Timeline Shifting, sometimes called Reality Shifting, isn’t a fantasy world, it’s a fact of life. On the other hand, consciously experiencing it and knowing this to be true is a choice.
You get to believe whatever you want to, and then find proof of what you believe. We are timeline shifting all the time, and the question is, what timeline would you like to experience? For our well-trained scientific minds, you’ll find the timeline theories in theoretical physics. One example is the Many-worlds theory, involving a universal wavefunction that allows all possible outcomes to exist. Another is the Parallel universe theory, a group of multiple universes that include everything that exists, including time. Science puts timelines in layers, threading out time in a horizontal line as we usually think of it: left to right, past to future. Imagine infinite lines running parallel to that line, above and below it, sometimes so closely connected the difference is almost indistinguishable. A little shift, like changing lanes on the freeway, and you’ve switched timelines, even when you’re headed in the same direction. Life could look different even from that one lane shift. It could be little changes, like a different viewpoint of the scenery, or big changes, like missing the nail in the road that would have given you a flat tire, just missing a car accident, or changing an exit only lane, taking you off the freeway entirely. Reality Shifting has become popular on TikTok, where you’ll find various methods to do your own reality shifting. This is cool and all, and a little more in the realm of Harry Potter. I love Harry Potter, and the realm of magic. However, what if magic isn’t outside our grasp? What if it’s the nature of who we really are, so natural in fact, it’s been hiding in plain sight because it feels so normal? What if we don’t need fancy practices or rituals to shift timelines? Imagine that every choice you make potentially puts you on a different timeline. This switch not only shifts the present and future, but the past. Sure, when your memory shifts, you could chalk it up to a bad memory. Memory is a funny thing, as cognitive science has found. Memories constantly change, shifting ever so slightly every time we remember something from the past. So what’s really going on here? What if it’s all being created now, constantly changing? If everything is consciousness, we shift as our consciousness shifts. Of course, we can also put on re-play anything we want, anything we believe is not able to change. Relax about this my friends because we are well-trained and habituated to the re-play. Facts are created from it, and we must solidify reality and time in order to understand and function well in this physical world. We all have many limitations, ones that are hard-pressed to release, such as gravity or aging. While I am open to the possibility that I can fly or reverse age, I am aware my beliefs, ones that are historically and scientifically proven, have me pretty solidly convinced otherwise. SIGNS OF TIMELINE SHIFTING There are just a few signs of timeline shifting, if you pay attention. These include: VERTIGO – I’m not one to have experienced a lot of vertigo, but it does occur, even in this past week. I’ll be going throughout my day, and then be “off balance”, as if pulled to the right or the left. SPATIAL DISORIENTATION – This can show in many ways, all shifting a sense of your body in relation to the external world. You might feel lighter, heavier, bigger or smaller. SPACING OUT – Where was I? When I was a kid in about 3rd grade, I used to have to take a note home from the teacher saying if I was daydreaming or not. This could be literally going somewhere else, including that infinite space where all time exists now and timelines shift in that moment. A SUDDEN PHYSICALLY FELT SHIFT IN TIMELINE – It’s almost a sensation of being physically moved and settle into a new timeline, like your body is suddenly shifted or placed to the left or right, into a new space. DIFFERENT MEMORIES THAN OTHERS – I’m talking about distinctly remembering a recent conversation or event, say just earlier that day or the days previously, that the other person insists they didn’t experience. This isn’t about the other person simply not having your attention while you were talking. FACTS CHANGING FROM THE PAST – This one has prompted me to write this blog. In the past week, it has been occurring more often. It’s especially confirming when another person has the same experience. I’m doing a training right now that I did two years ago. In the first session, something was discussed that I never heard of before. I went back to my handouts and notes from the previous training, and it was all there, with diagrams to boot. How could I not have remembered that? Furthermore, working with clients in the past, I did not include that material in the sessions. Yet there it was now, on my computer from two years ago. I spoke with someone else in the current training who also had no memory of learning that information until now. When you have someone in your life with the same experience, it’s harder to argue against it! Just last Saturday, I had a call to go on in the morning. The date had been on my calendar and in my email for weeks, plain as day. When I went to connect to Zoom, there wasn’t a link. I saw the date for the call: November 27th. I went to my calendar, which I had just been on earlier that morning and there it was now, for November 27th not November 20th. Going back to that experience in my recent training: I’m sure you’ve had the experience of hearing or noticing something for the first time, one of those “aha” insights, and a loved one might tell you they’ve said it to you many times. We can only take in what is at the level of consciousness we are operating at. Remember, everything is consciousness, including timelines. Shift your consciousness and you’ll see, understand and experience everything differently, aka, be on a different timeline. Of course, you are not a bubble. However, you do have free will. The idea of a holographic universe, where the tiniest grain of sand has in it the entire universe, is true of YOU. This also means you have all potentialities inside of you. The whole affects you, but you also affect the whole. CHANGES IN PEOPLE, EVENTS, HOW YOU EXPERIENCE THE WORLD – This one is of great variety, but its tell-tale sign is how you experience reality. Reality literally shifts in the blink of an eye. You could be in a situation that is at a standstill, say, looking for a new job. You’ve exhausted your possibilities, and even have met people in that industry who say how hard it is to work in, how limited the jobs are, how little money you make. Suddenly, an opportunity arises, an avenue that wasn’t there before, resources, and people in that industry who love and thrive in their careers. These types of changes happen all the time. We’re used to calling it “waking up on the wrong side of the bed”, where it’s one thing after another that goes wrong that day or is stressful. However, these shifts are literal timeline shifts, whereby if we shift our consciousness to more uplifted states, the external shifts as well, where a bad day can shift to a day where communication flows more easily, possibilities open up, synchronicites occur, and we see things in a more positive light. HOW TO SHIFT TIMELINES We all want to have the “how-to” guides. What I want you to know is that you are already doing this. When it comes to the ascension, awakening, and creating New Earth conversations, this is about becoming conscious, awake and aware of our true divine nature and a greater reality. We choose to expand beyond the limits of this physical reality, and the limits created that keep us asleep, separate, in survival, fear, doubt and lack. Shifting timelines means shifting consciousness. This means where your attention and focus are. Once you decide something is a fact, so it is. While there are strong collective agreements in our world, you can go beyond them. YOU make a difference in shifting not only your timeline, but the collectives. You could think of it as the Butterfly Effect. Everything is connected, and you shift the entire world by shifting your own reality. Use your natural ability to notice your own thoughts, judgments, beliefs, limitations and feelings. Then, you have choice in changing your perspective and timeline. For example, you want more abundance, look to all the abundance that is already there, bask in the gratitude of all you have, expanding your abundance by your choice to see more of it. Shifting timelines isn’t about controlling our reality. It’s about an internal shift of vibration, of energy, which is what everything in the universe if made of. If you’re focusing and finding all the problems, the lack, the, “This can’t possibly change or I can’t have X because of all these reasons,” then you’ve chosen that timeline. Timelines exist because of the state of consciousness you are in at any given moment. You’ll see and experience what you are able to depending on your state of consciousness. Use your imagination to see the best possible outcome, your dreams fulfilled, the Earth thriving, all people cared for a loved, all of this already done. That’s all you need do, and things shift to accommodate: inspired ideas and action steps, synchronicities, or resources. Use your imagination to see the worst possible outcome, and you’ll see all the pain, suffering, limitations, lack and roadblocks. We already do this, so why not focus on what you want, rather than what you don’t want? When you shift internally to uplifted states of consciousness, unconditional states of being not dependent on external circumstances, such as trust, joy, peace, gratitude, or love, you can shift timelines and move mountains. Considering the possibility that time is not fixed and that the past itself is constantly shifting depending on which timeline we are in in the moment, opens your mind. Opening your mind means relaxing enough to then allow your soul, Magical Divine You, to guide your life. When each of us does this more and more, we shift timelines for the entire planet. Ever since I can remember, the 1980’s and even before, there have been great threats to the survival of the planet and humanity. There have been timelines created about global warming and other life-threatening problems that at this point should have already occurred. But here we are! Open your mind to all possibilities, and not only is life more fun, but you also assist in the vibrant well-being of the entire planet. This is so natural it’s almost a cosmic joke. We’ve been running around trying to solve and fix all these problems we keep finding. All along, we’ve had in ourselves the ability, the response-ability, to shift everything in a moment, including time. “TWINNING EARTH” AND BEING WITH OTHERS WHEN THEY ARE ON DIFFERENT TIMELINES The idea of a twinning earth, where some will choose to stay in a denser reality and other go in to “New Earth” isn’t something you need to worry about. Do you ever notice how others you know already experience reality quite differently from you? Remember how I talked about being on the freeway and switching lanes? You may have loved ones, or watch the news, and witness how what others are experiencing as reality is very different than what you are experiencing. Timelines can exist so close to each other that they are indistinguishable to the untrained eye. So, while you may live with a loved one and see them every day, they may be experiencing quite a different timeline from you. Theirs is wrought with rude, mean people, terrible things happening on the planet. Yet your experience might be of kind people, good deeds, beauty, flow and abundance. It’s not your job to try to change anyone else’s reality. You can be the loving presence, allowing them their path, for the path they are on IS real and true for them. Comparing your experience to others is always a lose in some way. So instead, focus on your own experience of reality. You always have choice to change lanes! While we all may be experiencing a different timeline of sorts, this separation is an illusion, needed so that we can experience this amazing physical life and world. Our choices DO affect the whole, and each time you choose a perspective that is uplifting and serves the All, it truly does affect the All. You create new lanes, new paths and roads, new options for All beings.
Steven Gorel
12/7/2023 02:07:04 pm
When i seen that my timeline changed I never really learnd much other thin in whats going on in my world. I was what they call a mugal like on hairy potter the none mystical. yet Because i was in public school to be the toy of others that have mastered the arts of metaphysical means where i was the slave to them. only to be the prop of the artiest and those connected to creating the reality of the person or people. Rather then be tought how to create a reality i was yet just the subject of what is created in my realty with the programmed placed like its a game of what is created with others that are created and controlled and the ways are worlds mixs. Trying to peace my worl togher when others have the power to change the world around them by the core vibration of the person. The differnt types of groups that can play many games or vails over thepeoples eyes is very hard yet when your trained to be the pet of america what choose do you have when they tell you they control everyone i didnt like that she said that to me in Sedona i explained some of us just want to learn how to be good healers and master love not be force to obey the masters as i see thats there teaching to teach others how to in salve and to do it under grouping to even train good minds and hearts to justify the torchers of another for the power and concert that this group thats claims to control everyone has proven to me theres some they fight to own and others that are free. I still want to be a healer of means and i still want to help the minds of the angels that have been trained to be the slaves of america but not just that the slave to groups that have some form of owner ship over that person to guild or create or destroy. I am not sure why a town wants to be known to control everyone But Sedona thats for you So ill spead your message that you control everyone like you did when you forced me out there throw the arts and held my mind to tormented me. I want to say ty masters for i left and still find you around me butter cup.
4/15/2024 10:56:38 am
Do major collective timeline changes cause you to feel exhausted?
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