How are you? What are you noticing? I woke with a feeling of the space between the outbreath and inbreath. Between time, in the space of infinite possibility and potentiality.
The mind wants to analyze and understand, and yet the energy of this solar eclipse is amplifying the space of true freedom. We often think of freedom as rights that we inherently have that have been taken away by some outside source. When we notice these innate rights are being violated, be it for ourselves, others or the Earth, of course we are angry and also empowered to set boundaries and make a difference. Think of limitations of freedom as a box surrounding you. The first opportunity for and expansion of freedom comes when you see the box. However, if this box is blamed on some outside source, the box will never go away. You have already given your power and freedom away to something you consider more powerful than yourself. Seeking freedom from something that is imposing its will on you is only more playing the victim. We all are very good at this one! True freedom, even as we take actions and set boundaries with people, authority figures, and institutions, is an inside job. By awakening to and claiming the truth of your own infinite Divine nature, the box disappears in that moment. You arrive into the Infinite. It can be a hard pill to swallow, that you are responsible for your own limitations. YET, what unlimited potential arises when you claim your power! It’s not about who’s doing what to you “out there”. Your freedom is not dependent on circumstances. You choose how you navigate, experience, feel about, interpret, all of life’s experiences. Inside you is the power, the source of all creation, the spark of the Divine. Aligning with this, saying yes to this, can shift everything in an instant. If you choose to align with and serve THIS, claim your responsibility as a powerful creator and servant of the Divine, not money, not time, not any other human’s or group of human’s demands or expectations, what would open up? What limitations would just fall away? What have YOU been censoring inside YOU? What voice wants to be heard? What is the freedom calling for YOU right now? If you take some breaths with your hand on your heart, what do you notice? What is your heart, your soul, wanting for yourself and the world? You came here purposefully and very uniquely, not to fit in or not make waves. Breathe and Be today. Notice what you notice. What freedom is truly calling you, that which is outside limitations and filled with love, peace and joy? This may begin with the censorship of your own doubt, anger, hurt, fear, grief, or pain. Let this arise and be seen with your deep capacity of love and compassion. What is this Vision for yourself and the world that is asking to be seen and heard right now? The first action step is to BE with it. Don’t push it away, don’t analyze it, don’t make reasons why it’s not possible, don’t worry about anyone else’s wants, judgments or needs. Say YES to freedom and see what opens up as the next step! YOUR freedom contributes to the freedom of all beings everywhere. Rise up, be brave, and TRUST.
Timeline Shifting, sometimes called Reality Shifting, isn’t a fantasy world, it’s a fact of life. On the other hand, consciously experiencing it and knowing this to be true is a choice.
You get to believe whatever you want to, and then find proof of what you believe. We are timeline shifting all the time, and the question is, what timeline would you like to experience? For our well-trained scientific minds, you’ll find the timeline theories in theoretical physics. One example is the Many-worlds theory, involving a universal wavefunction that allows all possible outcomes to exist. Another is the Parallel universe theory, a group of multiple universes that include everything that exists, including time. Science puts timelines in layers, threading out time in a horizontal line as we usually think of it: left to right, past to future. Imagine infinite lines running parallel to that line, above and below it, sometimes so closely connected the difference is almost indistinguishable. A little shift, like changing lanes on the freeway, and you’ve switched timelines, even when you’re headed in the same direction. Life could look different even from that one lane shift. It could be little changes, like a different viewpoint of the scenery, or big changes, like missing the nail in the road that would have given you a flat tire, just missing a car accident, or changing an exit only lane, taking you off the freeway entirely. Reality Shifting has become popular on TikTok, where you’ll find various methods to do your own reality shifting. This is cool and all, and a little more in the realm of Harry Potter. I love Harry Potter, and the realm of magic. However, what if magic isn’t outside our grasp? What if it’s the nature of who we really are, so natural in fact, it’s been hiding in plain sight because it feels so normal? What if we don’t need fancy practices or rituals to shift timelines? Imagine that every choice you make potentially puts you on a different timeline. This switch not only shifts the present and future, but the past. Sure, when your memory shifts, you could chalk it up to a bad memory. Memory is a funny thing, as cognitive science has found. Memories constantly change, shifting ever so slightly every time we remember something from the past. So what’s really going on here? What if it’s all being created now, constantly changing? If everything is consciousness, we shift as our consciousness shifts. Of course, we can also put on re-play anything we want, anything we believe is not able to change. Relax about this my friends because we are well-trained and habituated to the re-play. Facts are created from it, and we must solidify reality and time in order to understand and function well in this physical world. We all have many limitations, ones that are hard-pressed to release, such as gravity or aging. While I am open to the possibility that I can fly or reverse age, I am aware my beliefs, ones that are historically and scientifically proven, have me pretty solidly convinced otherwise. SIGNS OF TIMELINE SHIFTING There are just a few signs of timeline shifting, if you pay attention. These include: VERTIGO – I’m not one to have experienced a lot of vertigo, but it does occur, even in this past week. I’ll be going throughout my day, and then be “off balance”, as if pulled to the right or the left. SPATIAL DISORIENTATION – This can show in many ways, all shifting a sense of your body in relation to the external world. You might feel lighter, heavier, bigger or smaller. SPACING OUT – Where was I? When I was a kid in about 3rd grade, I used to have to take a note home from the teacher saying if I was daydreaming or not. This could be literally going somewhere else, including that infinite space where all time exists now and timelines shift in that moment. A SUDDEN PHYSICALLY FELT SHIFT IN TIMELINE – It’s almost a sensation of being physically moved and settle into a new timeline, like your body is suddenly shifted or placed to the left or right, into a new space. DIFFERENT MEMORIES THAN OTHERS – I’m talking about distinctly remembering a recent conversation or event, say just earlier that day or the days previously, that the other person insists they didn’t experience. This isn’t about the other person simply not having your attention while you were talking. FACTS CHANGING FROM THE PAST – This one has prompted me to write this blog. In the past week, it has been occurring more often. It’s especially confirming when another person has the same experience. I’m doing a training right now that I did two years ago. In the first session, something was discussed that I never heard of before. I went back to my handouts and notes from the previous training, and it was all there, with diagrams to boot. How could I not have remembered that? Furthermore, working with clients in the past, I did not include that material in the sessions. Yet there it was now, on my computer from two years ago. I spoke with someone else in the current training who also had no memory of learning that information until now. When you have someone in your life with the same experience, it’s harder to argue against it! Just last Saturday, I had a call to go on in the morning. The date had been on my calendar and in my email for weeks, plain as day. When I went to connect to Zoom, there wasn’t a link. I saw the date for the call: November 27th. I went to my calendar, which I had just been on earlier that morning and there it was now, for November 27th not November 20th. Going back to that experience in my recent training: I’m sure you’ve had the experience of hearing or noticing something for the first time, one of those “aha” insights, and a loved one might tell you they’ve said it to you many times. We can only take in what is at the level of consciousness we are operating at. Remember, everything is consciousness, including timelines. Shift your consciousness and you’ll see, understand and experience everything differently, aka, be on a different timeline. Of course, you are not a bubble. However, you do have free will. The idea of a holographic universe, where the tiniest grain of sand has in it the entire universe, is true of YOU. This also means you have all potentialities inside of you. The whole affects you, but you also affect the whole. CHANGES IN PEOPLE, EVENTS, HOW YOU EXPERIENCE THE WORLD – This one is of great variety, but its tell-tale sign is how you experience reality. Reality literally shifts in the blink of an eye. You could be in a situation that is at a standstill, say, looking for a new job. You’ve exhausted your possibilities, and even have met people in that industry who say how hard it is to work in, how limited the jobs are, how little money you make. Suddenly, an opportunity arises, an avenue that wasn’t there before, resources, and people in that industry who love and thrive in their careers. These types of changes happen all the time. We’re used to calling it “waking up on the wrong side of the bed”, where it’s one thing after another that goes wrong that day or is stressful. However, these shifts are literal timeline shifts, whereby if we shift our consciousness to more uplifted states, the external shifts as well, where a bad day can shift to a day where communication flows more easily, possibilities open up, synchronicites occur, and we see things in a more positive light. HOW TO SHIFT TIMELINES We all want to have the “how-to” guides. What I want you to know is that you are already doing this. When it comes to the ascension, awakening, and creating New Earth conversations, this is about becoming conscious, awake and aware of our true divine nature and a greater reality. We choose to expand beyond the limits of this physical reality, and the limits created that keep us asleep, separate, in survival, fear, doubt and lack. Shifting timelines means shifting consciousness. This means where your attention and focus are. Once you decide something is a fact, so it is. While there are strong collective agreements in our world, you can go beyond them. YOU make a difference in shifting not only your timeline, but the collectives. You could think of it as the Butterfly Effect. Everything is connected, and you shift the entire world by shifting your own reality. Use your natural ability to notice your own thoughts, judgments, beliefs, limitations and feelings. Then, you have choice in changing your perspective and timeline. For example, you want more abundance, look to all the abundance that is already there, bask in the gratitude of all you have, expanding your abundance by your choice to see more of it. Shifting timelines isn’t about controlling our reality. It’s about an internal shift of vibration, of energy, which is what everything in the universe if made of. If you’re focusing and finding all the problems, the lack, the, “This can’t possibly change or I can’t have X because of all these reasons,” then you’ve chosen that timeline. Timelines exist because of the state of consciousness you are in at any given moment. You’ll see and experience what you are able to depending on your state of consciousness. Use your imagination to see the best possible outcome, your dreams fulfilled, the Earth thriving, all people cared for a loved, all of this already done. That’s all you need do, and things shift to accommodate: inspired ideas and action steps, synchronicities, or resources. Use your imagination to see the worst possible outcome, and you’ll see all the pain, suffering, limitations, lack and roadblocks. We already do this, so why not focus on what you want, rather than what you don’t want? When you shift internally to uplifted states of consciousness, unconditional states of being not dependent on external circumstances, such as trust, joy, peace, gratitude, or love, you can shift timelines and move mountains. Considering the possibility that time is not fixed and that the past itself is constantly shifting depending on which timeline we are in in the moment, opens your mind. Opening your mind means relaxing enough to then allow your soul, Magical Divine You, to guide your life. When each of us does this more and more, we shift timelines for the entire planet. Ever since I can remember, the 1980’s and even before, there have been great threats to the survival of the planet and humanity. There have been timelines created about global warming and other life-threatening problems that at this point should have already occurred. But here we are! Open your mind to all possibilities, and not only is life more fun, but you also assist in the vibrant well-being of the entire planet. This is so natural it’s almost a cosmic joke. We’ve been running around trying to solve and fix all these problems we keep finding. All along, we’ve had in ourselves the ability, the response-ability, to shift everything in a moment, including time. “TWINNING EARTH” AND BEING WITH OTHERS WHEN THEY ARE ON DIFFERENT TIMELINES The idea of a twinning earth, where some will choose to stay in a denser reality and other go in to “New Earth” isn’t something you need to worry about. Do you ever notice how others you know already experience reality quite differently from you? Remember how I talked about being on the freeway and switching lanes? You may have loved ones, or watch the news, and witness how what others are experiencing as reality is very different than what you are experiencing. Timelines can exist so close to each other that they are indistinguishable to the untrained eye. So, while you may live with a loved one and see them every day, they may be experiencing quite a different timeline from you. Theirs is wrought with rude, mean people, terrible things happening on the planet. Yet your experience might be of kind people, good deeds, beauty, flow and abundance. It’s not your job to try to change anyone else’s reality. You can be the loving presence, allowing them their path, for the path they are on IS real and true for them. Comparing your experience to others is always a lose in some way. So instead, focus on your own experience of reality. You always have choice to change lanes! While we all may be experiencing a different timeline of sorts, this separation is an illusion, needed so that we can experience this amazing physical life and world. Our choices DO affect the whole, and each time you choose a perspective that is uplifting and serves the All, it truly does affect the All. You create new lanes, new paths and roads, new options for All beings. The Moon spoke to me this morning. The dreamscape sky was streaked with clouds, as the Moon emanated white light tipped in gold. Two days before its upcoming peak, it felt and looked like a complete full moon, and spoke in symbols of creation, birth, and deep rest. She reminds me to be quiet, to receive, to open, to Be. I noticed the time as I began to journal: 4:44 AM.
We are all working so hard, trying so hard, being so busy, and never quite making the grade as we keep thinking if we just do more, then things will get better. The old thinking that if we just fix all the problems, force ourselves or others to change what’s wrong, then we’ll get some respite. The Moon herself, pregnant with Light, knows she is going to take a respite, even at the peak of her birth. The peak of the lunar eclipse, 4:02 AM EST, is just minutes after the peak of the full moon at 3:58 AM EST. The Moon sings a lullaby, asking us to rest the mind, the restlessness, the doing and struggle, even as we birth the new. We can learn from her, as she reflects what is happening within each willing heart. She is about to give birth, yet is open to the Void, surrendering to the darkness as births the Light of creation into form. After all, it is from the Void that all is created. What is happening collectively is already in motion. Birth is imminent. The question is, what are you choosing? If you could detach from the river that just goes with the flow of what the majority is up to, what the people around you find acceptable, reasonable or normal, what do you, YOU, authentically want to contribute into the world that expresses your best and brightest self? How would you like to experience your birth? The Moon reflects to us that even at the moment of birth, we can slow down, detach from the doing, and rest. It is calling us to remember that even now, as we so clearly see all the changes that need to occur within ourselves and the world in order to sustain life on this planet and have a world that works for all, there is space to rest, reflect, and BE. This space is the eternal Void, where ALL possibility resides. If you allow yourself to slow down and just BE, even just a bit, you open yourself to new possibilities and solutions. AND, you find more of the peace and trust you are wanting. You already ARE giving birth, always in the cycle of creation, so why not cut yourself some slack? Natural birth cannot be rushed, and great trust and surrender are called for in the process. The call now is to relax a bit, even in the middle of creating and doing. This means relaxing the mind, caring for your body, and choosing more deliberately where you put your attention. It’s less about doing things differently and more about being aware of your own judgments or doubts about how you are doing, how others are doing, or how the planet herself is doing. This frees the flow of creating from the space of abundance and trust in each step of the process. I woke from a dream this morning where I was teaching someone about manifestation. The image in the dream was of an evening landscape of a forest. Then, placed over part of this forest was a blank white sheet, like a piece of paper. This was creation, the blank slate, the artist’s canvas. You could put anything you want on that piece of paper and create anew. As the Moon shines in brilliant white light this Friday, and is then partially covered in darkness, it feels like the mirror opposite of that dream of creation. Creation is natural, as we came here to put into form and experience the Divine in all ways. Instead of getting hung up on the doing, the Moon asks us to relax into the trusting of our ability to tap into the infinite, all possibility, and then to create from that empty space. The act of birthing anew is natural, a cycle that repeats again and again, and does not need to be learned or mastered. What we master is our ability to rest in the knowing that All Is Well and in the responsibility that we are ARE creators, that we ARE ourselves birthed from that Void, and create from that Void. The “how” and the “doing” of creating and manifesting is as natural as breathing. It is time to awaken more to this truth, and to relax the minds’ desire to focus on controlling our creations. Instead, we are being called to reside more in the BEING, where we flow through each contraction of the birthing process. As we do, there is great peace available, and trust in each step, each breath. Let this full moon partial lunar eclipse remind you to relax and trust more. The more you slow down, the faster it all gets done. As the longest near-total eclipse of this century and the longest in the past 580 years, lasting 3-1/2 hours, the Moon is showing us we have plenty of time to rest, even when it feels like time is running out. When we’re stressed, we think moving faster and doing more will alleviate that stress and make it all better. The truth is, your heart knows the way, and by slowing down and being kinder, gentler, and more compassionate with yourself and others, not only do you get things done, but the space of miracles, ease and a universe that supplies all your needs comes to the forefront. This upcoming eclipse could also be calling you to empty out, to release some of those things that are cluttering your space. Just notice if you are being called, be it to clean out or get rid of things in your home that don’t support the greater birthing of your best and brightest self, or to clean out your body with lighter foods or a bath, or to release any judgments or interpretations about yourself or reality that have created limitations or doubts. Make space for the new that is birthing! Whether we believe it or not, we are constantly creating, be it from judgment, fear, doubt and forcing outcomes, or creating from joy, trust and service to All. We ARE All creator beings, and it is time to choose how you experience this truth and to claim back the truth that YOU are the creator, the co-creator, and no other human has greater power to create than you. Do you want to expand from the limits of your own fears? You always have a choice of how you interpret reality and how you personally experience any circumstance. I choose for you to choose to BE YOU, to see that you are a miracle, beautiful and perfect as you are, and that the best you can do for this world is to shine out unique YOU, even if others disagree. Of course some will disagree, but you can choose to agree that we are all here to be unique, free to choose what we want to think, feel, believe or create. The Moon is showing us the balance of the darkness and the light, how they are not separate and can support each other, teach each other, and can both be healing. There’s a saying in the community I lived in, “Fun is the goal, Love is the Way”. Fun could also be called joy or happiness. While there are things that might reliably be fun in the moment, happiness and joy are not dependent upon what’s happening in the external. When they are, we predictably swing in and out of joy. And hey, that’s okay too, if you let yourself enjoy the ride!
Lately I’ve noticed myself getting a little too serious. Like, “I’ve got a mission to fulfill and things to do, and I don’t see joy and fun in this equation.” This can be especially true in “spiritual practices”, starting from the traditional seriousness I experienced during Sunday Mass in my Catholic upbringing. That’s just mistaking sacred experience with dogma. Recently, we were at the Grand Canyon for sunrise. At a lookout point, everyone was quiet and kind to each other. As someone moved out of my way so I could take a photo, I noticed we whispered to each other. I wondered aloud, “Why are we all whispering?” and we laughed. We whispered because this was a sacred moment. It was also fun, especially with our doggie with us who just loves to be pet by strangers. I thought about how serious we can get when it comes to spirituality, be it church, meditation, yoga or other sacred rituals. Honoring the sacred doesn’t have to be serious business. It can be sweet, fun, and filled with smiles and laughter. When spiritual practices, self-awareness and growth become a serious task, maybe it’s time to switch gears. Even “fun” creative endeavors like making art or music can become a “should”. As a fitness instructor, I found people wanted to know the best types of exercises for their goals. The answer: the one you’ll actually do, AKA, actually enjoy. Going toward fun isn’t really the norm in our society unless it’s a reward for working hard. If you’re not suffering in order to earn that fun “time off”, it’s irresponsible to just spend your time having fun. You have more important things to do. Luckily, the universe is always on our side, and if we notice that, we’ll see all the resources and support around us to go for fun and happiness if that’s something we want more of. What do you want more of? You get to say, and your form of happiness, fun, joy or whatever you are wanting, is unique to you. If you see someone else with something you’d like more of, you can celebrate that you are seeing that in your reality and say, as Rev Ike would, “That’s for me!” As I noticed my own seriousness, and the broken record pushing me to do “more, better, different”, I followed little nudges from the Universe in a different direction. Two main things showed up for me: to say, “Today, I choose to be happy,” and then to focus my attention on the good that day, and all the things I am grateful for. Here’s the cool thing: in focusing on the good, the challenges also become good. They become guides, teachers, reminders and growth opportunities. Pretty cool! I got to see that doing anything because I think I should isn’t reason enough to do it, or at least not reason enough to enjoy it. Instead, I looked for things that I could say yes to, like putting on Holiday music. I love Christmas! I love Christmas because it is a time that is magical, adorable, sweet, fun, love and joy filled. Sure, we have our reasons for choosing this time of year for this, be it Christian, Jewish, Pagan, etc., but really, for those of us that love this time of year, we just say, “Yes! I choose fun and love and joy!” Saying yes to MY style of fun, to what uplifts ME, is most important. AND, this is subject to change! You might have something you do habitually as your form of upliftment. Maybe it’s journaling, a gratitude practice, a service or volunteer work, yoga, drawing, watching comedies, or meditation. These are all truly awesome, AND, are they uplifting you RIGHT NOW? It’s okay to change! It’s okay to try something different! Today you might thrive with something different or new, even if it’s uncomfortable at first to drop the habit you’ve built for now and go for the new and unknown. I love to dance, walk the dog and connect with nature, journal, and do a lot of various spiritual practices. Sometimes, I’ll force myself to dance, or think I should always love walking the dog. What I’ve notice is that I don’t have to force anything! Sure, I walk the dog regardless, even if it’s a shorter walk. AND, it’s okay to move my body in other ways and throw the ball for the dog to get his exercise in. I know that there are plenty of sayings out there like, “Do what you love,” or “Follow your heart.” I also know that going in the direction of fun and joy can look like the most irresponsible and even dangerous thing you could choose to do. Here’s the thing: this is a consciousness game, not dependent on outer circumstances. It’s the awakening to the fact that you are a spirit in this physical body and have complete choice in how you experience and interpret your reality. Again I ask you, “What do you want more of?” This begins by letting yourself be totally honest about what you want, your dreams and visions. Just because you have a dream and look around and see “I’m not there, and can’t see how to get there,” doesn’t mean you stop dreaming. You start where you are. If it is a physical external thing, get to the root of the actual quality of that item or experience. This could be something like: freedom, trust, love, joy, fun, connection, intimacy, community, love, abundance, prosperity, peace, magic, clarity, happiness or flow. Then say, “Yes!” to it by declaring when you wake up, “Today I choose to be….!” No matter what occurs, no matter what you need to do that day, look for the good. Look for that quality and bask in the gratitude of seeing it! Because you ARE those qualities, those states of being. YOU are the creator. AND, are the co-creator, this entire reality and universe conspiring with you to put into physical form ANYTHING you choose to believe is possible. It’s time to put into practice what you WANT and look for it all around you and inside you. This includes EVERYTHING that you choose to do. You might have a list of the things you “have” to do. The question is, “Why are you doing this?” What is motivating you to do this, be it washing the dishes, paying the bills, or driving in traffic to work. There IS something you are getting out of your choices that is important to you, and you can choose to look for that positive quality. Even in the “bad” choices, like eating something you know isn’t healthiest for your body, there IS something you are seeking and getting from that experience. If you can say YES to what you are wanting from that experience (such as comfort, peace, relaxation, pleasure), then you are now focusing on having more of that experience instead of making yourself wrong for the way in which you were choosing to experience it (like through food). What a sweeter, nicer way to treat yourself and what you need and want, yes? What you focus on you truly get more of, so as you focus on seeing what you really want or need in the moment, instead of judging yourself or your actions, the universe will provide you the inspiration, clarity, little actions steps, resources, and opportunities for more of what you are focusing on and looking for. You already are an expert at seeing all the things that are bad and wrong about yourself and reality. We’ve got that one down, check. Time to get out of the comfort and predictability of the habit of the pain and go for saying YES to delicious, light-filled true Divine YOU and your heart’s desire, exactly as you are and are not RIGHT NOW! Facing your fears is not an easy feat, as I’m sure you well know. Fears are always based in the past and future. Even if a tiger is chasing you, fear kicks in at the future possibility of death.
Speaking of death, is this not the greatest fear? This is why the ego seeks to control, well, just about everything. This is also why many spiritual traditions have used confronting your own death as a spiritual initiation. Death is inevitable, in all ways. This is because we live in a reality of cycles of change. We “hang on for dear life” to whatever tangible thing we can, be it material possessions, our beliefs, our daily habits, or our relationships. Unfortunately, fear makes us vulnerable. It has us willing to give our power away to an outside source that promises life, or even everlasting life after death (such as Heaven). We don’t think too clearly or trust ourselves and the universe when enveloped by fear. It’s easiest to just not confront those demons, and that little kid inside that is hiding to protect itself. As the changes on this planet accelerate, we are awakening to the truth of the Void, the space that from the lens of fear seems to be an empty black abyss. This Void, sometimes called “Zero Point” contains ALL possibility. This includes fear, which is asking to be confronted when we go toward creating new possibilities. Over the past couple of weeks, I have been feeling an increased intensity of this “Void” energy. As November approaches, we have an opportunity to uplevel, meaning come into even greater harmony and alignment with the highest and best good and outcomes for all. This is NEW, meaning unknown and being created from the Void. So be compassionate with yourself as you may be experiencing some fear around the new and unknown, and also as you release the comfort of the old. We start slowly and gently facing our fears. There’s nothing to rush toward or force, and more to be gentle and loving with. The loss, the grief, the trauma is not something to judge but also not something to ignore. There is freedom available when we simply allow space to notice our fears. We hold the loving space to be honest about any fear that may arise. This comes from a detached perspective, you as the divine witness of it all, even as you notice the palpable experience of the fear. You notice yourself swimming in fear, yet also as the witness of that swimming. One step at a time, our loving attention opens us to more freedom to go in the direction of our greatest dreams, not without fear, but despite the fear. We are aware of the fear, yet choose love and trust more powerfully than the fear. This means going in the direction of what we want MORE of, not less. Recently, I had the gift of facing one of my own fears. I have been historically quite afraid of heights. About a month ago, I was in Moab, Utah with our off-road club. We were heading up a trail to a spot known as “Top of the World”. The picture on this post is one of the brave souls at this spot, not me of course. As the four-wheel drive vehicles made their way to the top, I decided to walk the last part up with our dog. I arrived about 10 minutes before everyone else. There I was, just Bailey the dog and me, as I stood about 10 feet from the edge of a cliff. I don’t remember ever being so high up on a cliff before. From cliff to ground is about 3000 feet. My body shook with fear, and I imagined the dog getting off the leash and running straight off the cliff. I breathed and noticed more. I noticed images of me falling off the cliff, and the pull to jump. I flashed on many dreams I’ve had of falling off a cliff. I breathed and noticed more. I noticed this thought: This is all an illusion. It is temporary. If I fell off this cliff, I would wake, just as from a dream, to a new place. This was no ordinary thought, but a knowing inside me without doubt, of my eternal nature. Since this experience, I have been at some places I would normally experience fear of heights. In Arches National Park, I walked along a narrow path aside a drop off that might have normally illicited my fear of heights but did not. My husband began to notice that I wasn’t as afraid of heights. Just last week, we were at Horseshoe Bend in Page, Arizona. From cliff to the Colorado River is a mere 1100 feet. There I was, easily (and mindfully) walking up to the edge, just a couple feet from it. Wow! Right?? Next thing you know I’ll be able to sit and dangle my feet over the edge, as a friend did when we were on that 3000 foot high overhanging cliff in Moab! So what happened that had me have such a shift, after a lifetime of fear? I actually confronted my fear. I didn’t try to make it go away, I just breathed and noticed. Most often, we will do anything to avoid experiencing our fears. Sometimes that is the most appropriate thing to do. Other times, you have the safe space, be it by yourself or with a loving witness, to actually go there. I brought up fear of death because it is the most powerful universal fear we all have. You don’t need to go straight to that one. You go where you feel safest to begin. Fear of death has many layers, beyond this lifetime, to the universal experience of feeling separate from Source as we are sent out as Light for the Divine to experience itself, to have something to love. That’s the ultimate one, that we are separate. What did we do so wrong to be so rejected? Forward that to this lifetime, to those core wounds that say we are not enough, we don’t belong, or that we are broken. Hey, I’m just laying it out for you straight up, no pussy-footing around on this one. Because when is enough enough? We are so comfortable in our illusion of protection, in living the lie that we ARE separate, and that we live on a dead planet to be used to fill ourselves up with material comforts that give us the illusion of stability and permanence when we know deep inside that we can’t take that with us when we die. Death takes on a different meaning when we face our fears and be honest with ourselves that we ARE eternal beings, that we ARE all Divine, each unique yet totally a part of a unified reality where EVERYTHING is GOD in its unending possibilities of expression. There’s so much fear, I promise you you’ll never be in lack of getting to face it. Your loving attention heals. It is why you are here. All the fear, all the challenges, are here to have you evolve and grow! It’s okay to be honest with yourself and take a look, and also honor where you are ready to do so. You could start by looking at your negative judgments and anger, as they are quite a good indication of fear. Sometimes that’s an easier place to start than fear of death, of losing loved ones, of aging and disease, of grief and sorrow. Being open to change can be scary! And boy is the world changing fast. Yippee! Who would have thought we’d be so AFRAID of the possibility that life can be fun, joyful, abundant, that we actually CAN create a planet where all beings thrive and are loved, respected and cared for? We are so accustomed to living in fear and looking for what’s bad and wrong that surely this kind of viewpoint is Pollyanna thinking. I think not. This post is about facing fears, not avoiding them and focusing only on positive thinking. Our loving attention, our trust in ourselves and the Divine, gives us the courage to be honest with ourselves and our fears. This attention heals, opening the space for our ability to create from an abundance of possibility instead of from the limits of our fears. It takes commitment and bravery to step outside the fear-based socially agreed upon limitations and go into a knowingness, a Field of possibility, that is beyond the mind, beyond show-me-the-proof, and beyond the scientific method and logic. Be gentle on yourself, and on the people in your life that you see are in fear. We all cycle through fears. The choice is to notice more when those fears and reactions come up, and to lovingly be there for whatever we are experiencing. Then we are free to choose to trust even more, to open to the new, to go in the direction of seeing all there is to be grateful for and enjoy in this now moment. Maybe the Star Trek phrase, “…to boldly go where no man has gone before” is really about boldly loving and trusting more than anyone has loved and trusted before. All is healed, harmonized, unified and transformed with our loving compassion and attention. We all want to be our best and brightest selves, to have a joyful abundant life and be of service to the world in a way that is fun and fulfilling.
Those on the conscious path of awakening, who lean into living a spiritual life, read books, take classes, and take on practices like meditation or yoga. We want guidelines, rules and practices that show us the way. However, no amount of following the rules or seeking knowledge will fulfill the desire inside us that burns brightly, and at other times may feel stomped out completely. This is because no outside source can fulfill our calling to be connected to, in union with, our true divine nature. Others can support us, guide us, remind us and inspire us, but can’t do it for us. While immersing in different meditation practices, I remember reading the book, “A Path with Heart: A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life” by Jack Cornfield. One line struck me that I still remember today: “Much of spiritual life is self-acceptance, maybe all of it.” It can be easier to focus our attention outward, to aim toward being a good and right person by practicing being kind, compassionate and loving to others. This is important, powerful and transformative. We are all connected and mirrors for each other. Human nature is such that it is easy to seek approval from others, and to think that someone knows better than us about how we should live our lives. The path of awakening involves becoming independent and self-empowered, learning the ropes from our parents and teachers, and then diving in on our own. There are two aspects that lift us up, that truly heal on all levels, that I’d like to share today. RELEASING SELF-DOUBT: TRUSTING YOURSELF I’m sure you have been inspired by those who are confident and passionate about what they are up to. What you see in them, even if superficial, is the possibility of trusting yourself and going for your greatest dreams. This means, regardless of anyones’ opinion, that you make YOUR truth, your choices, your unique perspective, the priority. No one has the answer to life’s biggest questions, and everyone has their opinion, be it backed by science, society, teachers, churches, personal experience, or anything else. No one can force you to agree with them, even if you walk in a society that agrees with a limited reality that you, yourself, are awakening from. Ultimately, releasing self-doubt is one of the most powerful aspects of awakening. It is freedom. It is Love. What would your life look like, feel like, from moment to moment if you trusted yourself? If even in every “mistake”, you chose to trust that you are learning and growing? If you couldn’t get it wrong? If you didn’t compare yourself to anyone else, nor look for approval from anyone? On the table is trusting yourself. And who is this YOU that you are trusting? It is Divine You, your soul, the YOU that is a spark of the Divine, as we all are. It is the You that can be the loving parent to that parts of you that are afraid and hurt. Try on for one day putting your hand on your heart and declaring, “In this moment, I trust myself. I trust the Universe.” No matter what you think, what you say, what you do, for that day you declare, “I trust myself.” Oh, yes, doubt will come up, and by trusting yourself, you have the opportunity to lovingly notice the doubt, the fears, and address them directly. You give yourself space to love all of you, exactly as you are. It’s not one day, once you have the perfect body, job, relationship, knowledge, spiritual practices, or health. It’s right now, exactly as you are, trusting that all you are experiencing is a catalyst, a big push by yourself and the universe, to claim your power, your beauty, that you are a great gift to this world, exactly as you are right now. Trust yourself, and choices become easier and faster. Trust yourself, and rules soften to acts of loving kindness toward yourself and others, because, after all, we are here to expand Love into all the darkness. RELEASING JUDGMENT Judgment, like doubt, doesn’t just disappear. Others may say you’ll get to a point where it does, but don’t be fooled. We are judging machines! Just the fact that we live in a physical world, in these amazing physical bodies, puts us in a situation where we judge. In this world, there IS right and wrong. There are plants that are nutritious, and ones that are poisonous. Those directions on Google Maps are, well, usually right. Of course, this mechanistic view of reality is only a piece of who we are, as beings of Light in a physical body. But we must use judgment to function in and understand this world. Judgment can be charged with emotions when we declare, “This is right,” or, “This is wrong.” Well, this is where we get ourselves in a bit (or a lot) of trouble. As judging machines, combined with looking for approval and belonging from others, we mistakingly use our ability to understand how to function in a physical world to then judge the shit out of ourselves and others. We can be SO dramatic! This spirals back to self-trust. If you trusted yourself and your choices, and owned your mistakes and painful experiences as learning opportunities, judgment would soften its grip. This includes when you notice yourself judging and then judge yourself for it! I have noticed that my judgment directed towards others actually begins with my own self-judgment. These strict rules of conduct within myself are then projected onto others like a knee-jerk reaction, or I get defensive of their judgment toward me, even if they haven’t said a word. Their judgment is really none of my business, because the truth is that if that person loved themselves without judgment, they wouldn’t project any judgment outward. I like the word, “discernment”. It gives a sense of detachment in any situation. Throughout our day, we are emotionally drained by our judgments. We are constantly judging ourselves and others, and a gift of living a spiritual life is that we begin to notice and interrupt the habit of judgment. Here’s an example of judgment, and how draining it can be: Your alarm goes off, and you hit snooze. The judgments, not in your conscious awareness: “I don’t feel like going to work today… I don’t like my job… My boss is an asshole... I hate that I HAVE to work… I said I’d get up early to meditate or exercise and here I am yet again not doing that, I’m so tired and it’s because I’m fat and I can’t believe I ate that last night… Why do I have to be the one to get up early and take care of my partner/children/the dog?... I’m not good enough... I’m not doing it right...” That’s exhausting, and I’d go back to sleep too! Starting to notice those habitual judgments gives you freedom to shift out of them in the moment. It’s not about telling yourself you shouldn’t judge, because that’s another judgment, and one you’re not going to win at. In wanting to be a good person, we often put a band-aid on our judgments. A good person wouldn’t judge others, feel resentment, anger, fear or hurt. I’ll just ignore those things and be positive today. I’ll focus on work and being productive. Ignoring ourselves, we might notice we shop, eat, watch tv, scroll social media, or talk shit about others’ behavior…and judge ourselves for doing so. Think of judgment as a call to compassion and loving attention. I like the word "discernment". It gives a sense of detachment from any situation. Choosing to discern vs. judge means that you look at yourself, others, or any situation from the view of the observer. What you're detaching from is that your thoughts, others' thoughts, your body and this physical world, or any of your experiences - past, present or future - define you. When we think these things define us, we are greatly attached and emotionally reactive! Your intention to discern vs. judge uplifts you to a larger part of yourself, the YOU, your soul, that knows you are an eternal being having this temporary experience whose greatest illusion is that you are separate from everything. Discernment makes choices easier, as you are aligned with your heart, your soul, and Divine Guidance. In this space, there is more ease, less attachment, and more flow. The frontal cortex of your brain works better because in that detachment, you are relaxed, so you can see more clearly in any situation, connected to divine intelligence and wisdom. Self-awareness is a spiritual practice, and one of loving compassionate discernment. This awareness comes from a commitment to creating a safe space TO BE SEEN. We all want to be seen and loved exactly as we are. Filled with judgments, it’s not so safe for YOU to SEE YOU, is it? With a willingness to release judgment, all those aspects inside us that run away, fight, or hide frozen in a cave, can come nakedly into the light of our loving attention. We’re here to create a world where all are seen, loved, respected, included, thriving and cared for. This starts with YOU and YOU. Remember, spiritual practices are exactly that: PRACTICE. There’s no need to judge your practice! Here is a practice around judgments: Decide that today you are going to notice your judgments. You might notice one, or you might notice 1000. When you notice a judgment, you might notice the story that goes along with it that justifies why it is correct, why you should continue to make that thing wrong or bad. This story might include physical proof, based on your experience, science, religion, the news, or well-documented data. Nonetheless, just think of it as a story. Let yourself notice the feeling that comes with the judgment. Place a hand to your heart and say, “I love you. Tell me about it. I’m here for you.” Trust whatever you notice. This could be emotions, thoughts, or physical sensations. Imagine you are viewing yourself from outside you, like you would a movie or if you were a bird high in the sky. This noticing is freeing your energy! No running, no fighting, no hiding! Next, bring in even more loving compassion and kindness. Imagine that the part of you with that judgment is a hurt child, or an innocent baby. How would you treat them? Would you yell at them, tell them to shut up, console them with toys or food, or hold them in your arms and let them know how much you love them? This gives you an opportunity to uplift out of judgment, and be honest about your needs in the moment. Judgment is not bad, it just is part of the human deal. Once you let yourself actually notice a judgment, you can lift to seeing it as an opportunity. What is the opportunity? That’s for you to see. It could be love, compassion, forgiveness, tears of release, gratitude, setting boundaries, having more fun, being honest about what you want or need, or admitting a great dream or vision you have. These opportunities are discernments, not judgments. And they come by releasing the judgment of the judgment, a willingness to be with YOU, exactly as you and are not in this moment. Phew, what a relief! Let peace, gratitude, love or joy wash over you, because YOU are here to awaken to the FACT that you ARE perfect exactly as you are, perfectly unfolding, perfectly on your path, even those times it’s filled with pain, fear, doubt, or judgments! I was with a close friend the other day, one whom I’ve been friends with for almost 20 years. We were in a health food store and I said, “Do you know how passionate I am about animal rights, caring for the planet, and being vegan?” She responded, “No, I didn’t know that.”
Wow! In the name of trying to not upset anyone, push my views on them, let them have their freedom to choose and trust their choices, and to not make them feel I am trying to change them or make them wrong, I have been hiding out. I have shut off my voice, which is here to be expressed. Wisdom is to be shared, and yes, I’m not interested in going to protests and fighting against what’s wrong. However, this does not equate to shutting your self-expression down completely. I can only communicate as best I can from my soul and heart, with the intention to share my wisdom and knowledge with others for the upliftment of the planet, in service to all beings everywhere. When you hear a viewpoint that is different from your own, it is human nature to think the person is judging your view as wrong and trying to change your mind. Furthermore, it’s easy to make yourself wrong too, as you hear someone doing something you think YOU should be doing but aren’t. Whatever we are passionate about, it is asking to be expressed in the world, in the physical. It’s why we are here! And each of us has our unique passions. I realized something about Christianity not so long ago. I realized that if, with all my being, I believed in a vengeful punishing God, that if you do not follow certain rules (dependent on what church you’re in and their interpretation of words in the Bible), or do not “take Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior,”, you will go to Hell, eternal damnation and suffering: I, too, would do everything in my power to save as many people as I possibly could from such a fate!!! So I am going to be the Lorax now and speak for the trees, and the animals, and the waters, and the soils, and Gaia herself. I have been passionate about animal rights and caring for the planet since I was a teen. I volunteered for Rainforest Action Network, and went to animal rights protests into my 20’s. I’ve dived into my heart and spiritual connection with Gaia, read the research, watched the documentaries, and I’ve witnessed myself go the easy route. The easy route started because I noticed I was filled with judgment on others, and I didn’t want to be anymore. Then it just became easier to fall in line, to be vegetarian, or to eat chicken because “my husband and son want it”, or eat dairy, or fish and chips, or whatever, because it’s just so yummy. Here’s the thing: EVERYTHING is consciousness. Animals are people. Plants are people. The Waters are people. Humans are people. Gaia, our beloved planet, is a conscious being. We affect her, not only in our actions, but in our emotions and thoughts. The earth has provided us a way to thrive and live, with air, water and food as the basics. There is plenty for everyone. Meat as a business, an industry, encouraging us to consume more than we need, and having no regard to the impact on the earth or the treatment of the animals, isn’t working. This is also true of farming vegetables etc., but I won’t go there right now. My stand is this: WE HAVE A CHOICE to eat animals, or not. We DO NOT have to eat meat! We have so much abundance that we can be healthy and thrive without eating meat (or seafood, poultry, dairy). For those who are starving, who live in places where meat is their only source in winter etc., that’s a different situation. Most of us are not in this situation, and those that are often live with respect to the Earth, hunting for their own food and use all parts of the animal. I’m not asking you to change your mind, to stop eating meat, to go vegan, or MOST importantly to make yourself wrong for your choices now. We all do baby steps for the well-being of the whole. We try to use a little less water, buy a little less disposable things we don’t really need, buy used clothing, or maybe eat a little less meat. I will buy used leather, like Birkenstocks, for it honors the animal to use the product as long as possible. I use money to express my values, choosing to invest in the things, like organic produce or pasture-raised eggs for my husband, that reflect my values and stand for the planet. Do what feels right inside to YOU. What I have experienced is that when you allow yourself to be honest about your values, what’s authentically important to you, and not from making yourself or anyone else wrong, your choices naturally shift. Making choices that serve All, that are loving, forgiving, towards our biggest dreams and goals, and that aren’t from fear or doubt, are very often OUT OF OUR COMFORT ZONE. Crazy but true. So have mercy on yourself and others! It’s time to get out of our comfort zones, to notice our comfort habits, and powerfully choose to say, “No, thank you, I AM going to do this uncomfortable thing,” or say, “Yes, I’m going for comfort right now,” and be totally lovingly right with your choice. You are here to BE YOU. You don’t need to apologize or hide out. You don’t need to compare yourself to anyone, nor do you need anyone’s approval. And when you notice taking actions from that fear of disapproval, you can keep going anyway, knowing you are paving the way for others to be free to be themselves too. We can do this, and we can do this much easier when we admit what is important to us, what we are passionate about, and support each other. I support you 100% in all that you are, and I know that you are perfectly on your path. Let’s keep going, releasing those old comfort patterns and beliefs, and opening to a world where All beings thrive, are loved and seen, respected and cared for. Can you feel the Equinox energy? I watched the Full Moon illuminate All, sending pure streams of Divine Light to the darkest places, and amplifying the shadows to be seen even more.
When I awoke yesterday, I experienced tremendous gratitude, streams of tears, for my freedom. My freedom to choose! No one can take away my free will to choose how I feel, what I think, or how I interpret reality. How AMAZING is that?!! This is what’s on the table right now: FREEDOM. In the darkness of fear, judgment or hate, there is no freedom. Those of us who want freedom for All must go inside and be honest with ourselves first. Of course, if you are exhausted, overwhelmed, pressured by others, afraid of future outcomes, or angry, you won’t have the freedom to be honest with yourself. These feelings and judgments cloud your thinking, inhibiting that intelligence located in the frontal cortex due to the flight, fight or freeze response. We are quickly heading toward unity, my beloveds. The Truth, the pure stream of Divine Intelligence that sees, honors and loves All, allows the rest to fall away. Things are falling apart and the pull to judge and fight an opposing view is stronger than ever, it’s true, and that’s good news! Love All-Ways Wins! You are not lost, you are being called to take a look inside you and be honest with who you really are, what you value, and what you really want. As you free yourself from the chains of who you think you are based on social, familial, peers', or external experts' opinions, you find YOU! What others do, what others want, is none of your business. Love them, gift them their path and freedom, and disengage from taking any sides or trying to convince anyone of your views. If inside you see that you MUST fight the bad and wrong in the world, then do it 100% and trust yourself! Stand in your freedom and truth so others may do the same. Listen to others with respect for their views, for they are doing the best that they can in any moment, and it’s not for you to judge. This can open space for them to hear you and respect your views, or not. You’re not here to be heard as much as BE, and take actions from your authentic nature. You may want to step away from the news, from social media, from anything that pulls you toward fear, doubt, confusion, righteousness, or judgment. Take this time now to slow down and breathe, to be in nature, to put your hand on your heart. Then go inside and find out how you’re doing and what is honestly important to you, what you value, and what serves to amplify you knowing that you are here to have the freedom to BE YOU. What’s going on the planet, on a never before seen GLOBAL level, is exactly what is needed at this time in our transformation. It’s good to touch in with what’s going on, but you may want to put less attention on that and more attention on YOU, on whatever supports your peace, love and joy. Are your values and inner knowings aligned with your words and actions? Where have you given your power and freedom away, to what external source outside of YOU? You CAN trust yourself, even if others scream at you with great intelligence and logic that you can’t. It is time, and you are FREE to choose what you feel and think. Your awareness, and being honest with yourself, gives you the opportunity to choose. You CAN choose trust, love, joy, peace, compassion, vibrant well-being at any moment! It begins with loving attention on you, releasing judgment, and instead being the kind compassionate parent to All of you. What is an I AM Command?
You could call it an affirmation, a decree, a statement, or a command. For me, “command” is powerful because it calls to the forefront my response-ability to shift my perspective and experience of myself and life in any moment. It is a state of being and knowing. Some say affirmations don’t work. There is only one reason for this, and it is our own doubt. You can say, “I Am Abundance,” a million times, but then you have also the reasoning and emotional response that comes with it, you have given your power away. This could sound like, “I don’t have enough money to pay for xyz, I don’t have enough time for xyz, I don’t really deserve it, There isn’t enough of xyz and the news says so, it’s not possible, and the experts say so, I’ve been hurt so many times in the past that I don’t really think there’s the type of partner I want out there…” The list can go on, in all areas of your life. I think you get the idea! The good news: LOVE is the most powerful force in the universe, stronger than your doubt. I AM is a prayer. Gregg Braden has talked about types of prayer, one being a felt present moment experience of the wanted manifestation. Praying for rain becomes “praying rain”: feeling the wet soil beneath your feet and the rain on your face, smelling the air, and being filled with gratitude for the rain here and now, in the present moment. I AM means God In Action. God In Action is YOU, the one with a body, a mind, and emotions. You are not your experiences or your personality. YOU are having those experiences in this beautiful body that allows you to be alive on this planet, God in Action! When you state, “I AM”, you are calling forth the Divine, God, Source, call it what you will, as the Driver of your life, the Commander of your ship. You are remembering, awakening, to your authentic Self. I AM is stated not from wishing, not from begging, but from your heart, with your sincerity. I AM is self-sustaining, not dependent on any outer experience, for Source is, was and all-ways has been. It is not outside you, not something outside you that will save you or fix things for you. God is unconditionally loving, and the Universe supports any experience you wish to have, for every experience is filled with the opportunity to love more than ever before. When you “Take the Command”, for example, “I AM Abundance,” you are claiming YOUR Mastery, meaning your response-ability of your God-Given free will to play this game of life and perceive your experiences in any way you choose. How often and in how many ways have we given our power away to others? To our Mom and Dad, to our teachers, to the experts, to money, to time…. Yes, when we were children, we depended on our parents to teach us, to care for us. Now we are the parents. We parent ourselves through the power and uplifted perspective of our I AM Presence. This is our true divine nature, that in ALL WAYS is connected, and in fact One with, God Source. We love, unconditionally and with great compassion, the part of ourselves that has been hurt, that is afraid, that is angry, that has been betrayed, that is so intelligent it can talk ourselves out of believing that joy is our birthright and that miracles are natural. Again, we COMMAND because we have free will. Our authentic selves, our “Higher Self”, is happy to let the fearful and doubtful part of us run the show. This is because it knows the higher game afoot, and that all is unfolding truly perfectly. Dear one, we have come to a point in our evolution that it is time to wake up more than ever before. Yes, we continue this unending beautiful evolution, AND NOW it is the time to claim our ability to create a world of abundance, care, love, compassion, unity and vibrant well-being for ALL. This starts with you, for you! As you take the command, “I AM,” with great sincerity yet with relaxed ease, miracles happen. We command, yet we surrender our habit of trying to control anything. All that’s necessary is your loving sincerity, including your sincere desire to trust yourself, trust life, and trust the Universe. Little you, the one trying to control your life and the world, seeking to fix all the problems, is not the one taking the command. Remember this when you might think, “Who am I to command life?” Good question, “Who Am I?”, yes? Unraveling the training that God is outside you, that you are not Divine, less than a beautiful powerful spark of divinity that has separated so far from its Source that it forgot who it is, and to use that forgetting to insert love and compassion more than ever before, is a good place to start. Divine You, the one that is ONE with Source and all creation, the one who loves all of you and all of life exactly as it is and is not, is the Commander. I AM…God In Action. Self-sustaining, it cannot be shifted by any judgment, any external experience. You are safe in this peace-filled eternal Presence, knowing that this game of life is temporary, always changing. Yet within you, the truth of who you really are, is the Eternal. Now, go forth with your affirmations, your visualizations, with the power of I AM! Place your hands on your heart and take some relaxing breaths. Magic and miracles are natural! How will you know if you’re experiencing that power? You may notice ease, presence, peace, gratitude, joy, love, bubble up. Nothing to force, nothing to try harder to make happen. Let it be with ease. For it is only little you trying to make anything happen or do it right. Again, your loving sincerity and practice is all that’s necessary! When it comes to creating your future, I’ve noticed lately that a lot of people in my life aren’t quite sure what they want.
We move around the country and I am the planner. How do I choose where to go next? I start by trusting myself. It’s been an AMAZING ride so far, almost 2 years! I have noticed that our adventure is about enjoying where we are, not about where we go. It’s a big country, and I could go crazy with where to go, what to see, where to stay. I research from a place of joy, trust and detachment. If I notice I am stressed, doubtful, or overwhelmed, I take a break from planning. With more people RVing than ever before, 2021 is a crazy year for full time RV living, and if you can believe it, I’m already planning 2022. My mind says, “But I want to be free, to flow from place to place, not plan everything out so specifically.” That’s nice, AND, I Am Open. So be it if I book places a year in advance, and it will unfold as it does (e.g. in comes COVID last year). I could doubt myself, I could say we’re missing out on xyz things we could be doing or experiencing somewhere else. I could worry that my husband won’t enjoy my choices. I could worry there’s “not enough” for us, that we won’t find good places to stay since there are so many people RVing now. There’s a pull toward that worry and doubt, and I catch it and say, “No, thank you.” I also see worry and doubt with the people in my life who are unsure of what they want. What if I make the wrong choice? What if I made the wrong choices already? What if my loved one is upset with my choice? What if I’m missing out because I didn’t make that other choice instead? Abundance is our natural state, and there are an abundance of choices! Being without limitations can be scary, can feel “unsafe”, so it can be easier to put limitations on what we can have. (I can’t do that because I don’t have the money, time, resources, so and so wouldn’t like it, someone else says it’s not a good thing to do/have/be, the news or experts say there aren’t enough jobs/housing etc.) There are a lot of voices in our head, so it can be challenging to discern what we really want. The truth is, your true divine self came here with a very clear intention of what it wanted. This intention expresses in you being your best and brightest self, in service to all beings everywhere. Making choices from your heart means you want the best for everyone, starting with you, and trust how things unfold. Then there’s the other voices, the ones that seek to understand for the sake of pontificating, or to be logical, scientific, be accepted, do it right, or be a responsible adult. To add to the challenge (and opportunity!), in this transitional time on the planet, the new is being created in a new way. This is unknown territory we are creating together, outside of what we already know. Is it no wonder that so many are uncertain of their futures and what they want? From a denser perspective, the world is falling apart. From a larger perspective, the world is transforming, the old giving way to the new. Your soul knows the way, and your mind wants predictability. Creating a new world is anything but predictable. Instead of wondering if your choice is the wrong one, or you just don’t want things to be worse than they are now, what if you asked, “What if this will be even better than I can imagine?” How can you go in the direction of what you want, even if you’re not certain? First, there is no wrong choice. Your soul knows the way. This means that no matter your choice, which includes not making one, you are offered an experience that will serve your growth and expansion, if you choose to view any challenges from that perspective. Second, you can choose to take responsibility for all your experiences. When things happen, you choose to interpret them for better or for worse, or you choose to let someone else’s interpretation (friends, family, experts) to be more valid than your own. Third, you can choose to trust yourself. You may not know exactly what you want consciously, but you DO know how you want to experience yourself and your life. Get out that pen and paper and write down states of being you would like to have more of. This doesn’t mean fleeting emotions based on if you have an experience or not. By getting to the core of how you want to experience your life, you also get to the core of your soul’s intention for being here. Every experience you have, the good, the bad and the ugly, is in the name of fulfilling that mission. Breathe. Here are a few states of being you might consider: Peace Abundance Compassion Gratitude Love Joy Clarity Trust Divine Intelligence Radiance Healing Oneness / Unity These are ways of being present for yourself, for others, for the world. They influence your perception, and magnetize actions, experiences, people, inspiration, all you need to BE more of those energies. Be aware that above listed states can be conditional. I feel joy when something happens, but then not after it’s over or taken away. I love you when/if… I say “thank you” because it is a nice thing to do but don’t actually experience gratitude. These states of being I am talking about are unconditional, not contingent upon anything that occurs in this temporary illusion of the physical world. After you make your list, look to see how you already have actions in your life that bring you into these states of being. Add those to each item on your list. For example: Joy – I experience joy when…. I garden, I walk in nature, I hear birds sing, I dance, I assist someone, I look at the clouds Abundance – I experience abundance when… I notice my breath, I do artwork, in the Spring as flowers bloom, I look at the stars Trust – I experience trust when… I put my hand on my heart and say, “In this moment, I trust myself. I trust my life.”, I notice my body able to walk and move, I share my truth with someone I feel safe with Simply begin with “I experience ___ when…”, and write whatever comes to mind, without editing. These are your resources to cultivate more of! The more attention and inspired action you put on what you want more of, the more you will have. These states of being are also miracle makers, opening the space for all you could ever want. Make this fun and easy by starting with one state of being, and just one action. This might be authentically thanking your water, infusing it with your loving gratitude, before you drink it. It might be a memory of something that brought you joy years ago that sparks you now to start doing again. This will lead you to more, and more, and more…and then there you are, creating and living your vision (that was there all along!). One step at a time. TODAY. It’s time to more purposefully choose the direction you want to go in, even if you don’t have any idea “how” that will look. Start with how you want to feel, experience and BE – in your body, in your mind, in your perception of life and the world. Nothing can take away your free will of how you experience and interpret your reality. All is unfolding perfectly in your life, and All Is Truly Well. I’ve always been a seeker, specifically of all that expand beyond, and bridge, a science-based view of reality. For those of us seekers, there comes a cross-roads while reading, watching and practicing other’s suggestions and insights. One path is easy and clear: all these people, with their knowledge and experience, clearly know how to have a better life and are doing it better than me. This comparing doesn’t just occur for those seeking the usual success, money or health. It’s also affects those of us seeking spiritual upliftment, ascension, awakening, purpose and to be our best and brightest selves. We all want to be our best, in all ways.
The Well-Worn Path This is the path that is easy and automatic, is the one that insists, and finds proof, that I am broken, not enough, or that there is something wrong with me. If I only try harder, do it better, more, or be more disciplined, then I’ll get to that place that I hear and read so many others have arrived to. They have all the answers, all the tips and tricks, the formulas and the steps. They promise, if I will do what they say, I’ll be free of whatever is bothering me. Most of these authors, teachers, authorities, or parents are like you and me: they want to assist others and be of service and support. Heck, read my very own blogs and I’ve got your steps and tricks right there for you. So, it’s not about them, it’s about me. The thing is, the ego, meaning the doubt, the fear, the part of me that needs to be in control, knows every button to push to drop me into that doubt. It’s an easy albeit miserable path, especially since the collective consciousness, the average person, primarily agrees with a reality that is broken, wrong and needs to be fixed. We’ve been living in it for many centuries. Just turn on the news, it’s all right there. It’s important to call this out, because it’s not going anywhere. That’s the catch. Those people you read, listen or talk to aren’t just suddenly in that state of being. They did what it took, and they keep doing it. If they tell you otherwise, they are lying. You see, the promised land isn’t one day someday. I’m not going to wake up one morning and say, “Gosh, I suddenly love myself completely, have no doubt about anything, no fear, no concerns, no lack, no upsets, no pain, no judgment!” Instead, it’s a moment by moment commitment and choice. This is actually a wonderful realization to be celebrated! You always have a choice! The Second Path Heaven, Eden, Nirvana is here and now. This path takes true love and compassion. It takes hard work and commitment. It also takes great surrender and trust. It’s a dance, to work hard yet surrender and stop trying to force an outcome or do it right. It takes noticing, an ever-refining awareness to notice the judgments, the reactions, the habits that feed doubt and lack, with a commitment to bringing loving compassion to those aspects of yourself, and others. Isn't it funny how challenging it is to be light-hearted, playful, joy-filled and free?! I mean, come on, you gotta laugh at whomever first figured out how get us to think "responsible grown-up" = don't be too happy, positive or uplifted. This path takes the conscious choice of where to put your attention. Are you willing to put your attention on all the beauty, love, perfection, joy, radiance, vibrant well-being that is ever-flowing, where solutions naturally arise because you are in a space where problems don’t exist? Or do you focus on the problems, what’s wrong and bad about yourself and the world, and look to fix that? Outcomes can be forced, threats and punishment work, but at what cost? When it comes down to it, the question becomes: do you want to have your Soul lead, Divine You, the one who takes its lead from Divine Intelligence (aka God), or the little you that feels separate, powerless, and not enough? You are free to choose either. You can live a good life by finding your identity through feeling productive in society, fitting in, being liked and approved of, or being successful in your career and finances. You can be of great contribution by focusing on fixing the problems of the world. At this point in our evolution, fixing the problems of the world by finding what’s wrong and looking to fix them has gotten us as far as it has. We have come to a point that is beyond this, a place of new possibility, of a world of connection and unity, where All beings are loved and cared for, and miracles are the norm. There are more of us waking up to the truth of our own divinity than ever before. This is a state of being from which all solutions arise. We are already there, it just takes the willingness to see it (and kick to the curb all the logical proof the ego will come up with of how “love is the answer” is a ridiculous notion). Instead of measuring yourself up against the appearance of others, remember that we are much more similar than different. It is our diversity that unifies us. In nature, every petal on every flower, every leaf on every tree, is unique. You are unique. You belong already, to this diversity of life. You deserve to thrive, because you were born. You don’t need to seek your worth by finding others that agree with you nor by comparing yourself to anyone else’s experience. This alternate path asks that you trust yourself, that you trust that the universe is always on your side, and that you are and life is unfolding perfectly for your own growth and contribution to the world. It all points you toward Divine Truth, toward unconditional love, acceptance, compassion, freedom, joy, ease, peace, grace - starting within you. Instead of putting your attention on other’s views, opinions and reactions, you can choose to get to know yourself. Then, others become resources of loving connection, spiritual family and support. This just takes a willingness to explore your unique ever-expanding expression of how YOU connect to the Divine, of how your intuition expresses, of your values, or what makes your heart sing and brings you joy in service to the world. It also takes a willingness to compassionately explore your own fears, doubts, resentments, limits of what you say you can or can’t have or do, and what you find wrong, those places you need to protect from more harm. This is true freedom! Love is the divine protector and the divine manifestor, and it is everywhere eternally flowing. It is so potent and radiant, that inserting that love and trust for just one moment, one breath, it can shift everything. The dance afoot is that the more you reach toward uplifting states, the more those denser states will arise to be healed, loved, and released. There is nothing wrong with you or the world! The universe - from the farthest sun to Gaia herself, to your own DNA - is supporting and celebrating your empowerment. What is available now, more than ever, is to create the world you want. It’s a big responsibility to realize how easily you can insert love or hate, trust or fear, lack or abundance into your life and the world. But how awesome to know we are free to choose! So fuck this one day some day I’ll be as good as that other person, or I’ll arrive at the “Me” that I see as my best self (that’s more comparing!). TODAY, choose to go in the direction of trusting you are exactly where and as you’re meant to be in this moment. Choose to trust your choices, your promptings, and if mistakes happen, embrace the lessons. For you are the Divine in form, loved beyond measure, and it is time for you to claim your right to BE! I AM Love, Joy, and Abundance! I AM Divine Intelligence, and all solutions are manifest now! Divine Presence, fill my mind and body with your Radiance! I Trust Myself! With Summer Solstice approaching in just a few days, I sense it’s important to get clearer on what’s working and what isn’t in supporting being our best and brightest selves. What vision are you birthing now, and what is supporting that vision?
As things open up after months of incubation, of going within by choice or by state orders, let’s remember what this whole “ascension process” is about. This is a free will choice to consciously choose to allow our soul to lead, to take its place IN the physical body. Every challenge we experience can be fuel to propel us to choose to acknowledge we are more than our personality, life experiences and this physical body. As we continue to focus on the Divine, this means cultivating states of being such as compassion, care, forgiveness, openness and peace. It also means to choose to actually BE in our bodies. What behaviors, in thought, word, action or intent, do you use to escape the challenges in your life, the uncomfortable pain, be it physical, mental or emotional? This is good to look at, from a gentle and compassionate view. You are ALL-WAYS doing the best you can in the moment. AND, taking an honest look at yourself in this way gives you freedom to choose something new, or be compassionate with yourself when you choose something you feel isn’t ultimately in your most uplifted interest. New ways of being are out of our comfort zone, and, frankly, still out of the norm. Know that it’s all baby steps, and right now you can ask simply, “What would assist me in feeling safer in my body, to allow my soul to lead even more?” This is deep work, and gathering resources that support you is an important first step. The second is to USE those resources! I’m drawn to offer a short list, not a to-do list or as “shoulds”, but rather a list of resources that you most likely have already done before. Let this be a reminder that you already know what supports you. Maybe it's time to choose one thing you do today that you can say “Yes!” to, right now. Adding in your loving attention to these actions, your intention to notice even more as you do these things, the sensations, what you see, how you feel, and to add in gratitude and appreciation, will uplevel the benefits of them.
So there it is, deceptively simple (well, except maybe the last one, but you are brave and strong!). Don’t underestimate the benefits, like even adding in an extra glass of water each day. Remember, it’s all the little things in your day-to-day life that create your experience of yourself and your life. Your soul knows the way, so let’s support the body in feeling safe enough to allow the soul to come on in! by Julianne Kulosa I wrote this to myself last year, and it popped up on my computer screen for no apparent reason today. It is a conversation with multi-dimensional me. Part of me is the ego, the “little me” who feels separate and must stay in control at all times. It is the creator of doubt, fear, anger, worry and pain, yet its job has been to keep me functional in the dense reality of separation, of forgetting my own divine true nature, which also lies in the heart of every living being.
In this conversation, I see the possibility of the upliftment of the ego, of it becoming a divine partner in sacred union with my true infinite Self. As I write this, I know that many battles seem external: fighting against viruses, poverty, or the wrong-doers of the world that are neighbors, strangers, family, friends and headline news. What if the battle, and all the new possibilities for an uplifted world, are internal? The battle cry is for love. Love that fiercely chooses what is in alignment with our personal highest expression and well-being, and with it serves the highest good for all beings everywhere. It is the determination, the commitment, the courage, to say yes to love. The call is compassion, forgiveness and mercy, starting with ourselves. We can choose, time and again, to uplift. As we do, it frees others to do the same, with the promise of all our needs will be cared for when we surrender to the truth of our own unique expression of divinity, the One that is in all of us. Unique yet united, we can call forth the divine support and assistance that we have, in whatever form: human, nature, angels, our divine team, God. I share this with the intention that you know in your heart that we are all connected, that it contributes to sparking even greater love for yourself, letting judgment give way to accepting the gifts in all of you, letting even your greatest challenges propel you to grow, learn and uplift. May 7, 2019 You are a gift. I welcome you. What are you teaching me? I open my heart to you. Welcome. I love you. Thank you. It is a challenge to just BE. I’d rather escape, distract. How may I serve you, pain? Please don’t run away from me. Sit with me and invite me to tea or coffee. Please do not try to change or fix me. I am not broken. I feel scared and alone. Can you comfort me? I am tired of trying to run everything. I have no energy left. I need only your love, your inclusion. I will keep screaming until I am heard. I am listening, beloved. Please teach me, share with me your gracious gifts. I have spent a lifetime in this place. I am scared, yes, but am open to something new if I know you will take me with you. Please do not forget me. I already feel so alone. I am so tired but I will keep pushing on. I will never stop. I must never stop. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. Truly, please, wake up. For my sake. Please do not forsake me. I know I cause pain, but I was given this job for you. And now I need you to love me. To dedicate your life to loving me exactly as I am: all my feelings, all my actions, all my reactions. Please, I am weary, so weary and tired. I only need your love, your faith, your strength and belief that I am truly a part of the All. I truly want to serve you, to celebrate you, to give you reason to be proud of me exactly as I am, with your love and forgiveness. It is I whom needs your forgiveness. I am so sorry for judging you, for pushing you way, for not understanding the gift that you are. You push me to be a better person, to truly understand what unconditional love is. I will continue to do my best, to love you and honor your gifts and lessons. Truly, I am grateful. Please be patient with me as I strive to sincerely love you evermore, exactly as you are. I am here. Love me. Include me. Return me back into the One. Give me peace. Please, I know this is why you are here. You are my Savior. You are my Master. I am weary of being yours. Love me, just as I am and am not. by Julianne Kulosa As November intensifies, it can be easy to get hooked into the external events occurring. These pull you away from your center, causing additional stress, overwhelm, anger, and helplessness.
External reality reflects what is happening within. In California, we see reflections of what is happening with humanity in the Earth’s increase in heat, fires and more. Fire burns off the old, dismantling old structures once and for all so that the new can be created. It is a natural part of the cycles of nature. How can we thrive as the fires burn within and without? Understandably, the desire may be to close down, hide away, or to distract or protect yourself from any perceived threat, discomfort or pain. However, thriving means expansion, not contraction. Right now, doing anything that opens your heart is key to opening to the immense opportunity presenting now for new creative ideas and solutions and for a quickening and ease in your awakening process. Anything that has you experience ease, calm, trust, delight, joy, laughter or gratitude is what is called to make a priority. As you go within and breathe into your heart, ask yourself what will open you more to love and light. Trust your answer, which may change moment to moment. This can include assisting others in their challenges. It can feel overwhelming to read or watch the news of devastating events occurring, or see the pain your loved ones are experiencing. Breathe and trust that if there is an action for you to take, you will be guided toward it. This is not about over-extending yourself or depleting your energy. Sometimes your loving attention and open heart is all that is called for. Each person has different things that light them up. Make those a priority. Release any distractions or things you are doing or surrounding yourself with out of guilt or perceived obligation. You still have those things you care about, such as taking care of your family and going to work to support your home and financial needs, and you can indeed do those “shoulds” with a grateful open heart. You have great challenges, whether with your physical body, finances, home life, relationships, emotions or mental chatter soaked in doubt, fear, anger, anxiety or overwhelm. This is more reason to deliberately put self-care at the top of your to-do list. Small caring actions in dedication to your soul’s embodiment and service to the world impact all that you do. Anything that brings any sense of lightness that you can add in your day brings more light to humanity and Gaia. If overwhelm, doubt or fear takes the driver’s seat, know that in that moment you can stop and choose a different driver: your soul. It may guide you to eat differently, go out into nature, take a different viewpoint about a situation, try something new, watch a funny movie or video, listen to a song, or dance. It is often unreasonable and illogical. Do not underestimate the power of what you once considered the least of your priorities. Even a few minutes of nurturing your heart can shift your entire day and add in light, ease, gratitude and joy to all that you do. There is so much support for the new right now, and you can tap into all the creativity inside you by shifting your attention to the visions you have of a life and world that is filled with love, connection, abundance, care and joy. As you let yourself feel that in this now moment, you are guided more and more to any actions to take support that vision. 3rd dimensional consciousness just doesn’t have the support it used to, so hanging onto how you thought life should look, what the rules were, creates more suffering. Give yourself the gift of loving attention, inside and out, and call in all the support you need, seen and unseen, for your highest good, highest service, with grace and ease. Each time you consciously choose this, you wake up more into your multi-dimensional highest self, your soul, and into New Earth. Photo by Robert Baker on Unsplash by Julianne Kulosa The urge to clear out my space has amplified over the past few weeks. Specifically, I have not just the urge to remove physical items from my home, but fleeting images of all my physical belongings suddenly disappearing, like due to a fire. That image thrills and excites me with a sense of freedom. Clearing out space isn’t just about physical possessions of course. It’s the old stories, beliefs and judgments that no longer serve the highest outcome of the self and the collective. It’s all those emotions that have been locked away or pushed aside, that we try hard not to let loose yet also can feel out of control of. We may judge them as negative (anxiety, fear, anger) and other times deem them socially inappropriate (bliss, high levels of love and enthusiasm, bursts of childlike joy). Clearing space includes detoxifying the physical body and the habits we have, in thought, word or action, that actually don’t lift or light us up. It could be overwhelming, but doesn’t need to be, for each small change effects the whole. It’s not a race or competition. All the information on how others are successfully shifting is meant to inspire you, meant for you to discern what you might want to add to your unique recipe of stepping into your highest expression of YOU. Those judgments on how you and others live their lives, that you or they should be doing things better, differently, more or less, is one of the most important things being cleared out. The last part of this year, 2018, is quite intense an offers a choice point in each moment. The collective is swinging toward the path of dark, of separation, fear, anger, hate and fighting opposing viewpoints. We start within and shift the collective by our example. For me, I am called to be even more intentional. The dedication and alignment with my mission to be of service to the world is all day, every day. I set alarms on my phone to remind myself to re-align. I use the most basic practices I have throughout the day to reset into the highest expression of my true divine self and highest service. When I catch myself in old habits of thinking or acting, even consciously choosing to continue with that habit in the moment, I practice compassion and forgiveness. These are challenging times, and the pull to the Dark Side is strong. However, the opening toward the Light is equally available, yet often more subtle. It is subtle because it is natural. Heaven on Earth is actually a deep experience and truth inside your heart of how things were always meant to be. It’s uncomfortable, because you’ve gotten used to functioning in darkness and density, understanding how to navigate successfully (or at least survive) a world that is now crumbling (yippee!). New Earth reconnects us with our natural state as Divine Humans, living in unity with all of creation. The “new” is what we are creating together as natural co-creators in a reality of abundance and care for All. In order to step into the new, the old must be released by your free will choice. Whatever you are drawn to clear out, do it, NOW! It might be physical items in your home you aren’t using, are in the back of the closet forgotten about, or that no longer align with who you are now. Clearing out will have you be able to see more clearly and let more light in. There are many ways to bring in more light. Surround yourself with things that feed your soul and awakening. Externally, take a look at what you see and hear. Does the music your listen to or the things you watch on the television or read on the internet fill you with love, joy, peace, compassion and gratitude? Are there any items in your home that bring you down when you see them, such as items you aren’t using but think you “should”? Are there any foods you are eating that you sense don’t fully support your body? Are there any people you connect with regularly that drain you consistently or that you don’t feel fully supported by? If you are reading this, you want to embody more Light and choose to create New Earth. It’s time to be intentional and brave. Each of us tips the collective balance into the Light. You are needed, exactly as you are right now, with all those old habits in thought, word and action coming more strongly into your awareness because they are actually clearing out! Use your ability to command and create. When you notice the pull to judge yourself or others, feel doubtful, hopeless, overwhelmed, anxious, angry or depressed, you have the birthright to choose a different path. You have free will, regardless of circumstance, to shift the way you feel and experience yourself and your life. Call in your multi-dimensional self, your Higher Self, your Divine team, your angels, your Galactic Family, Divine Mother and Father, Source. Call in Light, however you imagine it, crystalline diamond golden light, opening your fields and heart to the Light. Spiritual practice does not need to be complex. Any moment you think of it, you can call in Light. You can place your hands on your heart and breathe in ease, bringing to mind someone you deeply love and appreciate. Just breathe. It only takes a minute. Overwhelm is strong these days, and your awakening doesn’t need to be yet another laundry list of things to do. Like clearing out the items or clutter in your home, it could be one item at a time, or a drawer or closet. Sure, it would be great if all that stuff just suddenly disappeared like in my imagined fire, but it doesn’t usually work that way. What clearing out does take is being intentional. The best time for this is upon waking. Whether you meditate, express gratitude, set your intention for the day, journal, do yoga, or pray, the short time you take in the morning is extremely powerful. Things are shifting so very quickly now, and the desire to hold onto the old is amplified. Please, be compassionate with yourself and others and know we are all truly doing the best that we can. Photo by Darren Nunis on Unsplash |
It's not just you, my beloved. The world is transforming and we're all in this together. You are a master and expert in your unique experiences and contribution to the world. Together we'll navigate through these challenging yet oh so juicy and magical times. Archives
October 2021