Can you feel the Equinox energy? I watched the Full Moon illuminate All, sending pure streams of Divine Light to the darkest places, and amplifying the shadows to be seen even more.
When I awoke yesterday, I experienced tremendous gratitude, streams of tears, for my freedom. My freedom to choose! No one can take away my free will to choose how I feel, what I think, or how I interpret reality. How AMAZING is that?!! This is what’s on the table right now: FREEDOM. In the darkness of fear, judgment or hate, there is no freedom. Those of us who want freedom for All must go inside and be honest with ourselves first. Of course, if you are exhausted, overwhelmed, pressured by others, afraid of future outcomes, or angry, you won’t have the freedom to be honest with yourself. These feelings and judgments cloud your thinking, inhibiting that intelligence located in the frontal cortex due to the flight, fight or freeze response. We are quickly heading toward unity, my beloveds. The Truth, the pure stream of Divine Intelligence that sees, honors and loves All, allows the rest to fall away. Things are falling apart and the pull to judge and fight an opposing view is stronger than ever, it’s true, and that’s good news! Love All-Ways Wins! You are not lost, you are being called to take a look inside you and be honest with who you really are, what you value, and what you really want. As you free yourself from the chains of who you think you are based on social, familial, peers', or external experts' opinions, you find YOU! What others do, what others want, is none of your business. Love them, gift them their path and freedom, and disengage from taking any sides or trying to convince anyone of your views. If inside you see that you MUST fight the bad and wrong in the world, then do it 100% and trust yourself! Stand in your freedom and truth so others may do the same. Listen to others with respect for their views, for they are doing the best that they can in any moment, and it’s not for you to judge. This can open space for them to hear you and respect your views, or not. You’re not here to be heard as much as BE, and take actions from your authentic nature. You may want to step away from the news, from social media, from anything that pulls you toward fear, doubt, confusion, righteousness, or judgment. Take this time now to slow down and breathe, to be in nature, to put your hand on your heart. Then go inside and find out how you’re doing and what is honestly important to you, what you value, and what serves to amplify you knowing that you are here to have the freedom to BE YOU. What’s going on the planet, on a never before seen GLOBAL level, is exactly what is needed at this time in our transformation. It’s good to touch in with what’s going on, but you may want to put less attention on that and more attention on YOU, on whatever supports your peace, love and joy. Are your values and inner knowings aligned with your words and actions? Where have you given your power and freedom away, to what external source outside of YOU? You CAN trust yourself, even if others scream at you with great intelligence and logic that you can’t. It is time, and you are FREE to choose what you feel and think. Your awareness, and being honest with yourself, gives you the opportunity to choose. You CAN choose trust, love, joy, peace, compassion, vibrant well-being at any moment! It begins with loving attention on you, releasing judgment, and instead being the kind compassionate parent to All of you.
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It's not just you, my beloved. The world is transforming and we're all in this together. You are a master and expert in your unique experiences and contribution to the world. Together we'll navigate through these challenging yet oh so juicy and magical times. Archives
October 2021