With Summer Solstice approaching in just a few days, I sense it’s important to get clearer on what’s working and what isn’t in supporting being our best and brightest selves. What vision are you birthing now, and what is supporting that vision?
As things open up after months of incubation, of going within by choice or by state orders, let’s remember what this whole “ascension process” is about. This is a free will choice to consciously choose to allow our soul to lead, to take its place IN the physical body. Every challenge we experience can be fuel to propel us to choose to acknowledge we are more than our personality, life experiences and this physical body. As we continue to focus on the Divine, this means cultivating states of being such as compassion, care, forgiveness, openness and peace. It also means to choose to actually BE in our bodies. What behaviors, in thought, word, action or intent, do you use to escape the challenges in your life, the uncomfortable pain, be it physical, mental or emotional? This is good to look at, from a gentle and compassionate view. You are ALL-WAYS doing the best you can in the moment. AND, taking an honest look at yourself in this way gives you freedom to choose something new, or be compassionate with yourself when you choose something you feel isn’t ultimately in your most uplifted interest. New ways of being are out of our comfort zone, and, frankly, still out of the norm. Know that it’s all baby steps, and right now you can ask simply, “What would assist me in feeling safer in my body, to allow my soul to lead even more?” This is deep work, and gathering resources that support you is an important first step. The second is to USE those resources! I’m drawn to offer a short list, not a to-do list or as “shoulds”, but rather a list of resources that you most likely have already done before. Let this be a reminder that you already know what supports you. Maybe it's time to choose one thing you do today that you can say “Yes!” to, right now. Adding in your loving attention to these actions, your intention to notice even more as you do these things, the sensations, what you see, how you feel, and to add in gratitude and appreciation, will uplevel the benefits of them.
So there it is, deceptively simple (well, except maybe the last one, but you are brave and strong!). Don’t underestimate the benefits, like even adding in an extra glass of water each day. Remember, it’s all the little things in your day-to-day life that create your experience of yourself and your life. Your soul knows the way, so let’s support the body in feeling safe enough to allow the soul to come on in!
It's not just you, my beloved. The world is transforming and we're all in this together. You are a master and expert in your unique experiences and contribution to the world. Together we'll navigate through these challenging yet oh so juicy and magical times. Archives
October 2021