by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and WayShower, guiding the way to living a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Doubt is a powerful emotion that comes with a list of reasons why we are in a wrong situation. Doubt about the self comes in many forms, such as our beauty, intelligence or choices. Doubt about the world can show up in our finances, relationships, or feeling of safety in our environment. Our heads spin stories about how we are not good enough, can't have what we want, aren’t making the right choices, or aren’t where we are supposed to be. When we doubt, we feel helpless in our ability to control our thoughts, feelings, situation and experience. Doubt can stop us from moving forward with our dreams and enjoying our lives now. The freedom, joy, relief, love and trust we are craving does not lie outside of doubt. The way out is the way through. Rather than trying to solve the problems that doubt seems to create, the first place to start is by changing our minds about what doubt actually is. We can choose to tell a different story about doubt, even if there is no evidence that our new story is “true” or “factual.” Remember that you can gather evidence to prove that your doubts are real. That is just one viewpoint of many you can choose to live in. Instead of making yet another enemy in life, the “doubt monster,” we can begin by greeting our doubt as we would a friend, a wise teacher, and an ally. Doubt screams at us to listen, and if we resist, it only screams louder. We can hold up the white flag and say, “Ok, ok! I surrender! What are your terms?” You might think that the way through doubt is to take action despite your doubts and concerns. While this is a part of moving through doubt, using action alone it is like putting a small Band Aid over a deep cut that needs much more attention. Ignoring the wound will not make it go away. If you take a step towards your doubt by acknowledging it and asking what it wants, you’ll find that the peacefulness that trust brings is available within your doubt. Acknowledging your doubts opens up freedom to make a different choice. We often drown in our doubts or use any means necessary to avoid, escape or find relief from them. What is being called for is to understand that these doubts are based in the past, when you experienced separation from your true authentic self and the divine. They are a gift because they show you where your attention is and that you have forgotten your authentic nature, which is connected to and in harmony with all. By the nature of who you truly are, your choices and challenges are always a part of your divine path. This includes the experiences that had you feel unsafe, alone and uncertain. When you choose to trust your path, you open to the abundance, peacefulness, support and love that reside within you and around you. When you doubt, you have an opportunity to choose trust. This means you must first be honest about your doubts, thanking them for trying to protect you, and then choose to focus on trusting yourself, the universe and your unique path of evolution and growth. This will begin to give you clarity as to whether your doubt is based on fears or your intuition. The difference between the two lies in your experience of doubt. Know that intuitive guidance that directs you, for example, to stay away from a dangerous situation, is not doubt but rather a type of inner knowing. Your intuition may suddenly alert you to an immediate action to take, but it not bogged down by your busy mind, fears, anxiety, worry or stress. Anytime you notice a doubt, you can breathe, place your hand on your heart, and say, “I trust myself. Thank you for my life!” Be gentle on yourself and your doubts. Each time you allow yourself to actually notice and feel your doubts, you are receiving the gift of an opening to bring more loving attention to yourself and return to trust. A MESSAGE FROM THE ANGELS & ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL
Trust comes from a place of allowing. Many of you do not feel comfortable with the word surrender, so we will use allowing to explain the energy of trust. Allowing is a statement to the universe, to God and the angels, that you are willing to be supported, open to the possibility that you are not alone, not in danger, and never held in a negative view by a vengeful God or universe. You are here to thrive, not survive. You have survived for so long, many of you repeating lifetimes on this Earth in which your survival was your primary task. Or so it seemed. Archangel Jophiel steps in to speak: You are meant to feel the joy of the angelic realm, the beauty of your abundance of experiences. Look at the earth around you, at nature. I am here to assist you in seeing the abundance and joy that surrounds you. It is always surrounding you. Oh, the beauty of the world opens your heart! Can you feel it? Nature calls you to allow yourself to open to its beauty, its harmony and its abundance. Call on me, Archangel Jophiel, to assist you when you feel doubt. I am here to protect you, to envelop you with the pure essence of trust. All your desires live within you, and if you were not capable of having them manifest, you would not wish for them. This is the illusion of time. Just because you do not have things as you see they could be does not mean you have done something wrong. It means that you see your future, and it is certain. How can this be? You, beloved, are here to create more love and beauty than has ever been known. You were born to do this. You can have this now by enjoying the beauty around you, infusing it with the love in your heart, with the attention of your sweet gratitude and appreciation. Do you see? Open your eyes to the beauty around you and you will have more! This is surrender. You surrender to trusting that all you need is here now, and all you seem to not have is simply not time for yet. Your doubt of the present is really just seedlings beneath the earth promising beautiful flowers in Spring. Are you willing to trust? Are you willing to infuse the flowers in bloom now with your loving appreciation? You are loved and cared for unconditionally. Allow yourself to feel your connection to the divine, even just to connect to the smell of a flower, the smile of a stranger, or the warmth of the sun. Trust and know that you are completely enveloped by the light of the divine at all times, even in your darkest hour and doubts. Open to receiving all the love, support and guidance by trusting yourself and your divine unfolding. You are so loved!
by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and WayShower, guiding the way to living a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Ah, love. It’s something everyone wants more of. How do you know when you are accessing divine love or just that regular yummy but strings-attached conditional love? First we’ll look at what divine love is not. Anyone raised in a traditional religion was taught that there are certain behaviors you must exhibit and rules you must follow in order to be in the good graces of God and get to that divine place, be it Heaven, Eden or Nirvana. That’s far from divine love. Anytime you have the “I will love you if…” experience, from a loved one or yourself, you know you are not experiencing divine love. There is a very specific reason I was drawn to becoming an expert at connecting to my client’s angels, archangels, ascended masters and divine guides. Calling upon their angels, that person is immediately enveloped with divine love. We all know that feeling well, for it is who we are, in our hearts and our divine higher self. Divine love says, “I love you. How may I serve you?” It is unwavering. No action, thought, feeling or experience can change the timeless stream of pure acceptance, peace and love that flows through the higher realms of angels and the true divine self. Love is the nature of the universe. Divine love and the universe are neutral, with that no-strings-attached attitude. The universe gives you more of what you have your attention on and call forth, without question or judgment. How do you know when you’re connecting to your higher self, to your divine intuition, or to your angels? Everyone experiences this uniquely, but there are some palpable cornerstones of divine love I’m sure you have experienced at least one of. Even when you experience divine love for the briefest moments, miracles occur. *PEACE* Despite anything happening in your world, you feel a sense of calmness. Your breathing becomes slower. You relax. You experience in the present moment that all is well and there is nothing you have to worry about, change or strive towards. *COMPASSION* Divine loves comes with a gentle heart. The lion rests with the lamb. Things we fought against we now surrender to. A compassionate heart seeks to understand all viewpoints and know that any action taken by ourselves or another comes from doing the best that we can given where we are in the moment. You see the pain in others and within yourself, the longing for love and relief. With compassion, you take any action necessary for the well-being of all, including leaving a situation that is abusive. *TRUST* Enveloped by divine love, you release the need to control anything in your life. You simply know, for no logical reason, that all is well in the world. You know that putting your life into the hands of the angels and your higher self will have everything you need taken care of. You trust that everything you are experiencing is for your highest good. *SAFETY* Divine love comes with a sense of safety. Held in the wings of angels, you become more courageous and empowered to take steps you would not have before because of fears and doubts. This love calls forth your ability to take chances and follow your intuition. You may not know what your future holds, but you sense that you do not have to “be in charge” anymore, manipulating, planning and controlling your life in order to feel safe in a dangerous world. *GRATITUDE* The experience of gratitude and appreciation comes more naturally when you feel divine love. You want to bless all the people in your life and all your experiences, as challenging as they may be. Nature becomes more vivid and beautiful, and little things you may not have noticed before rise up to be appreciated. You start to notice what an amazing life you have, here and now. I want some of that! How can I experience more divine love? First, know that you are not lacking in divine love. In fact, it is who you are. You just forget sometimes. Life is our journey of remembering. All the cornerstones of divine love can be practiced and cultivated. Your angels are your guides, not the ones who supply you with divine love. They are here to remind you and show you how you can connect to Divine YOU. Listen to that quiet guidance beneath your to-do list and conditions you must adhere to in order to be able to love yourself, shine out your contribution to the world and give love to others. A MESSAGE FROM THE ANGELS
Divine love is not separate from conditional love or any experience you are having. It is infused in every particle of the universe. You think you need to look outside yourself for divine love and guidance. The truth is, we, the angels, are a part of you, not separate from you. Because you’ve forgotten your own divinity, we stay with you throughout your life, reminding you that you chose this path for a very sacred reason. We applaud you for your bravery and willingness to be a spirit who has chosen to forget their true nature. What challenges you have overcome and will continue to! If you were in our position, seeing you as we do, you would fall to your knees, tears flowing in absolute awe at your inner strength and commitment to love. Loving is easy when everything around you is perfect – when you are surrounded with people who love you just as you are, with an abundance of food, shelter and health, and with an absolute knowledge of why you are here and your gifts to the world. Instead, you have chosen to forget your own mastery and greatness. Your world can bring pain, separation, lack, violence and competition. Yet despite these challenges, you love! You make a difference for others, enjoy and appreciate life, and trust there is reason for it all, even if you do not know what that reason is! Do you see how divine you truly are? Nothing in this life can take that away. Use us to assist you in remembering. Use us to help you align with your divine self and guide you to the steps that will bring you the love and peace you are wanting so desperately sometimes. Ask and you shall receive. Know this to be true. Declare it. Call forth all your angels. Fill your room and home with us. We will guide you toward feeling the love that you are more and more, greater than you ever imagined possible. You must be willing to take help when it is offered. This comes in many forms, whether from humans or the angels. You are not meant to do this alone or with your own will alone. Divine will comes from knowing you are a part of a greater plan, a greater game afoot. You will know divine will by the way you feel when asked to follow it. Doubts and fears can cloud your judgment but are not a part of divine guidance. Commit to acting upon divine will and accepting all the assistance that surrounds you. We love you always and eternally. by Julianne Kulosa I’ve noticed that recently, most of my “re-pins” on Pinterest are number sequences. Pinterest is a site where you can post or “pin” pictures you like and create a “board” of pins, such as a board I have called, “Angels and Divine Guidance.” In fact, over the past 24 hours, 6 people have re-pinned the number sequence 222 from my Angels board. It’s become literally a feedback loop for seeing this number sequence myself, affirming the powerful experience I had with my personal guardian angel about 24 hours ago. If you’re reading this blog, I’m sure you have had the experience of seeing repetitive number sequences or patterns, such as 12:12 on your clock or a bill for $33.33. Seeing number sequences usually come in clusters, as opposed to just seeing one here and there every month or two.
Of course, we immediately want to know, “What does it mean?” You can look up the meaning of specific sequences, such as in “angel numbers” or numerology. There’s good reason seeing these sequences are being called angel numbers, for they occur in response to a higher vibration. If you’re like most of us, you don’t often immediately connect spiritual experience with the physical body. For example, spirituality might come in the form of meditation in the morning and if you have a physical experience, it is left for your physician to diagnose. Physically, we have something called a vagus nerve, which effects our health and creativity. The vagus nerve is one of 12 cranial nerves, and is intimately connected with the heart, lungs and digestive system. Through the action of electrical impulses, the vagus nerve initiates the relaxation response, translates “gut feelings” in the digestive tract to the brain, and brings information from the heart to the brain. As you go through your awakening into a deeper connection with your higher self and divine guidance, the vagus nerve begins to re-wire and expand, causing various symptoms. One of the most common symptoms is seeing number sequences. Numbers are part of the language of light, of divine guidance and the higher realms of the angels. Seeing number sequences isn’t about the angels trying to communicate you. It is about you shifting your own vibration so that you are more in tune with their ever-present guidance. The way to allow these patterns to assist you is to embrace the knowing that you are, indeed, connecting more and more to your higher self and the divine higher realms. Each time you see a series of numbers, say, “Thank you! Thank you for affirming that I am raising my vibration and receiving divine guidance. I am highly intuitive. I am guided by my heart, Divine Will and the angels.” Celebrate these number sequences as proof that you are doing wonderfully! You can look up those numbers and notice what interpretation feels right to you, or you can simply choose to listen to that quiet voice inside that is nudging you to take a step in a certain direction. Trust that gentle voice and you will receive more and more guidance from it. My angels nudged me while writing this, so below is their message. From the Angels While it is true that seeing numbers is affirmation that you are receiving guidance from the angelic realm and your higher self, specific number sequences are like specific colors. Each number and series of numbers holds a very special energy and vibration that contains specific information. 222 The number sequence 222 pertains to the balance of opposites, the opposing energies of light and dark, masculine and feminine, fear and love. When you embrace these opposites, you stand in the center, in your true divine nature, that of unconditional love. Three 2’s remind you that you are integrating your spirit and soul with your body. When you see 222, let it remind you to breathe and know that all is truly well, that you are ever embraced and pulsing with divine love and light, surrounded by angels and guides who love you just as you are, whether you are peaceful, happy, kind, loving, angry, afraid or resentful. No matter your circumstance, you are loved just as you are for all that you are. Sweet angels, you are not ever alone, and all that you are experiencing is your schooling in remembering your own divinity, your own connection to us and your true nature. Let these numbers you see teach you, for they contain special codes of information that will guide and empower your path. You know how you feel a certain way when you experience a color? How do you feel in the forest, surrounded by green trees? How do you feel in the desert, surrounded by tans and browns? How do you feel when you wear certain colors, or enter a room painted in a specific color? The same is true for numbers. How do you feel when you see these numbers? Do you notice something different when you see the numbers, such as in your environment, thoughts, sensations or feelings? You need not try to see these numbers nor strive to understand their meaning. Instead, we ask that you surrender. Allow your present moment perceptions to inform you, what you notice when you see numbers. When you stop trying to make meaning of things, answers and guidance arise on their own, like the wings of angels lifting you up. Appreciate the experience of seeing them, ask for our guidance, and let go. We are always here for you. You need not search us out, just as you can not search for numbers. Let your now moment experience be your guidance, knowing that we are with you always. Let these numbers be your affirmation that you are receiving guidance from us. We love you. |
It's not just you, my beloved. The world is transforming and we're all in this together. You are a master and expert in your unique experiences and contribution to the world. Together we'll navigate through these challenging yet oh so juicy and magical times. Archives
October 2021