by Julianne Kulosa I’ve noticed that recently, most of my “re-pins” on Pinterest are number sequences. Pinterest is a site where you can post or “pin” pictures you like and create a “board” of pins, such as a board I have called, “Angels and Divine Guidance.” In fact, over the past 24 hours, 6 people have re-pinned the number sequence 222 from my Angels board. It’s become literally a feedback loop for seeing this number sequence myself, affirming the powerful experience I had with my personal guardian angel about 24 hours ago. If you’re reading this blog, I’m sure you have had the experience of seeing repetitive number sequences or patterns, such as 12:12 on your clock or a bill for $33.33. Seeing number sequences usually come in clusters, as opposed to just seeing one here and there every month or two.
Of course, we immediately want to know, “What does it mean?” You can look up the meaning of specific sequences, such as in “angel numbers” or numerology. There’s good reason seeing these sequences are being called angel numbers, for they occur in response to a higher vibration. If you’re like most of us, you don’t often immediately connect spiritual experience with the physical body. For example, spirituality might come in the form of meditation in the morning and if you have a physical experience, it is left for your physician to diagnose. Physically, we have something called a vagus nerve, which effects our health and creativity. The vagus nerve is one of 12 cranial nerves, and is intimately connected with the heart, lungs and digestive system. Through the action of electrical impulses, the vagus nerve initiates the relaxation response, translates “gut feelings” in the digestive tract to the brain, and brings information from the heart to the brain. As you go through your awakening into a deeper connection with your higher self and divine guidance, the vagus nerve begins to re-wire and expand, causing various symptoms. One of the most common symptoms is seeing number sequences. Numbers are part of the language of light, of divine guidance and the higher realms of the angels. Seeing number sequences isn’t about the angels trying to communicate you. It is about you shifting your own vibration so that you are more in tune with their ever-present guidance. The way to allow these patterns to assist you is to embrace the knowing that you are, indeed, connecting more and more to your higher self and the divine higher realms. Each time you see a series of numbers, say, “Thank you! Thank you for affirming that I am raising my vibration and receiving divine guidance. I am highly intuitive. I am guided by my heart, Divine Will and the angels.” Celebrate these number sequences as proof that you are doing wonderfully! You can look up those numbers and notice what interpretation feels right to you, or you can simply choose to listen to that quiet voice inside that is nudging you to take a step in a certain direction. Trust that gentle voice and you will receive more and more guidance from it. My angels nudged me while writing this, so below is their message. From the Angels While it is true that seeing numbers is affirmation that you are receiving guidance from the angelic realm and your higher self, specific number sequences are like specific colors. Each number and series of numbers holds a very special energy and vibration that contains specific information. 222 The number sequence 222 pertains to the balance of opposites, the opposing energies of light and dark, masculine and feminine, fear and love. When you embrace these opposites, you stand in the center, in your true divine nature, that of unconditional love. Three 2’s remind you that you are integrating your spirit and soul with your body. When you see 222, let it remind you to breathe and know that all is truly well, that you are ever embraced and pulsing with divine love and light, surrounded by angels and guides who love you just as you are, whether you are peaceful, happy, kind, loving, angry, afraid or resentful. No matter your circumstance, you are loved just as you are for all that you are. Sweet angels, you are not ever alone, and all that you are experiencing is your schooling in remembering your own divinity, your own connection to us and your true nature. Let these numbers you see teach you, for they contain special codes of information that will guide and empower your path. You know how you feel a certain way when you experience a color? How do you feel in the forest, surrounded by green trees? How do you feel in the desert, surrounded by tans and browns? How do you feel when you wear certain colors, or enter a room painted in a specific color? The same is true for numbers. How do you feel when you see these numbers? Do you notice something different when you see the numbers, such as in your environment, thoughts, sensations or feelings? You need not try to see these numbers nor strive to understand their meaning. Instead, we ask that you surrender. Allow your present moment perceptions to inform you, what you notice when you see numbers. When you stop trying to make meaning of things, answers and guidance arise on their own, like the wings of angels lifting you up. Appreciate the experience of seeing them, ask for our guidance, and let go. We are always here for you. You need not search us out, just as you can not search for numbers. Let your now moment experience be your guidance, knowing that we are with you always. Let these numbers be your affirmation that you are receiving guidance from us. We love you.
2/10/2016 08:09:00 am
Hi Julianne,
Sweet Bobbi!
2/10/2016 09:46:42 am
Dear Julianne! 9/26/2022 01:40:34 am
In numerology, numbers like 222 angel number meaning are a repetitive sequence of three or four numbers that appear in seemingly random places in your life to convey a spiritual or divine message. For instance, if you always seem to catch the clock at 5:55 p.m., or you always seem to be behind a license plate with 222 in it, that might be your angel number.
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