by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Ascension Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. On vacation with my family this past weekend, we stopped into a thrift store just for fun. Casually looking at clothing, I came upon a 1980’s down hunting jacket. I knew I had to have it. My husband loved it of course, with its two NRA patches. My 20-year old son hated it, as he has the opposite view about hunting and guns as my husband. As for me, I know have strong viewpoints around hunting, animal rights, and meat eating. It was around 7 years ago that my husband’s brother was talking about deer hunting and I could barely listen and began to cry. I felt great pain in my heart. Today, after years of seeking to truly understand the viewpoints and values of those who hunt and eat meat, my husband will soon be going on another hunting trip, and I admit that I’m happy he has yet to actually kill an animal. While I’ve been vegetarian on and off since my teenage years, and a strong animal rights activist into my late twenties, today my values around animals are more grounded than ever. It was just this past January that I decided to come out of the closet fully in regards to my values. What this means for me is to live by my values, without strict rules or dogma (yes, boy do they still come up), and without fighting against others opposing viewpoints. Let’s be honest: we are all paradoxical beings, doing the best we can in any moment. For me, being a whole foods plant-based vegan isn’t a statement, judgment or stance against the environmental, spiritual, ethical or health issues regarding the treatment and use of animals. It is a natural choice given my personal values regarding all of the above. Meanwhile, I still wear my Ugg boots. I put cream in my coffee about once a week when I’m out of the house. I go out to eat, and you never know what’s in your food if someone else is cooking it. I’ll wear a used animal item, such as a down jacket, because the animal already gave its life for it, and/or to be eaten. Should that leather be thrown away, or utilized until it is completely unwearable? If someone is interested in my perspective, I’ll tell them. I know that my intentions, thoughts, feelings and actions speak more loudly than any lecture I could give. So why did I get that hunting jacket? The one I plan to add PETA and vegan patches to? It’s for me and my head, not to mess with others heads. It’s a statement to remind me to confront my own prejudices, limitations and beliefs. It puts me in an external situation to stand confidently yet neutrally in my values amid others reactions or judgments. As I perused the web for my new patches, I came upon a “coexist” patch. Some of you know the term. It became popular because of the non-profit organization, Coexist. They address the hate, prejudice and violence that arise due to conflicting social and cultural identities. What would it look like if people with opposing viewpoints sought to truly understand and respect each other, and work together to build a better world? When the passion and beliefs around your values and ethics come into play, it is a prime opportunity to grow and expand. Are we here to eliminate anything that does not match our viewpoint, or are we here to lift all viewpoints into the light and love of the divine? Is the universe an intricate web, all connected and weaved together, or are things separate? If everything is here to serve us, to say, “Hey, look at me! You still have judgment, fear or doubt around this,” how do we discern when to take action? Do you jump in and educate, stop the abuse, say, “No more!” or do you ignore and walk away? The path of the spiritual warrior is not an easy one, for we don’t want to add to the hate and violence, yet we want to create a world of connection, love, compassion and care. On the “self-help” path, you’ve heard the idea of noticing when you are upset, angry or judgmental with someone and then looking in the mirror, knowing they are reflecting the things in you, your shadow side, that you judge so harshly. While this practice is potent, it’s not so black and white. Do I hate the part of me that has eaten meat in the past? I would say, no, I don’t. When my judgment arises, it calls me to look my core beliefs about reality and how I think the world should be. When my anger arises around the unnecessary harmful treatment of animals, I’m called to be neutral and compassionate, to trust that what others are doing is a call for me to bring in even more love and light to a planet in darkness. When I watch people hurting themselves or others, I am called to remember that they are powerful beings just as we all are, and their path is theirs to walk, not mine. When I feel sorrow and pain in my heart at the harmful treatment of animals and nature, I’m called to live by my values even more consciously. You might think that the world will remain the same if we take no overt action. I’m not saying not to take action when necessary. However, activism begins with our internal actions, doing the work within. By unraveling our own judgments, our automatic responses based on deep-seated beliefs about reality, confronting our fears and doubts, we do this for all of mankind. Every thought we think, every feeling we experience, every intention we set, is a powerful frequency that is added to and affects the collective. You can sit at home and stew about the horrible things happening in the world, filled with anger, hate, helplessness or frustration, and add to the anger, hate, helplessness and frustration of the world. You can sit at home and confront your thoughts and feelings, releasing the anger and hate into the light of source, of unconditional love, and add divine light and love to the world. We think we are in a bubble, that our internal world doesn’t affect others, but this is an outdated viewpoint. From a standpoint that whatever is happening is purposeful and a tool for the evolution of your consciousness, you can then discern what next action step to take in the world. The struggle and fight is over, and yes, the hard work begins. We are used to dissecting our lives and the world by seeing what is good and what is bad. Striving to be a “good person”, we often look at what is bad and must be eliminated. From a different perspective, what is happening is that as you reach up, as you grow spiritually, everything comes up to be seen, loved, and released into the light of the divine. Habits, beliefs and automatic ways of being are called to be noticed and replaced with ways of being and acting that align with your values and soul purpose. It’s all unfolding quite purposefully, and with each conscious choice we make in thought, word and deed, we get to make our experiences mean whatever we want to. Notice what comes up for you if you saw me wearing that down hunting jacket. Does it mean that I hunt? That I eat meat? That I advocate hunting? That I’m cool and “part of the club”? That I am uneducated? A redneck? “Outdoorsy”? A true-blooded American? A Republican? Part of the problem? An idiot? Adding to the bad stuff – or the good stuff? Trying to upset people, given I’m a vegan yet wearing it? You get to say.
by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Ascension Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. When we think about energy updates, it’s a bit like fortune telling, and we’re always asking, “When it will get better?” Well, this is it my beautiful tribe. The “get better” is all up to your own interpretation about your path and reality.
The peaks and valleys, the blasts of energy and gateways here and there in the past, are now happening so closely together that it’s all a blur of opportunity and intensity. It’s a moment-by-moment opportunity to expand and lift up, or to drop into the chaos and fear more deeply. Already started in this month of June, we are in a time where love is the priority. Yes, this is always the case, but this particular aspect of love calls us to dig deeper into the cave with the 5th dimensional light of unconditional love. There are two ways this is showing up for more and more of us, and they both involve breaking the bonds of illusion and stepping into our sovereignty. We do this not just for our own empowerment, but for the entire collective, one individual at a time. Your awakening lights the way for all others. First, we must look at ourselves more deeply. What core beliefs do you have that are limiting your highest good, empowerment and joy? An awareness, releasing by simply declaring it so, and re-framing is called for. Re-frame: What if all your most challenging hardships and limitations were your most powerful tools for awakening? As the energy spins faster and more powerfully, you’ll see more chaos, insanity and destruction in the world. In your own life, your limits are tested. You might want to give up. What’s the point? Feelings might occur such as depression, anxiety, emptiness, frustration, boredom, apathy, or just a feeling of not knowing what to do or what you want. It’s time to commit and live by your commitment, to walk your talk. When you do, those feelings will be called to be re-framed. They call you to slow down, breathe and be present, and give those feelings attention rather than trying to get away from them as quickly as possible. Whatever comes up is a part of your process. The energy of this time brings up all those old beliefs, limitations and stories that want to be released and put to rest. You’ll be surprised by their intensity and maybe that they are still around, and this is why it’s so important to trust your process and the power of love. Personal power arises when you no longer operate on automatic. All those automatic reactions, thoughts and beliefs are coming up to assist you to choose and commit to something new. Remember that one of those automatic thoughts sounds like, "There's something wrong - with me, with others, with the world." The second way love is showing up for us is through the disillusionment of the world as we know it. This takes a commitment to seeing truth through using your discernment. Along the yellow brick road, it’s not easy to wake yourself up from the sweet sleep state of the magical field of poppy flowers. Furthermore, once you get to Oz, you find that the wizard himself is a fraud, a master of illusion. Remember, Dorothy was the one who had the power all along to bring herself home. It may feel like a fight and “us against them” when you start to see the truth about what has been going on in our world for many thousands of years. Notice when you get angry and want to fight the system you trusted for so long. It’s ok if you feel outraged (of course you do!), and breaking the bonds of oppression without adding to it through anger, judgment, powerlessness and fear is the path of the brave love light warrior. When you do turn off the news, stop automatically believing whatever you are told by the authorities you were raised to trust, and for the love of God stop drinking fluoridated water, you might wonder who you can trust. Look into what your source’s agenda is. No, not the superficial mission statement they’ll give. What are they getting out of it, and are they actually fulfilling their mission? Are they doing no harm? Do they seek power over (sometimes you just need follow the money trail) or to connect with and empower you? Notice when you think something is a “conspiracy” and how you react to that thought. Why were we trained that anything that goes against what we were taught by experts and written in history or science books should be dismissed immediately? Discerning truth from illusion takes a willingness to give up, for a moment, what you thought reality to be. (Honestly - the old reality is coming to an end, so you might as well mourn it and move on, or, you can keep repeating an old record. Denial is powerful.) More and more people are seeing that the rat race they were brainwashed into running, the dogma they were following, benefits the few, and certainly not really they themselves. The scientific perspectives that we (consciousness) are separate from the physical world and that nature operates by survival of the fittest were theories, not the facts about reality that we’ve been living by. Whatever you begin to awaken from out of that poppy field, take it slow and easy. There’s no rush right now to take action, unless you are deeply called to do so. Your action of discernment, from a place of wanting pure unconditional love for yourself, others and our beloved Gaia, is more of a contribution than you can fathom. Ask yourself, “What am I committed to? What am I contributing to the world through my consciousness, though my frequency of thought, action and feeling?” Amid these energies, remember that it is easy to get sucked down and spin out. It’s easy to think there is something wrong, whether with you, others, the system or life itself. Once you notice you’re in the density of fear, doubt and lack, you can be gentle on yourself. It’s ok that you feel that way and you don’t need to “force yourself” to be somewhere you’re not. Bring that love and attention to yourself. You are not lacking! You are a brilliant soul here to be a part of a grand transformation! It is happening, now, and it is a call to love. You may have felt the energy intensifying as today’s solstice has approached. The summer solstice is a time in which the most light is available. With the full moon in Sagittarius, we are given an opportunity to find truth and see our own limiting beliefs.
This potent combination gives us an opportunity to release outdated beliefs and open to a new bigger picture about reality and a higher truth. Our intuition is heightened, and we are better able to access our deepest dreams and unique path. The path of awakening involves waking up from and releasing old patterns of beliefs, habits and actions. The sun calls us to allow in its light, not just 3rd dimensional light, but the light of consciousness, the light of truth. This light, this frequency, is that of unconditional love. Love always is the answer. This is such a powerful time, even the days after today’s summer solstice. Breathe in the light of the sun, allowing it to fill your entire being. This light contains the truth that you seek, and expands your intuition. The more you awaken to truth, the more powerful you’ll find your intuition is. Allow yourself time to see any outdated beliefs or behaviors you might have that are limiting. These are all the ones that say, “No, you can’t. That’s just not how reality is, who I am, how it goes.” You don’t need to be tricked by any beliefs that seem to keep you safe and “responsible”. Does that belief have you feel safe, loved, expanded, connected, abundant, joyful or peaceful? If not, you might consider it is time to release that belief under the full moon. Write it down, knowing it served you in the past but no longer does, and release it by burning the piece of paper in a fireproof container. Take time to reflect on how your beliefs around money, relationships, work and health might have changed over the past few months. What actions can you take that support these, without need to force or change anyone else’s beliefs? Trust your powerful intuition, following each step that goes in the direction of loving yourself, loving others, loving the earth and infusing your life with joy and appreciation. by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. It’s easy to be afraid of evil, especially if you watch mainstream media or horror movies. Whether an evil person or an evil entity, the first step is to know that a fear agenda does indeed exist. Knowledge is power, and we do live in a reality of polarity, of opposites.
How do you know the difference between good and evil? Good is empowered through service to the betterment of all, seeking not to control but to connect. Evil seeks power over, gaining energy through the submission of others. You may have heard the term, “The Fear Agenda”. Put a person into a fear-based state and you can control and manipulate them easily. You might also use the term “interference” rather than “evil”. Rather than go into the details of the types of “evil” in the world, which might only serve to increase your fear, I’d like to talk about how to feel safe, empowered and enveloped in peaceful awareness. Those of you on a conscious spiritual path may think you are supposed to “be above” states of doubt, anxiety, judgment or mistrust. Your path is a spiral, as you continually bring up and shed old outdated patterns of beliefs, experiences and actions. You do this for the collective, not just yourself. At the same time, it is true that outer forces that seek power over will attempt to manipulate your energy, especially as you grow spiritually. You’re breaking free, after all! Along my own spiritual path, I have practiced many methods to clear space, protect space and set boundaries. Many clients have asked me how I can ensure the space I create during sessions. How do I know if an angel isn’t actually a darker being in disguise? I know because I set the space I work within, who I call forth in my sessions and am aware and attuned to the frequencies of different energies present. My commitment is to assist others spiritually in a practical way that addresses their day-to-day experiences and concerns. Most of us are not as concerned with beings we cannot see as we are with other humans. In fact, if you’re reading this, you are most likely very empathic. Feeling the emotions of another, especially when they themselves may not be aware of them, can be easily interpreted and taken on as our own feelings and thoughts. Consider also the energy of the collective on the planet. If you watch or read the news, you know there is great turmoil, confusion, upheaval and upset happening in the world. As the shift in consciousness on the planet accelerates, this collective energy seeks to keep things the way they are, a denser energy, and is also a form of interference on your spiritual path. You do not need to fight nor hide under a rock. By being aware that interference is a part of our experience, you can notice it and make choices that center, ground and empower you. I believe we do not need to obsess about “outside forces”, because the answer is still the same: doing practices every day that bring us to a place of peace, joy, unconditional love and trust. However, it’s important to understand that in truth we are all unified, and you are deeply affected by more than just your own inner world. It’s also important to notice when your blame yourself or blame something outside yourself for your circumstances. Blame creates a state of powerlessness, which is more of that fear agenda. Reclaiming Your Power Your job is to claim your power, to call it forth and know how powerful you actually are. You do not need to have years of training or expertise in order to claim your power now. Your free will is all you need. 1. Use Your Discernment. Discernment is an important and powerful tool we all have. Rather than judging something as good or evil, your discernment comes from an inner wisdom that allows you to clearly perceive truth or deception. 2. Be Aware of When You are Being Triggered by any Fear Agenda. Honestly, I could give a long list of the “whys” and “whos” regarding interference, but today I’d like to have you just be aware. It doesn’t matter the source. What matters is that you notice. Taking responsibility for your thoughts and feelings doesn’t mean blaming yourself for them. In fact, blame will not serve you. No man is an island, and we are all affected by both individual and collective fear agendas. You can spend all your time tracing down the “why” of the matter, but at the end of the day, what matters is your quality of life. Once you are in a lighter high vibe space, then anything that you are drawn to take action about, whether environmental, social, economic or political, will be based in bringing more love and vibrant well being to the planet rather than more judgment, hate and problems. Consider that evil gains power through your fears, doubts, insecurities, anxieties, and feelings of lack. Notice not only when you feel afraid, intolerant, angry or vindictive, but also when you feel victimized, helpless, anxious, depressed, not good enough, and powerless. Once you become aware of these thoughts and/or feelings and realize you have choice in the matter, you begin to take back your power. 4. Reclaim Your Power by Calling It Forth. This is simple, and you do not need a fancy ritual to do this. You can simply state it by saying, “I call forth my divine power,” or “I am powerful.” Use any phrase that is empowering for you, be it about trusting, loving, or being divinely protected. Call forth Archangel Michael and his legion of angels. Living a spiritual life comes with being alert, aware and responsible for our experiences. Instead of “wishful thinking”, using positive affirmations to bury the fears and doubts, living a spiritual life takes a willingness to open our awareness to everything that is present. From there, we call forth our greatness. We call forth our light. We declare we are safe and we are divinely guided and protected. This is the true power of affirmations: we affirm and declare it is so, without doubt because we have honestly looked at and given loving attention to those doubts. 5. Command the Light. Again, no fancy training or ritual is necessary here. There’s a reason for the term, “lightworker.” No matter where you are, inside or out, call forth a column of crystalline white light from above and imagine it streaming into the top of your head, your crown chakra. Imagine it filling every cell of your being. Fill your heart and the space around you with this light of pure unconditional love. Inhale it in. Exhale and expand this light out. Do this in anyway that feels good to you. Envelop your nasty neighbor or the angry driver with it. Command that entity in your space to be gone and blast them with that pure white light. Send light to those in power positions, in government, or in corporations, to be surrounded and filled with divine white light. Direct this light down to the center of the earth. Surround the entire planet in a bubble of crystalline light. Call on the angels to assist you, as they, too, will send out light to wherever you ask. 6. Don’t Believe Everything You Think. Notice, again, when you get triggered by habits of acting, thinking and feeling. It’s easy to buy into those running stories in your head, and what different feelings, emotions and sensations mean. For example, I habitually equate butterflies in my stomach (solar plexus) with anxiety. Then my mind chatters about how I’m not doing enough, not good enough or doing it right. Ask yourself, “Is this really true? I know it seems so right now, but is this true?” Would a close, loving and clear-minded friend agree with you? Bring the compassion of unconditional love to yourself. Be gentle on yourself and know that whatever is occurring is arising to empower you, to remind you to reclaim your true divine power. 7. Notice any Intuitive Guidance that Arises. This guidance will feel good and simply right. It could be a change in your diet, to purify your drinking water, to drink more water, take more walks outside, stop watching the news, get more educated, take a break from or end a relationship, re-frame your interpretation of an experience, speak up, question your beliefs, or take a chance on a new hobby or career. Whatever the guidance, it will point you in the direction of trusting your soul’s agenda, what brings you joy and contributes to the well-being of others, and won’t feel like a “should”. Take action! And so, we yet again are given the opportunity to see the gift in our experiences. Being honest about interference and the polarity of reality brings the gift of awareness, both internally and externally. Being aware of our amplified fears and doubts gives us the opportunity to lovingly notice them and then powerfully choose to use our spiritual practices to bring us to a space of love and trust. Being committed to living in our hearts, in that space of love, gives us the safety that divine love and our true authentic selves always live in. Trust in the power of love. Trust in your own process. Trust in the divine support of your loving angels and guides that always surround you. Ever returning to this is your protection. by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Trusting the guidance of your angels, guides and true authentic self is simpler that you think. The only thing in the way is YOU.
While there are basic ways people experience guidance from their angels, guides, and their own authentic divine nature, each person is unique in their experience. Know that if an experience contains any fear-based emotions or thoughts, they are not to be trusted as divine guidance. Even if your intuition alerts you to not trust a situation or person, such as a scam artist or where your safety is involved such as to not get on a plane, the alert itself is just a clear jolt of information given to take immediate action on as opposed to the worry, doubt or anxiety that comes with fearful thoughts. No matter how pretty or professional a package of information comes in, even if labeled as “spiritual”, if it doesn’t feel right to you, it is most important to trust your own higher guidance. Signs You Can Trust 1. Synchronicity Some define synchronicity as a “meaningful coincidence”. When you are following your intuition and divine guidance, life begins to flow and align with your heart’s desire and soul’s mission. You are in the right place at the right time, and things occur with greater ease and grace. 2. Repetitive Signs Your intuition and angels are persistent. Messages and guidance often aren’t given just once. They will repeat until you receive them, accept them, and take action if necessary. Watch those calm repetitive thoughts that guide you toward an action for your well-being, and those signs in your environment and dreams such as number sequences, feathers, coins, birds, animals, songs and what you hear or read from others. 3. Feel-good Emotions When you’re connected into your higher knowing and divine guidance, you can’t help but feel good. Even the greatest crisis can bring with it a sense of peace or calm. The truth of who you are is filled with states of being and experiencing unconditional love, joy, gratitude, trust, compassion and peace. As hard as your situation might be, when you tap into the divine, you know that all is truly well. 4. Calm Inner Knowing Your intuition and divine guidance bring with them a calm inner knowing, even amid intense circumstances. You might feel a relaxation throughout your body, a calm grounded feeling in your belly or gut, a sense of peacefulness, or of certainty (the “I just know” – without rhyme or reason - sensation). Even if the message is alerting you to a danger, instead of fear, you are calmly guided to take important immediate action that will bring you to safety. 5. Lack of Judgment Divine guidance and your intuition are neutral. Even with our own judgment of “good” or “bad” feelings about a situation, the actual guidance comes as information, plain and simple. This is why there is a sense of calmness, that everything will be ok, and you can feel free to accept and be at peace with any situation. This is the energy of unconditional love. Everything becomes simply an experience, a lesson, an opportunity for growth and expansion. There are no “shoulds” present, no doomed feelings such as “If I don’t do this, then something bad will happen.” That interpretation comes from our minds. Start to notice the initial guidance you received. It will come simply as information, whether a thought, feeling, sensation, sound, smell, or visual cue. 6. Sudden Ideas or Flashes Often when we ask for guidance, a sudden thought will cross our minds. Pay attention to those flashes of inspiration, no matter how seemingly insignificant, irrelevant or trivial. Take action! 7. A Simple and Direct Action Step Divine guidance is given one step at a time. You might want more prosperity, overwhelmed by debt and bills, and are guided to clear out the clutter in your closet. You might want vibrant health, and are guided to simply drink more water. While your goals, challenges or problems might feel huge, you can trust that each small step, taken one at a time, will have you reach your larger goals. 8. Something Out of the Ordinary You’re going along with your day, kind of operating on automatic, and you notice something different. This could look like a thought, “Get off at this exit now,” and you avoid an accident. You might see an animal acting out of the norm, or a bird where you might not usually see it. You walk into a room, feeling fine, and suddenly you feel angry, nervous or sad. You feel a breeze when all the windows and doors are closed. Notice when something is out of place or suddenly different. Your inner and outer divine guidance is speaking to you! There are usually more than one of these signs happening at any given time. If you doubt, breathe and ask, “Is this my intuition?” or “Is this my angels?” Trust the immediate answer when it brings with it that calm knowing without judgment. Call on your angels and divine guides and ask for even clearer messages. by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Look around and you see bad things happening to good people, and good things happening to bad people. It’s madness!
We know you’re one of the good peeps. So why would you be having a hard day? Did the universe punish you yet again for your bad deeds? Well, you know, what comes around goes around. “What you sow, so shall you reap.” It’s as simple as the law of causality (cause and effect) in physics, or the law of attraction, right? Of course, karma isn’t just from this lifetime. Those past lives are coming back to get you, too. And, worst of all, did I mention that it looks like it’s gonna be coal again for you this Christmas? Those of you who want to look to blame your troubles on your past naughty deeds will be sorely disappointed by this blog. Please put down your phone or leave your computer now and proceed to do 10 Hail Mary’s and 20 Our Father’s, and God might consider only punishing you for your original sin. If you still believe in karma, I am certain the universe is happily obliging you by giving you evidence of it. You are looking for that evidence after all, yes? I’m honestly not here to take that away from you and try to make you change your mind. Karma goes both ways, so if the idea of it encourages you to be a kinder and more loving person, go for it, seriously! I am here to offer you a way off the “karmic wheel” for good, should you be interested. New Earth is a dimension we can access through our state of consciousness at any time. In New Earth, karma no longer exists. Karma only exists in the old ways of thinking about reality and spirituality that we continue to re-live. Those of you that might at least ponder the possibility that you have reincarnated many times on this planet need to understand that the way we’ve thought about the cycle of death and rebirth, that karmic wheel, can come to an end now, if you choose. What is available to experience consciously now is a multi-dimensional state of being in which reward and punishment don’t come out to play. So what’s changed? Karma is a viewpoint about the nature of reality. It served us in the past. It called us to be kinder, gentler and more caring. “Do unto others…” The lessons learned from our karmic past can now be cleared through the power of divine light and love. We have an opportunity now to choose to embody divine consciousness as humans walking the earth. We now have a new call, and many of us are experiencing this. There’s got to be a better way. The call is to love, to express love from our hearts outward, letting love guide our decisions and actions. This isn’t so that we can finally judge ourselves as good and right humans. This call is given to us so that we may step into and embody the love that we naturally are. No longer are there separate compartments for our heads and our hearts, or for the good and the bad. Love, the energy that creates worlds, asks us to trust that all is unfolding perfectly. Even when we are frustrated, worried, angry or fearful, we declare that this, too, is a part of our unfolding. Let’s get to the bottom line question: How can I apply this in my everyday life? 1. Simply being open to the possibility that the universe, God or physical/spiritual laws do not seek to reward nor punish will begin to change the quality of your experiences. 2. Act as if everything is your ally, teacher and is here for your growth and highest good. Whatever is occurring, whatever you have done or don’t do, whatever someone is doing to you, is not your fault. Instead, you can take full responsibility for creating a reality in which you are having all different kinds of experiences that are ultimately bringing you more in touch with your true divine nature, or showing you ways you blind yourself from your true divine nature. 3. Become aware of ways you habitually blame yourself or others for negative outcomes. With blame comes judgment. If you’re good, you are rewarded. If you’re bad, you must be punished. Notice when others blame you – and remember that they, too, are simply stuck in the old ways of operating in the world. Responsibility is different than blame. 4. Re-frame the LAW OF ATTRACTION. If things aren’t going your way, it doesn’t mean you did something to create that. You weren’t in a “lower vibration” or being a “match” for the bad stuff. The law of attraction is a reflection not just of the vibration or call of your “lower self”, your ego, but also of your higher self, your soul’s calling. You might intend, feel with all your being, and have your complete attention on the manifestation of your desires here and now, and still – shit hits the fan. Why? Because your soul knows the best way to manifest your highest, purest desires, and this yucky smelly crap around is actually the best way to propel you into that direction. That doesn’t mean you have to like it. It does mean you can re-frame your experiences here and now and give yourself space to breathe, be gentler on yourself, and trust yourself. Take heart that all is unfolding in the direction you need to go right now, leading the way to the next step to take. 5. Being a divine human does not mean being free from pain. Pain and pleasure, love and fear, doubt and trust, are all a part of the experience of being human. Our divine nature reminds us that the chaos and suffering of humanity is a call to love and embrace all that we are in this moment. This is why loving the self, choosing actions, thoughts and deeds that are an expression of your authentic self and desires, is the focus now. By loving from within, confronting our own suffering, we become the light that assists and guides others, rather than getting tossed about by the pain and suffering occurring in our loved ones and the world. 6. Try on that there’s nowhere to get to. You are not some day, one day, going to arrive. Rather than taking this idea and making it reason to “give up”, make it reason for you to be more loving and compassionate today, right now. You made it! You’re here! Every time you choose to go in the direction of trusting your process, of giving yourself gentle attention, of assisting others with your loving presence and actions, you more deeply arrive to the magic and miracles possible right now. You break the ties to karma by declaring that you do not need reward or punishment in order to be guided toward the direction of acting in a way that is the most loving, authentic, and joy-filled expression of awesomely Divine YOU. |
It's not just you, my beloved. The world is transforming and we're all in this together. You are a master and expert in your unique experiences and contribution to the world. Together we'll navigate through these challenging yet oh so juicy and magical times. Archives
October 2021