We all want to be our best and brightest selves, to have a joyful abundant life and be of service to the world in a way that is fun and fulfilling.
Those on the conscious path of awakening, who lean into living a spiritual life, read books, take classes, and take on practices like meditation or yoga. We want guidelines, rules and practices that show us the way. However, no amount of following the rules or seeking knowledge will fulfill the desire inside us that burns brightly, and at other times may feel stomped out completely. This is because no outside source can fulfill our calling to be connected to, in union with, our true divine nature. Others can support us, guide us, remind us and inspire us, but can’t do it for us. While immersing in different meditation practices, I remember reading the book, “A Path with Heart: A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life” by Jack Cornfield. One line struck me that I still remember today: “Much of spiritual life is self-acceptance, maybe all of it.” It can be easier to focus our attention outward, to aim toward being a good and right person by practicing being kind, compassionate and loving to others. This is important, powerful and transformative. We are all connected and mirrors for each other. Human nature is such that it is easy to seek approval from others, and to think that someone knows better than us about how we should live our lives. The path of awakening involves becoming independent and self-empowered, learning the ropes from our parents and teachers, and then diving in on our own. There are two aspects that lift us up, that truly heal on all levels, that I’d like to share today. RELEASING SELF-DOUBT: TRUSTING YOURSELF I’m sure you have been inspired by those who are confident and passionate about what they are up to. What you see in them, even if superficial, is the possibility of trusting yourself and going for your greatest dreams. This means, regardless of anyones’ opinion, that you make YOUR truth, your choices, your unique perspective, the priority. No one has the answer to life’s biggest questions, and everyone has their opinion, be it backed by science, society, teachers, churches, personal experience, or anything else. No one can force you to agree with them, even if you walk in a society that agrees with a limited reality that you, yourself, are awakening from. Ultimately, releasing self-doubt is one of the most powerful aspects of awakening. It is freedom. It is Love. What would your life look like, feel like, from moment to moment if you trusted yourself? If even in every “mistake”, you chose to trust that you are learning and growing? If you couldn’t get it wrong? If you didn’t compare yourself to anyone else, nor look for approval from anyone? On the table is trusting yourself. And who is this YOU that you are trusting? It is Divine You, your soul, the YOU that is a spark of the Divine, as we all are. It is the You that can be the loving parent to that parts of you that are afraid and hurt. Try on for one day putting your hand on your heart and declaring, “In this moment, I trust myself. I trust the Universe.” No matter what you think, what you say, what you do, for that day you declare, “I trust myself.” Oh, yes, doubt will come up, and by trusting yourself, you have the opportunity to lovingly notice the doubt, the fears, and address them directly. You give yourself space to love all of you, exactly as you are. It’s not one day, once you have the perfect body, job, relationship, knowledge, spiritual practices, or health. It’s right now, exactly as you are, trusting that all you are experiencing is a catalyst, a big push by yourself and the universe, to claim your power, your beauty, that you are a great gift to this world, exactly as you are right now. Trust yourself, and choices become easier and faster. Trust yourself, and rules soften to acts of loving kindness toward yourself and others, because, after all, we are here to expand Love into all the darkness. RELEASING JUDGMENT Judgment, like doubt, doesn’t just disappear. Others may say you’ll get to a point where it does, but don’t be fooled. We are judging machines! Just the fact that we live in a physical world, in these amazing physical bodies, puts us in a situation where we judge. In this world, there IS right and wrong. There are plants that are nutritious, and ones that are poisonous. Those directions on Google Maps are, well, usually right. Of course, this mechanistic view of reality is only a piece of who we are, as beings of Light in a physical body. But we must use judgment to function in and understand this world. Judgment can be charged with emotions when we declare, “This is right,” or, “This is wrong.” Well, this is where we get ourselves in a bit (or a lot) of trouble. As judging machines, combined with looking for approval and belonging from others, we mistakingly use our ability to understand how to function in a physical world to then judge the shit out of ourselves and others. We can be SO dramatic! This spirals back to self-trust. If you trusted yourself and your choices, and owned your mistakes and painful experiences as learning opportunities, judgment would soften its grip. This includes when you notice yourself judging and then judge yourself for it! I have noticed that my judgment directed towards others actually begins with my own self-judgment. These strict rules of conduct within myself are then projected onto others like a knee-jerk reaction, or I get defensive of their judgment toward me, even if they haven’t said a word. Their judgment is really none of my business, because the truth is that if that person loved themselves without judgment, they wouldn’t project any judgment outward. I like the word, “discernment”. It gives a sense of detachment in any situation. Throughout our day, we are emotionally drained by our judgments. We are constantly judging ourselves and others, and a gift of living a spiritual life is that we begin to notice and interrupt the habit of judgment. Here’s an example of judgment, and how draining it can be: Your alarm goes off, and you hit snooze. The judgments, not in your conscious awareness: “I don’t feel like going to work today… I don’t like my job… My boss is an asshole... I hate that I HAVE to work… I said I’d get up early to meditate or exercise and here I am yet again not doing that, I’m so tired and it’s because I’m fat and I can’t believe I ate that last night… Why do I have to be the one to get up early and take care of my partner/children/the dog?... I’m not good enough... I’m not doing it right...” That’s exhausting, and I’d go back to sleep too! Starting to notice those habitual judgments gives you freedom to shift out of them in the moment. It’s not about telling yourself you shouldn’t judge, because that’s another judgment, and one you’re not going to win at. In wanting to be a good person, we often put a band-aid on our judgments. A good person wouldn’t judge others, feel resentment, anger, fear or hurt. I’ll just ignore those things and be positive today. I’ll focus on work and being productive. Ignoring ourselves, we might notice we shop, eat, watch tv, scroll social media, or talk shit about others’ behavior…and judge ourselves for doing so. Think of judgment as a call to compassion and loving attention. I like the word "discernment". It gives a sense of detachment from any situation. Choosing to discern vs. judge means that you look at yourself, others, or any situation from the view of the observer. What you're detaching from is that your thoughts, others' thoughts, your body and this physical world, or any of your experiences - past, present or future - define you. When we think these things define us, we are greatly attached and emotionally reactive! Your intention to discern vs. judge uplifts you to a larger part of yourself, the YOU, your soul, that knows you are an eternal being having this temporary experience whose greatest illusion is that you are separate from everything. Discernment makes choices easier, as you are aligned with your heart, your soul, and Divine Guidance. In this space, there is more ease, less attachment, and more flow. The frontal cortex of your brain works better because in that detachment, you are relaxed, so you can see more clearly in any situation, connected to divine intelligence and wisdom. Self-awareness is a spiritual practice, and one of loving compassionate discernment. This awareness comes from a commitment to creating a safe space TO BE SEEN. We all want to be seen and loved exactly as we are. Filled with judgments, it’s not so safe for YOU to SEE YOU, is it? With a willingness to release judgment, all those aspects inside us that run away, fight, or hide frozen in a cave, can come nakedly into the light of our loving attention. We’re here to create a world where all are seen, loved, respected, included, thriving and cared for. This starts with YOU and YOU. Remember, spiritual practices are exactly that: PRACTICE. There’s no need to judge your practice! Here is a practice around judgments: Decide that today you are going to notice your judgments. You might notice one, or you might notice 1000. When you notice a judgment, you might notice the story that goes along with it that justifies why it is correct, why you should continue to make that thing wrong or bad. This story might include physical proof, based on your experience, science, religion, the news, or well-documented data. Nonetheless, just think of it as a story. Let yourself notice the feeling that comes with the judgment. Place a hand to your heart and say, “I love you. Tell me about it. I’m here for you.” Trust whatever you notice. This could be emotions, thoughts, or physical sensations. Imagine you are viewing yourself from outside you, like you would a movie or if you were a bird high in the sky. This noticing is freeing your energy! No running, no fighting, no hiding! Next, bring in even more loving compassion and kindness. Imagine that the part of you with that judgment is a hurt child, or an innocent baby. How would you treat them? Would you yell at them, tell them to shut up, console them with toys or food, or hold them in your arms and let them know how much you love them? This gives you an opportunity to uplift out of judgment, and be honest about your needs in the moment. Judgment is not bad, it just is part of the human deal. Once you let yourself actually notice a judgment, you can lift to seeing it as an opportunity. What is the opportunity? That’s for you to see. It could be love, compassion, forgiveness, tears of release, gratitude, setting boundaries, having more fun, being honest about what you want or need, or admitting a great dream or vision you have. These opportunities are discernments, not judgments. And they come by releasing the judgment of the judgment, a willingness to be with YOU, exactly as you and are not in this moment. Phew, what a relief! Let peace, gratitude, love or joy wash over you, because YOU are here to awaken to the FACT that you ARE perfect exactly as you are, perfectly unfolding, perfectly on your path, even those times it’s filled with pain, fear, doubt, or judgments!
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by Julianne Kulosa One of our greatest challenges can show up when our loved ones are suffering. In our deep care, love and desire to be of service, feelings of helplessness, sorrow, frustration, blame or even anger can arise. You might notice you want to fix them, lecture them, match their energetic state because you think it will make it better for them somehow, save them or just wrap your hands around their neck and say, “Wake up! Can’t you see how you can feel better?” It’s often easier when a loved one is suffering due to an “external” circumstance: a car accident, a death of a loved one, illness, a job loss, unexpected financial burdens or some sort of stress caused in their external environment. Personally, I know that suffering is not caused from any situation or experience. Crappy things happen that don’t feel good, yes. However, the suffering I am speaking of is not caused from situations, rather from our misinterpretations of the nature of reality and ourselves. You’ve surely heard many stories of people thriving, loving, laughing, connecting and feeling gratitude and peace in the most painful of situations, such as in concentration camps. Also, it is also in times of crisis that people shine out most, connecting with their community and families to love and support each other. Some things to consider when a loved one is suffering: 1. Your Loved One is a Master of Their Life. No one knows better then your loved one how to traverse their own unique path. You can support them in remembering their own mastery. You can empower them by gifting them with their own path. They’ll take your offer of support, help or advice, or they won’t. It matters not, because it’s not about you, it’s about them. Your loving attention, your compassion, your belief in their ability to come through their suffering, is the most powerful support you can give them. If you reflect on your own life, you might notice that it was your greatest challenges that propelled you to rise up, grow, expand and learn. Don’t you want the same for them? It’s not easy to watch them suffer, especially when you can see the way out of suffering for them, yet this is the path they’ve chosen, and only they can walk it. 2. Forgive Them, They Know Not What They Do. Forgiveness is a powerful tool. This means you are willing to acknowledge that someone is absolutely doing the best they know how, given their state of consciousness at any given time. If you were in their mindset, you too, would behave and experience reality exactly as they are. This forgiveness is not about their actions, but about authentically feeling compassion for them, even if you completely disagree with their choices. 3. Give Your Full Attention. Put away all distractions and just be present with your loved one. This means not only external distractions like your phone, but internal as well. With each passing year of our busy information age, focused attention is becoming more of a commodity. Listen more. Talk less. Your loved one may or may not want to feel better in the moment. Maybe they just want to vent and complain, and that outlet for their thoughts and feelings might be exactly what they need in the moment. Did they actually ask you for your advice or opinion? Notice your own thoughts while listening: are you analyzing, thinking how to fix their situation or judging them? Take a breath, drop into your heart, and simply give them your full loving attention. Often what someone needs when they’re in a great challenge or crisis is to be comforted and loved. 4. Take Care of Yourself. Sometimes your own biggest stressor can be in response to a loved one in pain. While taking care of yourself isn’t “number one” in this list, it may well be your most important move when it comes to supporting your loved one. Take time to notice your own response to the suffering of others. This could be a loved one, or something occurring locally or globally. Be honest with your own reactions, thoughts and feelings. Bring compassion and forgiveness to yourself as the witness of others suffering. When you feel stressed, you can only contribute so much to your loved ones. Do whatever you need to shine brightly. Your calm, peaceful and loving energy will be felt by others without you needing to do or say anything. Your heart-centered care gives you a clearer ability to use intelligent concern rather than feel reactive or stressed. 5. Trust Yourself. In trying to assist a loved one, it can be challenging to know what your best move is that will support them. Should you walk away, be positive and optimistic, agree with them, disagree with them, be gentle or a little rougher, help them, or have them do it on their own? There’s no right answer, for each person needs support in different ways at different times. Not trusting your own choices certainly won’t support them. Know that you are a loving, caring, powerful person and you, too, are doing the best that you can. That is more than enough! Trusting yourself also means standing in your own truth. Your loved one doesn’t have to agree with you, and you can be radically authentic in your own truth while being loving and compassionate at the same time. You don’t need to compromise your beliefs in order to help others. If you know in you bones and heart that they can heal their bodies, find the perfect job or home, thrive and have their dreams come true, you can stay solid in your knowing despite their disagreement or proof that says otherwise. You don’t need to argue your point or necessarily even say it aloud, but you also don’t need to give it up. Holding your authentic vision is transformative and of great contribution. 6. Envision Their Success. There are many ways to energetically support a loved one, such as prayer, sending blessings, or using visualization techniques. Remember that they have their own free will, and your support is not forced upon them, taken only if their souls truly want it. In a relaxed and calm state, imagine that your loved one has come through the other side of their challenge. Use your senses, sight, sound, feeling, to envision in the present moment their success and happiness. Notice, in the present moment, how they are feeling, talking and acting from this accomplishment. Notice how you feel witnessing their triumph and things working out for them. In alignment with their free will and the highest good of all, let that now go out into the universe to manifest, maybe even better than you could imagine on your own. If you’re the type of person (and most of us are!) who wants to fix other people’s problems, this is a great way to use that desire without disempowering your loved one or feeling upset if they don’t take your advice. We really are all connected, and your powerful ability to create can be used to shift the experience of others if this is truly what their own soul desires. Know that your love is the greatest support you can give to your loved ones. Your unwavering love, the true greeting of Namaste, that love that sees the beauty and divine perfection of your beloved in all their moods, thoughts and reactions, contributes and transforms their suffering, whether you see evidence of that in the moment or not. Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash by Julianne Kulosa As we approached the Lunar Eclipse last week, I knew that the boulders on the mountain a group of us planned to be on that day had something to share with me.
Walking up to a peak, I was feeling calm, enthusiastic and playful. Sitting on one of the boulders, surrounded in redwood trees, I placed my hands on the boulder and closed my eyes. I was surprised to feel a very intense vibration coming from the boulder, that buzzing vibrating feel. I expected to feel a grounded, heavy, solid, strong and stable energy – you know, like a rock! The boulder shared with me about the vulnerability of the earth. “The vulnerability?” I thought. Sure, I’ve understood that we are all connected, that the earth herself is going through what we are, and how we affect the earth not just physically but also energetically. However, I had it that Gaia, a powerful amazing being, could take care of herself. She’s already in fifth dimensional consciousness. If we’d just live more sustainably, she’ll take care of her own healing. After the boulder spoke, I was drawn to bring in light, to breathe into my heart and call forth pure divine light and send it and my love into this boulder and into the core of Gaia. Almost immediately, the energy of the boulder shifted. No more buzzy vibration, but instead, it became calm, peaceful, solid and grounded. This powerful experience reminds me that we very much have a responsibility as caretakers of our beloved Gaia. Gaia is “at effect” of the consciousness of humanity. She is in the ever present now moment, and does not operate the same as we do in our consciousness. She lives in the natural truth of reality, while we use our free will to choose where our attention is, how we interpret reality and what reality we choose to live in moment by moment. In these extremely intense and transformational times, it’s easy to be pulled into the density of separation, scarcity, judgment and fear. When we ourselves are feeling the effect of that, be it anxiety, anger or other dense emotions (and taking them on as “truth” instead of just letting them flow through), we are giving this energy to the earth. Want to have a pulse on humanity and the collective consciousness on the planet? You need only look to what is happening in nature. She’s doing her best to “let off steam”, such as through earthquakes, fires and volcanic activity. She’s extremely strong, and also highly sensitive. Being a caretaker of the earth means to tread lightly, in all ways. One way we can powerfully support our home is to literally bring in more light. This is the light of unconditional love, of Source, of deep compassion, care and peace. Our bodies, too, are earth, so we may be drawn to consume lightly, be it in use of resources or in the way we eat. Truly, love and light are our most powerful resources in co-creating New Earth. She needs us as much as we need her. With a willingness to merge and unify with her, to take personal responsibility for our world and reality, we become the stewards of our beloved home. Photo by Chris Angel on Unsplash by Julianne Kulosa I had a flash not too long ago I’d like to share with you. You know those flashes – they’re so profound when you get them, even if afterward they feel a little fuzzy or have been forgotten entirely. Then you remember you’ve heard it before, in various ways from various people. Nonetheless, you just got that flash in your heart, in your soul, in your bones. It’s one thing to get it intellectually, it’s another to embody it.
Getting that we are multi-dimensional beings and that everything is divine and connected (aka unity consciousness) are two important concepts and descriptions of 5th Dimensional Consciousness and New Earth. Love and Light are keywords, so much so for me that I got them tattooed on my wrists to remind me of my Prime Directive. I had been using Light as a tool, bringing in Light, sending out Light and blessings, connecting to Source through that ever present beam of divine Light connected between us and Source, and connecting to the heart of Gaia. This year, I’ve been drawn to choosing to merge with Source and Gaia, to merge with my multi-dimensional nature, Higher Self, I Am presence – all of me. However, in the idea of “merging”, I experienced a disconnect. While I learned how to “run energy” in my late teens, basically bringing in Source light through the top of my head and grounding into the earth and bringing her energy up into me and cycling that light and energy through specific energy channels of the body, I never thought of it as unifying or merging. Things like workshops in non-duality, meditation, and deepening my understanding of unity consciousness led me to experiences of oneness, yes. The word merging brought up for me those thoughts and subsequent feelings that I’m not enough and the thought, “Who am I to think I can merge with God and with Gaia?” As I’ve practiced my willingness and openness to merge, it’s certainly become easier. Easier in the sense of feeling empowered inside enough to say, “Gaia, how can I better care for you today? Life, how may I serve you? God, please guide me today, to see you, hear you, feel you more clearly, to do your Will.” In the past I’d asked these things, yet sometimes felt helpless, that not good enough feeling to even deserve that kind of clarity of my service or my mission. You know the feeling, “God, I pray, please help me, though I’m not sure I deserve it,” feeling that powerlessness as a mere selfish human, at the effect of not-so-good experiences in yourself and in the world. The flash I felt, and subsequent thoughts told me, “This is about merging with all of you. Unity consciousness begins within you, merging with and including all of your multi-dimensional nature.” Yes, I already got that it’s been about loving yourself, all of you. But this was more about bringing in Light. As I’ve done clearing or releasing, regardless of technique, I’ve done so with, “Thank you, I love you.” But there’s been this sense of “never enough” present, that all that clearing and releasing will be unending. As I become more aware of those programs, thoughts, judgments or deep wounds, I’ll notice there’s still more. Even in the desire to love it all, to know All in Well and in divine order, all to be loved, there’s the sense that my judgments, lack, fear, reactivity and habits that are “lower vibe and need to be seen and released” won’t ever go away completely. Furthermore, I can’t count how many people, techniques or courses have made the promise of, “Do this and it will be gone forever…your problems, your doubts, your blocks, your habits etc.” Or how many people I’ve heard or read about that seem to have “gotten rid” of those feelings, thoughts or problems forever. I call bullshit. New Earth and 5th dimensional consciousness does not change the dualistic nature of a physical universe, a physical earth. The nature of being human is that we have the ability to choose how we interpret and respond our experiences, where we place our consciousness. These experiences give us an opportunity to choose compassion, love, care, peace, trust, joy and service. In the consciousness of 5D, those more “3D” fears, doubts, and feelings of lack and separation aren’t “gone”, they just don’t have power anymore, and are easier to move through because you are in a very different vantage point of those experiences. Nature shows us the way. Are you overwhelmed with grief by witnessing the cycle of birth and death as a flower grows and then withers and dies? Are you appalled by the way animals hunt, kill and eat other, or fight to gain being alpha of the pack or to get their mate? Have you ever seen a petition or rally against stopping the earth’s earthquakes or volcanoes? Unless you put human labels on nature’s way, it is just the nature of the circle of life. So, too, are all parts of you and your experiences, just cycles and experiences. Not good nor bad, but all to be chosen as reason to lift up into the Light of seeing all as Divine, all to be loved, respected, held with deep compassion and brought into that Light. That FLASH about merging felt so good because I got that those things coming up, the wounds, the judgments, the pain, aren’t “supposed” to go away. It matters not. What allows that Light to come in is getting my own unity consciousness, that all of me is whole, interconnected and One with All. One with ALL INSIDE ME. There’s no “clearing it out” really, it’s all just metaphors and ways to make the ride easier and more fun. It’s more about transformation than clear-cutting, though sometimes it can look that way when the fire inside burns down the forest (or external things in your life) so the phoenix (True Divine You!) can rise from the ashes. I can include all of me in 5D. That includes me in all dimensions, which includes the doubtful me, judgmental me, “bad habits” me, anxious me or angry me. Striving to be a loving, kind and caring person, yet then seeing how I’m selfish, mean or hurtful to others or the planet has made it challenging to include that on my list of "including all" in unity consciousness inside of me. Because 5D is about unity, that includes my own judgments and preferences. It’s just fine to think, “I hate that about myself.” Can I include that into my heart and embrace that judgment with love? Why yes, yes I can! This is embodying Light – admitting that you came here as a Divine Spark and are that NOW, not only if you reach some standard of measurement. When you don’t try to push anything away or get rid of anything, you then are in this awesome space of inner power. You can just have that thought, and yet its power is lost, the power to dim your Light inside, because when you get that it’s ALL light, All Divine, All United inside of YOU, then you can just use your freewill to align with Source, to focus on your true heart’s desire, your deepest values, and the reality you want to live in right now, not one day. Source casts out nothing and loves unconditionally always. Aligning with Source God, then, means bringing that love to All aspects of You. There are no rules or regulations of how a Light-filled 5D human should act or be. Chuck those out the window, because they just put into a box what is in unity and what is not (wait – there’s that separation again). We are learning about transcending duality, about the possibility of living in a universe that has duality, yes, the yin and the yang, yet operating from a place that merges rather than separates from that duality. It is because we live in a reality of such duality, be it in nature, perspective, belief, action, thought or emotion, that we are propelled into moving beyond the illusion of separation. Oneness and unity is the greater reality, and we really can live there and experience duality, that juicy diversity, at the same time. You’ve been there, such as in an intimate experience you’ve had with a loved one where you’ve bared your soul and felt safe, seen and loved. You might try on being willing to merge. Just willing. Willing to merge with all parts of yourself, willing to merge with God/Source, and willing to merge with Gaia. Allow this willingness to merge assist you in more easily holding the loving space for all the darkness inside to be seen as what is asking to be embraced back into your Light and the divinity of your soul. Even in those hardest moments, when your mind is incessantly chattering negative judgments that feel so true and powerful in your emotional body, you can just call in Divine Light. Imagine it filling all of you (that willingness to merge…) - your body, your “ego”, your soul, your emotions, your mind, all of multi-dimensional you. You can ask for support and assistance from the Universe. It only takes a small recognition, a spark of light, a breath into your heart, to reunite with and remember the You that experiences Divine Union with All by bringing love to All of You. Photo by Joe deSousa on Unsplash by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Ascension Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. ![]() The collective energy has been building, and now we feel it even more intensely from the U.S. Presidential election. Feelings like anger, rage, despair, betrayal and depression all are intensifying. There’s a storm afoot, that’s for certain.
Your power does not come from the storm, from any leader, or from anyone outside of you. It’s easy to get caught up in the drama swirling around you, for you really are quite helpless to any person, thing or event that occurs in your world. We all want peace, joy, happiness and love. Some may not just be going about the best way to achieve those states of being. It’s important, imperative for your and the world’s well being, that in these intense times you take time out for yourself. Put away your phone or computer and turn off the television. Within you is the eye of the storm, a calm, centered and peaceful space. As you honor whatever arises within you, whatever fears, judgments or feelings, you have within you the greatest power of all. You get to choose, moment by moment, what you want to believe, feel, think and do. This includes choosing to know and trust that everything that is arising collectively, politically, and within yourself is purposefully coming up to be released from the collective. Think of it like cleaning a very dirty pot that has lots of muck stuck to the bottom of it. When you start cleaning, the dirt rises up, turning the soapy water black at first. Do you then give up cleaning the pot? Do you think, “Oh, gosh, I thought things were going well. I got the soap and hot water, the sponge, but now it’s dirtier than ever. Forget it.” No, of course you don’t give up! As all the muck arises from within you and that of the collective consciousness, the dirty yucky stuff, the stuff that’s been there for who knows how many lifetimes or blood and family lines, know and trust that it is coming up to be cleaned out. We don’t clean it with more mucky fear or hate. We clean it with the divine light-infused soap and golden sponge of pure love and compassion. The world is waiting for YOU to step up and claim your power. No more do we need to give it away to any person or situation that is happening globally. If we do, we get caught up in the drama and find ourselves experiencing that drama on a very personal level in our own lives, be it our health, relationships or otherwise. Claiming your power is a very action-oriented directive, taken moment by moment throughout your day. Words, as powerful as they are, only do so much when it comes to truly shifting your state of being. Surely you’ve seen the truth in the written in spoken word since it began to be recorded. Statements like, “Peace begins within,” “Love is the answer,” or “Only love is real,” have been heard time and again. Only through your personal experience of vibrational states of being like peace, love, hope, joy or trust can you truly embody sage words and be the change you wish to see in the world. It is who you BE, that then reflects and empowers what you DO and how you experience your world. Let’s be honest: how others experience their world is none of your business, for only they have the power to change their own mind and perspective. Shifting your own state of being is more powerful than any action taken from a place of fear, outrage, frustration or determination to destroy, fix or change what is so terribly wrong. SIMPLE WAYS TO CLAIM YOUR POWER AND PEACE NOW Ground Take a walk, a bath (better yet with Epsom salts), stand with a tree or barefoot on the earth, exercise. Center Place your hand on your heart and breathe. Stop what you’re doing and simply take 3 breaths with your attention in your heart. Ask For Help Call on your higher self, God, your angels or divine guides to assist you in seeing a higher perspective about the situation. Ask for divine will and intelligence to guide your way. Listen. Be open to the answer in any form it takes. Be Grateful Find something, anything, you can appreciate and are grateful for right this moment, no matter how small. If you can’t find anything, create it! Put on a song that you love, connect with a loved one, give your pet some attention, gaze at the clouds, listen to the birds, or watch an inspiring or funny movie. Be of Service Give someone what you are wanting more of. This could be as simple as a smile, holding the door open, or a kind word. Send blessings to all with the simple words of, "May all be blessed with...(love, peace, freedom...)" This is a short list, for often simple is the most powerful. You’ve heard all these before, because they work! Be gentle on yourself, beloved. You are not alone, nor are you powerless. You were born to express your unique spark of divinity to this world in chaos. Rise up! Lift up! Allow all the muck to arise, the storm to swirl around you, and let the light of who you really are contribute to a world in great need of YOU. by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Ascension Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. You probably have heard the saying, “If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention.” Some say this statement came about in the 1960’s. So how are you feeling these days? Are you frustrated, angry, outraged, apathetic, confused, depressed, grieving or just coping by occupying your time with important things like shopping, videos and social media updates?
When it comes to mainstream news, I’m more interested in how people react to it than the news itself. This is because I’ve come to a point where I know there is always an agenda, and I’d rather be aware of it and live by my own than get sucked into another’s agenda unaware. The latest buzz seems to be around black men getting shot by police, and police getting shot by black men. I’m sure you probably have a strong opinion about this. The question is, does your opinion come with strong emotions, like outrage? After starting to write this blog, this particular buzz came up in a conversation with my 20-year old son. His anger and sorrow was palpable, specifically regarding racism and his lack of ability to ever really experience how greatly it effects black men, given he’s a white male. I flashed back to the days that I became acutely aware of the insidious nature of racism, including my own (still there in writing this – my fear of offending – dare I say “black”? Is that PC?). I realized that outrage is a natural part of the experience of waking up to any unnecessary injustice or suffering that has been happening on this planet for centuries in one way or another. I’m not here to tell you not to react to any crisis occurring. However, in order for true change to occur in a world in crisis, it is clear that new ways of thinking, being, perceiving and acting are necessary now. There’s no going back to the “good old days” or “normal” if you’ve chosen a path of spiritual awakening. While the issues and shift in reality at hand has been talked about for decades, more and more are waking up to seeing and admitting this shift afoot. How are you to thrive amid the breakdown of reality and all the upsurge of intensity, for good or for bad, occurring around you? It’s important to understand the power of our hearts. In the 1990’s, the HeartMath Institute discovered that the heart is a “second brain”, containing its own intelligence. Accessing the intelligence of the heart answers the deepest questions, such as “Why am I here,” and “Who am I?” The heart also emits the most powerful electromagnetic field in the body. Furthermore, the magnetic field of the heart affects and is affected by the magnetic field of the earth as well as other humans. We’ll come back to the heart in a moment. In the 1980’s, with the key works of scientists like David Bohm and Stanislov Grof, science began to support the theory of a holographic universe. The idea of a holographic universe means basically that our reality is a projected illusion, existing only in our perception. Grof compared the mind to a holodeck, like the one you saw in Star Trek. You can also think of it like a movie projector. Light is sent out from the projector, meaning nothing to us if we look back in the movie theater toward the projector room. Without a screen for the light to go onto, the light would simply extend out into space. Instead, it goes onto a movie screen, where we experience the movie. We are the projector, the light, the screen, and the theater where we sit. The movie changes depending on the use of our senses, the choice of light used, and our expectations of the movie we are watching based on our past experiences. Depending on our choice of perception and state of consciousness at any given time, we will have a very different experience. For example, you could go to a serene and beautiful lake, basking in the beauty and relaxation of nature. The lake could feel calming and refreshing, whisking away all your cares. You might even see the fairies and water sprites fluttering about. If you have a fear around lakes, such as of drowning, stepping on that mucky stuff below, or from scary movies with evil things lurking beneath the surface (ok, maybe you don’t have that crazy fear – but I do, ha!), then you’ll have a very different experience. It doesn’t matter if your experience matches anyone else’s, whether in response to something happening in the greater world or your personal life. What matters is that you know you have the power to not only shift your experience, but influence others and the world itself. The power of the heart holds the key to shifting, and thriving, through anything occurring in our reality. Furthermore, we can step up our positive contribution to a world in chaos. Do you want to add your outrage, helplessness or anxiety to the world, or add peacefulness, cooperation and unconditional love? The research, such as from HeartMath and Lynn McTaggart, shows us that we can and do affect the world at large. In fact, when we get together with others and come into the space of the heart, a synergy occurs, meaning that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. We affect the magnetics of the earth more as a group than we can as individuals. McTaggart’s intention experiments show the power of group intention, such as decreasing violence in a specific geographic location. These experiments utilized heart-based emotions and intentions. Coming into the heart and creating a state of heart coherence, meaning balanced and smooth heart-rhythm patterns, is an easy and quick practice that you can do anytime. Creating Heart Connection and Coherence 1. Physically touch your heart with your hand or fingers. When you touch your heart, the brain’s attention goes to that area. 2. Slow your breathing down. This signals a relaxation response, as breathing is slower in situations where you feel safe and relaxed. 3. Think about something that you feel appreciative for, grateful for, or deeply love and care about. From this space, you are now sending this vibration, electromagnetic frequency, and holographic perception of reality out to your loved ones, the global community, and the earth itself. From the space of the heart, intuition is heightened and you can find new understanding regarding any situation. Following the guidance and intelligence of the heart provides new insights and solutions. Instead of remaining outraged when we pay attention, we can choose to take powerful action that transforms our world by being honest about our feelings, and then access the compassion, unconditional love, neutrality and true care that resides in our hearts. By being willing to harness the power of the heart, we can thrive even amid life’s greatest challenges. by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Some of you are very familiar with the idea of grounding your energy. The concept is used to really get our “feet on the ground,” to be fully in our bodies. When we are grounded, we are better able to handle all of life's challenges as well as fully experience all of life's gifts.
The first time I learned to ground my energy was back in about 1988 at the Berkeley Psychic Institute. I would send a cord from my root chakra, at the base of the spine, down to the center of the Earth. I’ve also grounded by imagining roots like a tree coming out from my feet and grounding down into the earth. When I was a fitness instructor, I would guide my yoga students to ground in this way during "tree" pose, as well as release what no longer served them by giving it to the earth, where it would be composted. After all, it’s the nature of earth to gain rich and fertile soil through dead leaves and creatures. Wouldn’t the same be true with dead thoughts, feelings, habits and memories that no longer serve our highest good now? Over the past few years, I’ve noticed I feel strange about grounding my energy as I used to. I’ve been drawn to more heart-centered practices, sensing that the heart is the place to start in my spiritual practice. In fact, I even feel strange about a tried-and-true method of bringing in light through the top of my head, grounding it down into the earth and filling my body with light. Not that I don’t still use light in many ways including a pillar of light from above and below, but it is different than in the past. Know that I am not talking about “earthing”, a practice of naturally connecting to the earth such as through barefoot feet. We can talk about that another day. As you know, it’s a challenge to trust yourself without anyone else agreeing with your viewpoint, especially when new ways of being and acting in the world are involved. I’m blessed to know the universe is co-conspiring with me (as it is with you!), and because of that, I have noticed that others whom I respect are talking about what I’ve come to find as well. There are two realities afoot, my friends. The first is the one we know so well, that of 3rd dimensional experience. The other is 5th dimensional and beyond. Take a look around you and you’ll see the world is in chaos. While 5th dimensional earth is here, 3D is as well. Which do you want to add to? I don’t want to get too “out there” with you in my blogs, though I do like to sprinkle in new concepts and possibilities that I’m certain you’ll be hearing about more and more. My goal is to serve you in a practical way, a way that brings more love, peace, joy and abundance to your life each day. When we use outdated methods of grounding, as I described I’ve used in the past, we are unintentionally adding to the chaos. Mother earth is going through what we are, so she is not the best being to assist us in grounding into our bodies as spirits. Yes, we can indeed connect to her in 5th dimensional ways, but this does not include using her to recycle our internal waste or ground a body that is stressed, anxious or fearful. So where do we start? How do we come more fully into our bodies, knowing that when we are stressed, our spirits tend to want to be anywhere but in our bodies? Your anchor, your grounding point, is your heart. You start from there. Think of the heart as the new root chakra, the chakras no longer thought of as energetically linear bottom to top as in the past. When we want to remember and live the truth of who we authentically are, when we want relief because we are stressed, overwhelmed, or dizzy with the chaos around and within us, we can anchor and ground into our hearts. This is a practice. No amount of reading or others telling you what’s possible can replace you actually doing the practice. We must practice a different way of being in order to experience change in our lives. I know that you know this, but it’s easy to forget, especially when you are feeling victimized by circumstances you can’t control. When we are in a state of pain, fear and doubt, we naturally want to escape. Know you are doing the best you can, and can also commit to a new way of being. 6 Ways to Ground Into Your Heart 1. Try HeartMath. If you’re a more scientifically-minded person, begin with taking a class with the HeartMath Institute. There are many places to find classes, from Meetups to The Shift Network, to HeartMastery. They also have developed an amazing biofeedback system called the emWave so that you can literally know when you are in a coherent state with your heart and sustain longer periods of this state. When your heart beat rhythm is coherent, meaning have a more consistent pattern, the heart sends a message to the brain and all other systems in the body to become coherent. In coherence, the body’s psychological and physiological state, such as the immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems, become harmonious and highly effective. These are the states of relaxation, peacefulness, and joy. Try their “Quick Coherence” practice. It takes just a minute or so! 2. Add on to the Quick Coherence technique. Place your hands on your heart, and breathe. Imagine your breath is coming into your heart and out from your heart. With your attention in your heart, say a word, such as “peace.” My personal favorite is, “I love you.” What is it that you need in this moment? Other phrases might be, “I am safe,” “I am loved,” “Relax,” “I trust myself,” or “All is well.” Whether you feel different or not right away, you are practicing your ability to move and change energy by calling forth what you are wanting. You are powerful. 3. Expand Light From Your Heart. As you connect to your heart, imagine that there is an eternal flame of light within you. It is who you authentically are. It is your true essence, where all the love, joy, peace and abundance you might tend to seek outside yourself exists. This love is not dependent on any outer circumstance, including when you are feeling pain in your body or thoughts that tell you otherwise. Sense, see or feel this light in your heart, a crystalline diamond white light. If you see or sense another color, trust that. Imagine this light expanding from your heart, filling your entire body. Don’t worry if you don’t experience anything. Just imagine. Imagine this light expanding out in all directions – above, below, in front of and behind you. If you’d like, expand it to your home, your neighbors, your town, your country and around the earth. You can even expand this light into all dimensions and timelines past, present and future. You are divine love and light! 4. Take a walk. This is a way to use our beloved earth for grounding. As you walk, deliberately connect to your heart by placing your hand on your heart, breathing into your heart and allowing yourself to feel, see and smell nature around you. 5. Call For Help. You are never alone. When your emotions, stress and thoughts are so intense that you can’t get yourself to do your own practice, call for support. Ask the universe for support, call on your angels for their love and guidance, call a friend who you know will remind you that you are strong and able to be in your body as you move through your upset, read inspiring words, or listen to a guided meditation or uplifting music. 6. Practice Calling On Your Heart. One of your best practices is to call on the help of your true divine self, that light that expands from your own heart. Practice noticing your connection to your heart when things are going well, when you are in a space of love, gratitude and trusting your process. You are the one that can really be there for yourself in the most loving and powerful way. What does this look like in practice? I’ll explain with a personal example. I’ve found myself time and again noticing that I feel anxious, that I am doubting my abilities, my process, and where I am at in my life. I place my hands on my heart, breathe, and give attention to where in my body I am feeling anxious. I notice the thoughts that go along with my feelings. I say, “It’s ok, I am here for you. Tell me all about it. I love you.” I listen, like a loving mother would to her child. I’ll say, “I love you. I’m not going anywhere and am always here for you. You are safe. It’s ok.” You see, the heart, the root of your true authentic self, is your greatest guide and biggest fan. This is the part of you that loves you for all that you are. Your heart is meant to guide your mind and ego. It’s habitual for us to think it is the other way around: that the mind, filled with fear, doubt and a need to control our experiences and future, is meant to guide our true authentic self. Some of you have practiced meditation, meaning practiced being the “observer”. While this is an excellent practice, know that divine you is not a separate you who observes your experiences. You came here to experience being a human, with human thoughts, feelings and judgments. While I am practiced at observing, when I call on help from my true divine nature, it actually is not separate from “me”. It is the me that remembers that I am not my experiences. I remember that my experiences do not define me nor limit my reality, but I can describe them. Rather, I am having experiences, and honor that what I am experiencing is absolutely real to me. This brings me the light, relief, calmness and love that is ever present if I only remember. You can be like the hawk, flying higher to see this bigger perspective and truth of reality. When you come down from the sky and go to catch your dinner, filled with survival needs like feeding your body, you are bringing with you that bigger perspective of what brings true nourishment to your soul when you were flying above. A hawk is always a hawk. He immerses in his experience, whether from a broader perspective above or hunting on earth below. By deliberately practicing, you can remain conscious of who you really are, even when immersed in any life experience. So go ahead and practice observing during your meditation time, and then come down, grounding into your heart and body here and now, able to fully be there for yourself, even in challenging times. by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and WayShower, guiding the way to living a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Taking action on the desires and guidance of your heart can be scary and confusing. This kind of guidance resides outside the norm of time and space, where we plan, research and use our logic and intellect to make responsible decisions. When we follow our hearts, there is no apparent safety net, no rules or time-tested measurable results we can count on. Our hearts call us to make choices that bring us closer to our true divine nature. We didn’t grow up being taught about our true divine nature. In fact, as we grow up, we become more and more separated from our natural ability to live in the moment and experience life through the eyes of our divine selves and the higher dimensions. We are taught that we cannot trust our hearts, for it is our hearts that have led us astray in aspects of our lives like relationships and finances. Someone says they are following their heart, and we see how they are about to crash and burn. The experiences you have witnessed, in others and yourself, where following your heart led to pain, is a misinterpretation both of the heart and of pain. Taking action from a heart desperate for love, for fulfillment, for joy and connection, actually blocks your heart’s natural ability to inform your mind of the next step to take. The desperation or frustration you feel is informing you that you are not actually in your heart in that moment. Desperation and yearning are forms of lack, of not enough. We want something we think we cannot have right now. Your heart lacks nothing, filled with a depth of love that connects you to an unending stream of joy, connection, abundance and peace. Keys To Trusting Your Heart’s Desire 1. Cultivate Heart-Based Emotions Your heart is your power source, plugged into unconditional love and radiant light. You get to strengthen that power by connecting more to your heart, or weaken it by unplugging your heart from your mind and ego. In order to follow your true heart’s desire, you must practice living in your heart. Take some deep breaths, and imagine your inhale going into your heart and your exhale coming out from your heart. This begins to anchor your awareness in your heart, allowing it to inform you. The easiest heart-based feeling to cultivate is gratitude and appreciation. This can be for anything: any person, any item in your room, any experience that you can authentically feel gratitude for in this moment. Other heart-based emotions include peacefulness, calmness, joy, and harmony. 2. Build Self-Awareness Following our hearts without self-awareness is often what people think of when judging others who follow their hearts as irresponsible and dumb. A lack of self-awareness results in following your heart blindly. Love does not make us blind. Our lack of practice in knowing our thoughts, motivations and fears do. We’ve all had friends who say they are “following their hearts,” and from your view, you see they are being foolish and know the end result will be bad for them. This seems to happen most often around money and relationships. What’s up with that? They say love is blind. On the highest level, it is; for love does not judge and sees all as divine. But as you know, the saying “love is blind” usually implies choices made that result in negative outcomes. Blindness comes from unwillingness to take an honest look at yourself or simply a lack of education or experience in being self-aware. Self-awareness naturally extends to awareness of others. When you make choices or take action without taking a look at your motivations, beliefs, doubts and fears, you are using more wishful thinking than your heart’s guidance. You want more prosperity, so you invest in something that in the end is a scheme or doesn’t work out. You want more love, and wind up in a relationship that is manipulative or abusive. What is happening is that you are actually being guided by your ego, the one who wants what they want and wants it now, the one who is so painfully lacking the experience of love, attention, abundance, and vibrant well being you want now. Getting to know yourself is a path of compassionate awareness. You might take on a practice such as meditating in the morning. Remember that self-awareness isn’t just those 5 minutes or an hour you set aside. That is your “practice” time that enhances your ability to have that awareness 24/7, any moment you remember to, with an attitude of loving attention as opposed to if you are doing it right or wrong. 3. Be Committed to Opening Your Heart When we begin to cultivate heart-based feelings, often all the excuses, feelings and experiences that are not of the heart surface. Normally we try to push those aside, especially when we are committed to a spiritual love-centered path. Even when our goal is to be positive and loving, it’s easy to think that our job is to remove, destroy or ignore anything that is “not” that. Your fears, pain, doubt, guilt, anger, grief and frustration do not go away when you push them aside. They surface to ask for the loving attention of your heart. It is the brave warrior that is willing to open her heart and say, “Yes!” to what is presenting in the moment. Notice the ways you escape what you are being called to notice and love, such as through eating, watching television, shopping or drugs. Be gentle on yourself, especially in challenging and stressful situations. Know you really are doing the best you can in the moment! As we open our hearts, what we are really doing is melting away the blocks of protection we’ve put over our already-open hearts. You might feel palpable sensations in your heart, whether pressure, chest pain or changes in your heartbeat. Always seek medical attention if you are drawn to, and also be open to the possibility that your heart is simply opening. In my personal experience when confronted with my own fears, worries or doubts, there have been times when I feel I can’t breathe. I feel pressure on my chest as if my lungs are closing, my throat feels blocked, and as like I'm going to have a panic attack. I think, “I can’t stay in this body! Let me out!” Each time this has occurred and I choose to stay with my experience, breathe into my fears and trust my process, my heart has opened to love more than ever before. Please remember that what you do for yourself you do for the entire collective of people on the planet. While our experiences are personal, they are also a part of what is happening to everyone and we are feeling it all. I acknowledge and thank you for being brave, for being committed to love despite your fears, and for transforming the entire world through your own practice. 4. Examine Your Heart’s Desire Being willing to be honest about all your thoughts and feelings will give you clarity about your true heart’s desire. Take a piece of paper out and make two columns. At the top of the left column write the words, “My Heart’s Desire” and at the top of the right column, “My Fears”. The more you’ve practiced cultivating heart-based emotions, the easier it will be to know the difference between your heart and your head or ego. Our job isn’t to get rid of the ego, but to live first and foremost in our hearts, allowing the heart to inform the mind and ego. Example: My Heart’s Desire My Fears Be in romantic loving relationship I like my independence. I’m too old, ugly, fat, poor… I don’t want to get hurt again. Have the career of my dreams I can’t make money doing that. I have responsibilities. I don’t have enough experience. Take a look at your fears column and notice that most of them are based on your past experiences, your assumptions about your life and reality, and on what is lacking or “not enough”. You’re not good enough, no job or person is good enough, there’s not enough money, not enough time, etc. In order to protect yourself, you must stay in the same spot you are in now. Even if it is painful, at least you’re surviving. Consider that if you want to follow your heart, then you must honor your fears by respecting them. Ask them how you can serve them. Thank them for trying to protect you. Let them know you are there, to simply love them and honor them. 5. Notice Your Heart’s Desire Right Now Once you are aware of what is not your heart’s desire, you can open up to what is. Your heart’s desire comes from a place of pure love, where trusting yourself and a feeling of peacefulness and enthusiasm for life reside. It has no set future plans, meaning that it is in the timeless place of the present moment. Your heart nudges you, in this moment. It is so easy to navigate your day on automatic pilot. This is often experiences as a constant to-do list in your head. It is a list of “shoulds”, of judgments about yourself and what you or others should be doing. We rush around, keeping busy, shutting out the quiet guidance of our hearts. Your heart’s guidance most often arises as a gentle feeling, a soft voice or image in the background of your busy mind. It might nudge you to stop and enjoy the scenery around you, take a walk, drink some water, or give loving attention to a friend. Your true heart’s desire is to have the life of your dreams right now, in this moment, and you can! All you desire, nothing lacking, resides in your heart. Your future does not hold the place of your dreams fulfilled. Right now, this moment, does. Your heart knows that you are perfect just as you are in this moment, and so is everyone else, even with all your fears, judgments and shortcomings. This means that you have the choice in this moment to enjoy your life just as it is. Your heart gives you power in any situation, for if there is nothing to fix or fight against, then all that is left is to take the most loving action, for yourself and others, in the moment. It might assist you to think of someone whom is the most loving being you know. It could be someone in your life, someone like Jesus, Buddha or Mother Theresa, or your divine guides and angels. Ask yourself, what would the angels do? What would Jesus do? What would my true divine self do? 6. Be Willing to Make Mistakes Let’s say you want to have a better relationship with a friend or partner. Your heart’s desire is to have more love present, more understanding, connection or better communication. You’ve noticed that you have a list of fears: They don’t care about what I have to say. They’ll leave if I am honest about my feelings or opinion. They’re just like that and are never going to change. I’ve tried that before and it made it worse. When you take action from those fears, that action often seems to backfire. However, consider that even if you choose to take action when aware of your fears that are still present, it is movement in the direction of your heart’s desire. You are practicing! You have committed to practicing self-awareness (see #2). You can begin to unravel the difference between your fears and your heart’s desire. You don’t have to wait. Every experience can teach you how to live in and trust your heart more and more. Living a life trapped in the box of fearing rejection, upset or failure may have us feel safe, yet at the same time closes us off to the stream of possibility that our hearts offer. We all want more freedom, self-expression, joy, pleasure, abundance and connection. We can have more when we choose to trust our heart’s desire and take action from that desire. The Truth of Who You Are
The truth of who you are is that you are not lacking in anything, and the one to give you what you want is you. No amount of money, no amount of sage advice or guidance from another, no amount of attention or love from another can give this to you. Your heart is crying out to let you know that YOU are the one who contains all you desire. When you are willing to take a look at yourself honestly and cultivate love, compassion, forgiveness and trust, then the universe can provide you with what you are wanting in your outer experiences. Your heart is waiting for you to fall in love with yourself! It is asking you to fall in love with all that you are and your life just as it is now. Take the time to slow down, to breathe, and to take a step in that direction in this moment. Your heart will never fail you. No matter how small that step is, such as to smile at someone in the grocery line, to say hello to a neighbor, to pet your dog or smell a flower, your heart is guiding you to live in this precious now moment and take actions that infuse you with joy. |
It's not just you, my beloved. The world is transforming and we're all in this together. You are a master and expert in your unique experiences and contribution to the world. Together we'll navigate through these challenging yet oh so juicy and magical times. Archives
October 2021