and notice where your thoughts and attention went and say, coming back into your heart and knowing that you have that car. Trust that life and the universe completely supports and is taking care of you. You don’t have to “make it happen”. Life will naturally show you any actions to be taken. Yes, in 5D manifestation, miracles occur, and you also are guided to any work or action to take. It doesn’t necessarily mean sitting on the couch waiting for your car to be delivered to your door. Awake and aware, you will be guided, nudged, directed to any actions that forward the future that is already awaiting your arrival. Action comes in the forms of thought, emotion, word and deed. Act NOW as if your future is created, living in a reality where It Is Done. Be gentle on yourself as you practice being the change you wish to see in the world. Blessings to you, my beloved brother or sister. May we deepen evermore into our connection, our unity, and the power of co-creating New Earth now! Photo by Yousef Espanioly on Unsplash |
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October 2021