by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Ascension Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. When we think about energy updates, it’s a bit like fortune telling, and we’re always asking, “When it will get better?” Well, this is it my beautiful tribe. The “get better” is all up to your own interpretation about your path and reality.
The peaks and valleys, the blasts of energy and gateways here and there in the past, are now happening so closely together that it’s all a blur of opportunity and intensity. It’s a moment-by-moment opportunity to expand and lift up, or to drop into the chaos and fear more deeply. Already started in this month of June, we are in a time where love is the priority. Yes, this is always the case, but this particular aspect of love calls us to dig deeper into the cave with the 5th dimensional light of unconditional love. There are two ways this is showing up for more and more of us, and they both involve breaking the bonds of illusion and stepping into our sovereignty. We do this not just for our own empowerment, but for the entire collective, one individual at a time. Your awakening lights the way for all others. First, we must look at ourselves more deeply. What core beliefs do you have that are limiting your highest good, empowerment and joy? An awareness, releasing by simply declaring it so, and re-framing is called for. Re-frame: What if all your most challenging hardships and limitations were your most powerful tools for awakening? As the energy spins faster and more powerfully, you’ll see more chaos, insanity and destruction in the world. In your own life, your limits are tested. You might want to give up. What’s the point? Feelings might occur such as depression, anxiety, emptiness, frustration, boredom, apathy, or just a feeling of not knowing what to do or what you want. It’s time to commit and live by your commitment, to walk your talk. When you do, those feelings will be called to be re-framed. They call you to slow down, breathe and be present, and give those feelings attention rather than trying to get away from them as quickly as possible. Whatever comes up is a part of your process. The energy of this time brings up all those old beliefs, limitations and stories that want to be released and put to rest. You’ll be surprised by their intensity and maybe that they are still around, and this is why it’s so important to trust your process and the power of love. Personal power arises when you no longer operate on automatic. All those automatic reactions, thoughts and beliefs are coming up to assist you to choose and commit to something new. Remember that one of those automatic thoughts sounds like, "There's something wrong - with me, with others, with the world." The second way love is showing up for us is through the disillusionment of the world as we know it. This takes a commitment to seeing truth through using your discernment. Along the yellow brick road, it’s not easy to wake yourself up from the sweet sleep state of the magical field of poppy flowers. Furthermore, once you get to Oz, you find that the wizard himself is a fraud, a master of illusion. Remember, Dorothy was the one who had the power all along to bring herself home. It may feel like a fight and “us against them” when you start to see the truth about what has been going on in our world for many thousands of years. Notice when you get angry and want to fight the system you trusted for so long. It’s ok if you feel outraged (of course you do!), and breaking the bonds of oppression without adding to it through anger, judgment, powerlessness and fear is the path of the brave love light warrior. When you do turn off the news, stop automatically believing whatever you are told by the authorities you were raised to trust, and for the love of God stop drinking fluoridated water, you might wonder who you can trust. Look into what your source’s agenda is. No, not the superficial mission statement they’ll give. What are they getting out of it, and are they actually fulfilling their mission? Are they doing no harm? Do they seek power over (sometimes you just need follow the money trail) or to connect with and empower you? Notice when you think something is a “conspiracy” and how you react to that thought. Why were we trained that anything that goes against what we were taught by experts and written in history or science books should be dismissed immediately? Discerning truth from illusion takes a willingness to give up, for a moment, what you thought reality to be. (Honestly - the old reality is coming to an end, so you might as well mourn it and move on, or, you can keep repeating an old record. Denial is powerful.) More and more people are seeing that the rat race they were brainwashed into running, the dogma they were following, benefits the few, and certainly not really they themselves. The scientific perspectives that we (consciousness) are separate from the physical world and that nature operates by survival of the fittest were theories, not the facts about reality that we’ve been living by. Whatever you begin to awaken from out of that poppy field, take it slow and easy. There’s no rush right now to take action, unless you are deeply called to do so. Your action of discernment, from a place of wanting pure unconditional love for yourself, others and our beloved Gaia, is more of a contribution than you can fathom. Ask yourself, “What am I committed to? What am I contributing to the world through my consciousness, though my frequency of thought, action and feeling?” Amid these energies, remember that it is easy to get sucked down and spin out. It’s easy to think there is something wrong, whether with you, others, the system or life itself. Once you notice you’re in the density of fear, doubt and lack, you can be gentle on yourself. It’s ok that you feel that way and you don’t need to “force yourself” to be somewhere you’re not. Bring that love and attention to yourself. You are not lacking! You are a brilliant soul here to be a part of a grand transformation! It is happening, now, and it is a call to love.
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by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. It’s easy to be afraid of evil, especially if you watch mainstream media or horror movies. Whether an evil person or an evil entity, the first step is to know that a fear agenda does indeed exist. Knowledge is power, and we do live in a reality of polarity, of opposites.
How do you know the difference between good and evil? Good is empowered through service to the betterment of all, seeking not to control but to connect. Evil seeks power over, gaining energy through the submission of others. You may have heard the term, “The Fear Agenda”. Put a person into a fear-based state and you can control and manipulate them easily. You might also use the term “interference” rather than “evil”. Rather than go into the details of the types of “evil” in the world, which might only serve to increase your fear, I’d like to talk about how to feel safe, empowered and enveloped in peaceful awareness. Those of you on a conscious spiritual path may think you are supposed to “be above” states of doubt, anxiety, judgment or mistrust. Your path is a spiral, as you continually bring up and shed old outdated patterns of beliefs, experiences and actions. You do this for the collective, not just yourself. At the same time, it is true that outer forces that seek power over will attempt to manipulate your energy, especially as you grow spiritually. You’re breaking free, after all! Along my own spiritual path, I have practiced many methods to clear space, protect space and set boundaries. Many clients have asked me how I can ensure the space I create during sessions. How do I know if an angel isn’t actually a darker being in disguise? I know because I set the space I work within, who I call forth in my sessions and am aware and attuned to the frequencies of different energies present. My commitment is to assist others spiritually in a practical way that addresses their day-to-day experiences and concerns. Most of us are not as concerned with beings we cannot see as we are with other humans. In fact, if you’re reading this, you are most likely very empathic. Feeling the emotions of another, especially when they themselves may not be aware of them, can be easily interpreted and taken on as our own feelings and thoughts. Consider also the energy of the collective on the planet. If you watch or read the news, you know there is great turmoil, confusion, upheaval and upset happening in the world. As the shift in consciousness on the planet accelerates, this collective energy seeks to keep things the way they are, a denser energy, and is also a form of interference on your spiritual path. You do not need to fight nor hide under a rock. By being aware that interference is a part of our experience, you can notice it and make choices that center, ground and empower you. I believe we do not need to obsess about “outside forces”, because the answer is still the same: doing practices every day that bring us to a place of peace, joy, unconditional love and trust. However, it’s important to understand that in truth we are all unified, and you are deeply affected by more than just your own inner world. It’s also important to notice when your blame yourself or blame something outside yourself for your circumstances. Blame creates a state of powerlessness, which is more of that fear agenda. Reclaiming Your Power Your job is to claim your power, to call it forth and know how powerful you actually are. You do not need to have years of training or expertise in order to claim your power now. Your free will is all you need. 1. Use Your Discernment. Discernment is an important and powerful tool we all have. Rather than judging something as good or evil, your discernment comes from an inner wisdom that allows you to clearly perceive truth or deception. 2. Be Aware of When You are Being Triggered by any Fear Agenda. Honestly, I could give a long list of the “whys” and “whos” regarding interference, but today I’d like to have you just be aware. It doesn’t matter the source. What matters is that you notice. Taking responsibility for your thoughts and feelings doesn’t mean blaming yourself for them. In fact, blame will not serve you. No man is an island, and we are all affected by both individual and collective fear agendas. You can spend all your time tracing down the “why” of the matter, but at the end of the day, what matters is your quality of life. Once you are in a lighter high vibe space, then anything that you are drawn to take action about, whether environmental, social, economic or political, will be based in bringing more love and vibrant well being to the planet rather than more judgment, hate and problems. Consider that evil gains power through your fears, doubts, insecurities, anxieties, and feelings of lack. Notice not only when you feel afraid, intolerant, angry or vindictive, but also when you feel victimized, helpless, anxious, depressed, not good enough, and powerless. Once you become aware of these thoughts and/or feelings and realize you have choice in the matter, you begin to take back your power. 4. Reclaim Your Power by Calling It Forth. This is simple, and you do not need a fancy ritual to do this. You can simply state it by saying, “I call forth my divine power,” or “I am powerful.” Use any phrase that is empowering for you, be it about trusting, loving, or being divinely protected. Call forth Archangel Michael and his legion of angels. Living a spiritual life comes with being alert, aware and responsible for our experiences. Instead of “wishful thinking”, using positive affirmations to bury the fears and doubts, living a spiritual life takes a willingness to open our awareness to everything that is present. From there, we call forth our greatness. We call forth our light. We declare we are safe and we are divinely guided and protected. This is the true power of affirmations: we affirm and declare it is so, without doubt because we have honestly looked at and given loving attention to those doubts. 5. Command the Light. Again, no fancy training or ritual is necessary here. There’s a reason for the term, “lightworker.” No matter where you are, inside or out, call forth a column of crystalline white light from above and imagine it streaming into the top of your head, your crown chakra. Imagine it filling every cell of your being. Fill your heart and the space around you with this light of pure unconditional love. Inhale it in. Exhale and expand this light out. Do this in anyway that feels good to you. Envelop your nasty neighbor or the angry driver with it. Command that entity in your space to be gone and blast them with that pure white light. Send light to those in power positions, in government, or in corporations, to be surrounded and filled with divine white light. Direct this light down to the center of the earth. Surround the entire planet in a bubble of crystalline light. Call on the angels to assist you, as they, too, will send out light to wherever you ask. 6. Don’t Believe Everything You Think. Notice, again, when you get triggered by habits of acting, thinking and feeling. It’s easy to buy into those running stories in your head, and what different feelings, emotions and sensations mean. For example, I habitually equate butterflies in my stomach (solar plexus) with anxiety. Then my mind chatters about how I’m not doing enough, not good enough or doing it right. Ask yourself, “Is this really true? I know it seems so right now, but is this true?” Would a close, loving and clear-minded friend agree with you? Bring the compassion of unconditional love to yourself. Be gentle on yourself and know that whatever is occurring is arising to empower you, to remind you to reclaim your true divine power. 7. Notice any Intuitive Guidance that Arises. This guidance will feel good and simply right. It could be a change in your diet, to purify your drinking water, to drink more water, take more walks outside, stop watching the news, get more educated, take a break from or end a relationship, re-frame your interpretation of an experience, speak up, question your beliefs, or take a chance on a new hobby or career. Whatever the guidance, it will point you in the direction of trusting your soul’s agenda, what brings you joy and contributes to the well-being of others, and won’t feel like a “should”. Take action! And so, we yet again are given the opportunity to see the gift in our experiences. Being honest about interference and the polarity of reality brings the gift of awareness, both internally and externally. Being aware of our amplified fears and doubts gives us the opportunity to lovingly notice them and then powerfully choose to use our spiritual practices to bring us to a space of love and trust. Being committed to living in our hearts, in that space of love, gives us the safety that divine love and our true authentic selves always live in. Trust in the power of love. Trust in your own process. Trust in the divine support of your loving angels and guides that always surround you. Ever returning to this is your protection. by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Many of my clients share their challenges, burdens and suffering with me, be it external or internal, from the experiences life throws at them, the internal chattering mind, physical pain, or overwhelming emotions.
Despite the situation, the question is often the same: “When will this end?!!” This might also lead to the question, “It will end right? Things will get better?” While all our challenges are unique, the nature of them is completely different than in the past. We have an opening now, a new reality to step into. In this reality, anything that we do for ourselves, we do for the entire collective on the planet, not just now, but throughout all timelines, past, present and future. How amazing is that? Can you even wrap your mind around it? Taking a traditional perspective on our pain, suffering and challenges works as well as it does. We think, “One day, when I’ve overcome or gotten rid of this problem, then I’ll be happy.” In this day and age, the problems of the world require solutions outside of our traditional thinking. I know you want reassurance that it will get better, and soon. I know it not only can, but will. However, it is you and you alone that has the choice and power to have the experience that it will, and can, get better. Yes, sure, if you’re reading this you’re looking for me to give you the answer. My answer is that YOU have the answer, the power, the strength, the courage, trust, love, breath, the soul and spirit, to have anything that you want. It is your destiny, like it or not! Why wouldn’t you like it? Because your “get better” lies in the present moment of your experience. It’s not one day – some day, when my finances are handled, I have the perfect relationship, vibrant health, ideal weight, unending positive thoughts, everlasting joy, unbridled passion, cool spiritual experiences, superpower intuition, complete freedom to be, clarity of life purpose, or “add your own here.” You were born to thrive, and born to grow, expand and learn from any experience you are having. Can you imagine a world crumbling around you, pain and suffering all around you, death, destruction, even fire and brimstone, and there you stand, in the center of it all, in peace, in trust, with an open heart and truly knowing all is well? It’s time to let go of, or at least soften our grip, on the reins of what we think reality is supposed to be, feel and look like. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is the boss of you. YOU are the master of your reality. You hold the magic wand and elixir of everlasting life. It’s YOU! How do you get to the space of remembering that? By absolutely being committed to remembering and living the truth of who you are. You are not your circumstances, your pain, or your suffering. They call you to remember, just as a nightmare screams at you to get your attention so it can share an important message. If your circumstances don’t equate to your quality of life, what does? It is your consciousness, your state of being, that determines the quality of your life. It’s each choice in action that is aligned with your soul’s calling. Oh, don’t worry, you know your soul’s calling. It calls you to love, enjoy, bless, and appreciate. The other morning, I noticed I felt anxious upon waking. I did my simple practices, such as breathing in peace and breathing out blessings of peace for all. It took just a minute, and there I was, in peace at that moment. Know that things really are intensifying. It’s not just you. Whatever is personally happening for you, you can choose to breathe and know that there is a rapidly increasing intensity of the shift happening. Fighting against it, waiting for the challenge to be over, will not speed up your personal process. Changing the way you view yourself and your life is what is called for in this moment. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. It calls to you again and again to choose a new way of being that transforms any circumstance in your life. That way of being is one of connection, love, abundance, peace and joy. In any moment, you can choose to say, “I am committed to this shift happening inside and around me. I choose to see myself and my life as a gift, as a game, as a opportunity to cultivate a new way of being.” I know, I know, you might be thinking, “How could you possibly see your pain, frustration, financial challenges, illness, anxiety, loss, confusion, or upset in your relationships as a gift?” There are some gifts that we want, and some gifts that we need. Anything that is occurring in this moment is a gift. How can you access the gift in your situation? By ACCEPTING it. Say, “Yes, thank you for this gift!” It doesn’t mean that you have to like it, or that you’re not disappointed, or that you wouldn’t prefer to have a gift you’ve been really wanting. It does mean that you say, “I accept this gift. I know that this is what serves me most right now, as crazy as I think that may be. I trust that this gift is one that serves my absolute highest good and growth, and is more powerful than I could ever imagine.” Once the gift is accepted, it can unfold its magic and miracles. It will call you to take actions that are for your highest good and well being, and the highest good of all people everywhere. The best gifts don’t always come in pretty packages. It is your conscious choosing to see all of your experiences as a gift, with thankfulness and gratitude, with trust, that can have you stand at the center of absolute chaos and destruction and feel centered and peaceful. It’s ok that you find yourself wanting things to be different, to be better. Please take heart that you have the power to do this right now, despite any circumstance. Accepting that this moment is your greatest gift, without trying to get rid of, fix or change it, allows movement in your life. Change occurs most easily when we surrender to what is occurring right now, when we choose to believe that right now is exactly where we are supposed to, how we’re supposed to be, and are divinely destined to be. It allows us to breathe and lighten up! May you be blessed with the joy, laughter, peace, relief and love that is accessible to you at any moment. by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. As you grow spiritually, returning to and remembering your true divine nature, you might be finding that you are becoming more sensitive to the energy, emotions and feelings of your loved ones, those around you and the world as a whole.
We are naturally very intuitive, psychic and connected with the world around us. As we step into this New Earth, choosing to consciously be a part of the shift in consciousness occurring on the planet, our intuition and sensitivity are increasing. This is something to celebrate! It can also be quite challenging. Years ago, I was getting the house ready for a party. I was in a great mood, but one of my housemates was very upset. I thought, “How can I have a good time when one of my friends is suffering?” I felt guilty at the thought. Isn’t that funny? We’ve been trained somehow that if others are suffering, we either need to suffer with them (disguised as “compassion”), or we need to save them or help them. I still have a strong pull towards this direction, especially with my husband. How can I feel and be aware of my loved ones upset and not get upset along with them or try to make them feel better? Taking this to a larger worldview, it is a challenge to feel the suffering of others, the anger or upset of others (such as around the presidential primary election), and to know the environmental issues at hand that are impacting our earth itself. The shift that is occurring is unprecedented because it is a shift in the consciousness of the entire planet. It is such an exciting time, and also a very intense time, as in many ways masses of people are experiencing a “dark night of the soul.” As a sensitive soul wanting to contribute to the well being of others, your job isn’t to try to help, fix, change or even uplift others. That might be a hard pill to swallow, yes? Believe it or not, your job is to be in joy and live in the integrity of your values. Whatever it is you think you can help others be, feel or think, your job is to live your truth. If your loved ones are suffering financially, you stand in the abundance that you are, feeling gratitude for all that you have right now. If they are angry or frustrated, you cultivate peace and forgiveness for yourself. If they are doubting themselves and their future, you trust yourself more than ever before. If you see your friend is unhappy with a situation, you choose to do what brings you the most joy. If you want to empower others, stand in your power. I know this is challenging, believe me. My intuition expresses itself most often in feeling, empathically. When my housemate walks into the room and is upset, I can easily find myself upset, agitated, angry or frustrated immediately. With no words exchanged, my energy has completely shifted. From that state, where I feel victim to my emotions, I am unable to be a loving peaceful presence for her, much less myself. My job in that moment is to acknowledge that I am noticing the shift in myself, and to cultivate love and compassion for my experience in that moment. We are not the parents of others, tending to the wounds of our children. Each person has their unique path, filled with the challenges and experiences that they were born to handle and move through. We are here to empower and support each other, not be the authority figure for another person's experience. They are going to suffer and make mistakes only they can grow, learn, heal and transform from. Gift them their path! See them as the amazing powerful souls that they are! How do you change the world? By adding what you are wanting to it. This is very different than fighting against or trying to change what you do not want. Add love. Add abundance. Add joy. Add vibrant well-being. Add passion. The truth is, these are all aspects of your true divine nature. Instead of looking for things to fight, fix or change, why not look for things that express your authentic nature? This is a different way of problem solving. The condition of the earth and all its inhabitants calls for a new way to solve problems, and this solution lies in our own consciousness. What are you wanting more of today? If you are wanting more peace, be peace. Bless all those you see with peace. Say to the cars that pass you by, “May you be blessed with peace.” Expand your light of peace and say to the check-out clerk, the mailman, your loved one, the politicians, the ones suffering, “May you be blessed with peace.” Let your sensitivity to the suffering of others be a reason to celebrate your own spiritual growth. Know that being the light that you are, the joy that you are, living your life in a way that expresses your greatest values, is your divine gift to a planet undergoing rapid transformation. by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. We humans, with our big brains, sure do like to make things more complicated than they need to be. That’s ok, as long as you know you things can get complicated out of the desire to have an adventurous and interesting life!
Once you remember that you get to choose how complicated anything in your life is, you can then choose to simplify any situation. Simplicity brings with it a peacefulness, a satisfaction with your present moment, and a natural state of gratitude for all the “little things” life offers you to enjoy and appreciate right now. This simplicity is important in our spiritual practices. We do need to choose to be awake and live our lives consciously as souls having a human experience. Without this conscious choice, most of us operate on automatic about 90% of the time, caught in a whirlwind of tasks that don’t bring us joy and unending mental chatter that pushes us to worry, doubt, stress and think we need to work harder. Instead of making our spiritual practices yet another responsible task we should be doing, our challenge is to live in a space of remembering and embodying who we authentically are. Any practice that truly supports this is the practice for you! Admit it: you actually know who you are. Anytime you feel stress, anxiety, doubt, frustration, anger or fear, it is reminding you that you have forgotten your true nature. Not to worry, that’s the deal we made when we chose to play this game of forgetting our eternal divine nature and then remembering! So, what’s this 3-step process to living a life that you love? It’s one I highly recommend trying, even if just one day a week. 1. WASH CYCLE When it comes to washing clothes or dishes, we don’t try to “get rid of” the dirt. Within our own lives, we tend to think of things we need to get rid of, such as certain behaviors, thoughts or situations. When you wash your clothes, you simply put those dirty clothes in some water and detergent. Then you let the process occur naturally, as the water and soap clears away any dirt on the clothing. So, in our spiritual practice, we simply immerse ourselves in that cleanser and water. Choose your detergent When you wake in the morning, set your intention. Before you even get out of bed, ask yourself, “How would I like to feel today? What would I like to cultivate and embody?” These are high vibrational states of being that resonate with and exist in your true authentic nature. Declare that the intentions you make are in service to the highest and best good of yourself, the universe and all of humanity. Here are some examples: I intend I am abundant. I intend I am vibrantly healthy. I intend I am joy. I intend I am grateful. I intend all that I do is in the highest service to All. I intend I trust myself. I intend I am peace. I intend I am more loving and compassionate than ever before. I intend I am open to receive. I intend I am divinely guided. Add the detergent to the water Now that you’ve stated your intention, preferably out loud, it’s time to add that to the water, to the space of your heart. By doing so, you infuse that intention with the pure essence of your divine nature. Your job in this moment of the process is to cultivate that intention in your heart. It’s easier than you think, as natural as mixing cleanser in water. Because you ARE your intention, you can consciously BE that intention within your heart at any moment. Still in your bed in the morning, begin with the breath. Your breath is the movement of the wash cycle. Take a few natural conscious breaths and place your hands on your heart. Breathe into your heart for a few breaths. Now state your intention. Breathe in that intention. Breathe in peace. Breathe in trust. Breathe in surrender. You are unique, so how you get to that experience of embodying your intention might take some experimentation beyond the breath. For example, is there something in your space that sparks that intention, like the peacefulness of the quiet morning or the abundant possibility that a new day holds? Is there something physically in your room that you feel grateful for? Gratitude can bring you immediately to the space where all your intentions live. Is there a memory you have in which you were in the space of love, trust or vibrant well-being? Again, remember that this process is easier than you think. It can literally take just one minute. Add Your Clothing You’re in the space now of being your intention, so now any experience, thought or feeling - any clothing - can easily be added to and cleansed in the wash. Now that you are living, breathing and being the intention you’ve set in this moment, in your bed, you are ready for your day with clean clothes on. 2. RINSE CYCLE The rinse cycle is a such a magical cycle, really! You’ve infused yourself with your intention and breathing into your heart-space, and now you get to bask in the watery life-affirming flow-state of your heart, filled not just with your specific intention you’ve set, but all those yummy juicy states of being that you were born to experience. Living the life you love, loving yourself and bringing that love to all that arises! Being in your heart creates a natural clearing and cleansing of the dirt and stains, without the forced need to scrub and stress about what you want to get rid of. All you need do is allow your heart-based intention to expand its light throughout your body. There’s nothing to do. Just imagine, breathe and trust this is so. 3. REPEAT Your day contains lots of clothing that will be added to the wash again and again. Notice there is no dry cycle in this process. That’s because all there is for you to do is to put those clothes into the wash cycle. The Repeat part of the process is your most powerful spiritual practice. Throughout the day, you’ll want to check in on any dirty laundry that might be piling up. If you’re new to this, you could even set an alarm on your phone to remind you, such as once an hour or a few times throughout the day. When that alarm goes off, it’s time to check in to see if there’s a new load of laundry to do. Check-in What is my intention today and am I experiencing it now? Cultivate Your Intention Take some breaths and state your intention again. Remember, it’s just dirty laundry. The angst, problems, frustration or doubt is just a little dirty laundry that can be washed easily. Cultivate that intention in your heart just like you did in the morning, taking just a minute or so of your time. Then imagine your whole being is filled with the ever-expanding light of your heart. Remember that gratitude is one of the most powerful ingredients in your detergent. Take Action Intentions begin in ways of being in the world, in the feminine. Once we are in a state of being our intention, we then are open to seeing any actions that express that intention. This is the masculine, the “doing” part of our intention, so that we can experience the manifestation of our desires. It’s the choosing what outfit to buy, wear and what event you’re going to wear it at. Trust your heart and your intention itself to guide you easily to the actions that express that intention. If you’re finding yourself uncertain or doubting your next action, ask yourself, “Is this action an expression of my highest authentic intention?” Then return to cultivating that intention in your heart. Wash, rinse, repeat. Keep it simple, and miracles will unfold. Yep, that’s right, not only do you not need to dry your laundry, as the light of your heart will naturally do this, but you don’t need to fold it either! Bonus Cycle for that Fresh Luxurious Feel At the end of the day, when you’re relaxing and ready for bed, you might want to review the day and look for all the times your experienced the manifestation of your intention. It’s human nature to see the one stain left on that shirt after the wash. But hey, what about the sparkly clean shirt overall? Each time you wash, rinse and repeat, that shirt will get cleaner and cleaner. Your job is to notice and appreciate the clean clothes, not stress over the still-dirty ones. That’ll have you look forward to cleaning out your closet and even give your whole house a love-light wash and makeover! by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. The challenges in our own lives are no easier or harder than any other person's. It’s natural to compare our own journey to others. Unfortunately, when we do so, we either come up short or think we’re doing better than someone else. That’s probably one reason people love reality shows. In a reality show, the actors are meant to ramp up the upset, drama, trauma and emotion. We can watch a reality show and feel better about ourselves for a moment.
One way to step out of the comparing, judging and automatic responses to our experiences is by honoring our challenges as initiations. Throughout history, different cultures created initiations for spiritual growth. The most powerful initiations were meant to have a person confront their deepest fears. You might be sent off into the woods alone on a vision quest or put into a sarcophagus or grave for days on end. By confronting your fears, inner “demons” and death itself, you literally die a spiritual death and are reborn. In modern day, initiations aren’t so overt nor respected. Life brings these initiations regardless. Any change, especially sudden, is an initiation. The loss of a loved one, whether by death or simply ending of the relationship, the loss of a job, moving, or struggling financially are some obvious initiations we see in our lives and those of around us. We weren’t trained to embrace change, much less death. Yet this is what life brings us with the cycles of the seasons, with each sunset and each evening we close our eyes to sleep. I never really saw my life as a series of initiations, at least not in a profound way. Why? Because the obvious ones, the ones others would acknowledge as challenges in our culture, are not the ones I personally have had the most difficulty in accepting. Living on the streets pan handling, not knowing where I was going to sleep that night, was fun. Leaving my friends and moving back home with my mother when I was pregnant was scary but felt right. The death of my brother just before the birth of my son, and then the death of my mother soon after, had me step up to care for my loved ones and myself. I loved being a single mom and was proudly grateful for welfare while finishing up college. All those date rapes were par for the course. These examples are things we were trained should be challenging, maybe even wear as a badge of honor for having survived. Yet in those experiences I thrived, not survived. At the same time, the initiations I resist most and suffer over come in the forms that others wouldn’t see as difficult. You see, it’s so important to honor your personal challenges, especially by not comparing them to others. What throws your whole world into a tailspin might be a walk in the park for someone else. What may devastate another may feel like an easy shift for you. Maybe you felt a little sorry for me when I gave you that list, or that I am hiding from my own feelings? No need! My most challenging initiations seem to be those that I don’t think “should” be challenges. For example, I recently realized that I have not had a go-to-the-office 40-hour-work-week kind of job in almost 25 years. Good problem to have, eh? I know how awesome my life is, however, I also like to work hard and be busy. Five years ago, I was living in an amazing community of people and felt a great desire, with no real explanation, to leave. I sensed there was something more than the busy work I was doing within the community, so my husband, son and I moved. I became a stay-at-home housewife and mom. Little did I know I was stepping into the greatest initiation in my life thus far. In the past five years, I’ve tried to “keep busy”. I’ve done volunteer work, assisted friends in need, got my master’s degree and am always immersed in some kind of spiritual training. However, my son has also grown up completely, now age 20, and I’ve had more time on my hands then ever before. My life has been s-l-o-w. It was just after we moved that I was clear that I wanted to live day-by-day by my heart’s desire and guidance. I knew it was time to let my soul take the driver’s seat and put my ego safely and lovingly in the carseat in back. Boy, is this the most challenging thing to do! Keeping busy, responsible and productive is a big goal of my ego. “Doing nothing” equates to laziness, selfishness and feels pointless to my ego. Any of you who have done mindfulness meditation surely know this feeling or others that arise when you simply sit and notice the breath. Ramp that up full volume when you practice life as a mindfulness meditation! Yet it is noticing the breath that brings us to the perfection of now, where all the goodies live, be it in the emptiness or fullness of the outbreath or inbreath. Along your spiritual path, you come across the space between the breath, an initiation of the Great Void. It is here that you confront the intense emptiness mimicked by being in that pitch black space inside a coffin in ancient initiation rituals. You might feel a lack of direction, a lack of passion, boredom, anxiety or depression. If you surrender to it, it offers the opportunity to come to peace and compassion with all your greatest fears and inner demons. If you fight it, it only stays longer. I still discover myself fighting sometimes, using the Western methods of escape like shopping, eating, television, or just unnecessary busy work. I notice when I say, “Yes!” to that emptiness instead of thinking something is wrong, stopping to simply breathe in and out that breath of life that connects us all, everything opens up. When I fight it, any feelings of stress or anxiety only increase as I try to escape. Our personal initiations are uniquely ours alone, yet we go through them for the transformation of the entire planet. No matter how small or insignificant you might think your challenges are, they are to be honored as the powerful life-changing experiences that they truly are. Okay, I’ll share an example of something with you that you might think is silly and insignificant. I’ve got a thing about ants. Not spiders, not bees, not snakes, but ants. We go way back. When my son was almost three, I lived in an apartment that I should have known had an ant problem, as I noticed that ants were literally painted into the counters of the kitchen when I first moved in. One evening, I went over to my adorable son as he slept and noticed a trail of ants going across his pillowcase above his head. That was the straw that broke me, and I laid in a puddle on the floor crying, calling my friend for help. She came over and couldn’t help but start laughing, saying that it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was. Fast forward to our house now, where we’ve had ants take over the bathroom more than once. This past rainy season, however, I had an honest talk with the scout ants who just started coming out instead of trying to fight them. I let them know that I respect and honor that they need to live, but that if they show themselves to me, I will have to kill their queen, thus their entire colony, which I do not want to do. Did it work? Yep. The next day, the ants were gone, never to return. When it comes to what your greatest personal challenges are, you don’t need to fight yourself or them, tell yourself to toughen up, push through or get over it. Your job is to surrender into what you are experiencing, as challenging as that is to do. It is all coming up for you to bring to light the truth of who you really are and to be inwardly transparent and authentic with your feelings, needs, fears and desires. No other person’s opinion of your personal experience matters. Share when you feel safe to do so. You are not your experiences, nor are you your fears. You are a spark of the divine. You are the gift of the breath that wishes only to serve and remind you to breathe in life and breathe out that gift to others. Within Divine You is a love that transmutes even your greatest fears and challenges into the light. You are being called to slow down, to notice, and to feel your experiences. This includes when your notice yourself fighting, avoiding or escaping. If you hold the intention to simply breath and bring your own compassionate care and love to what your are experiencing, I promise it will shift. Ah, but not if you are doing it with the goal to make it shift, you see? Initiations call us to surrender to them completely. The goal for them to go away as quickly as possible reflects your lack of surrender. Look around you and within you and notice any initiations you are going through right now. Some might be obvious, while others are pretty easy to find if you simply look at what you want to get rid of, fix, fight, change, or avoid at all costs. What are you fighting or what are you feeling victimized by? You have called this experience to you - you powerful soul you, you shaman, you high priestess - to transmute it all with the power of your love and willingness to trust yourself, your process and the universe. It’s all part of the plan for your and the world’s highest and greatest good. Breathe and know that all is truly well, including when you scream that it is not! by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. First of all, for those of you who haven’t read The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Condo, it’s time for you to pick up the book! Marie offers conscious access to one of the primary aspects of the authenticity of who we divinely are. We are joy!
It’s easy to focus on what is wrong, including around your home. You might look around and think how you need to clean, clear your clutter and get more organized. It’s natural to want to get rid of the problem that is causing upset or pain. Change is often motivated by fear, and it’s true: fear is a big motivator. However, it’s also so draining, so tiring and stressful, to continually focus on what we need to change and fix in order to feel better. Good news! There is a different way! This way is through the power of gratitude. It is the gateway to experiencing authentic joy. In her book, Marie discusses how we can let go of items that don’t spark joy by acknowledging that at some point they did, thanking them, and releasing them for someone else to enjoy. I’m sure you have items in your home that you purchased yet never used, such as clothing or books. Why did you buy these? Consider that in that moment you were in a place of joy, even if just the possibility of joy in the future. You might think, “Well, if I truly feel gratitude for an item and the joy it brought me even if it was long ago, won’t I just keep everything in my home?” Absolutely not! We hold on to things with an attitude of lack. There are two reasons we keep items that don’t bring us joy in this moment. The first reason is that we hold on to the past, as if when we let an item go, we will surely lose or forget the love, joy, peacefulness, abundance or experiences that the item represents. Personally, I am very attached to my books. If I kept all my books from over the past 25 years, I would have a room in which every wall was filled with books from top to bottom. In my most recent release of books that don’t currently bring me joy, I noticed that there were books that had been on my shelf for literally 25 years or more. I collect informative books, specifically on topics around holistic health, metaphysics, spirituality and consciousness studies. I noticed that my books are like symbols of who I am, of my interests, my experience, my passions and my knowledge. It was extremely challenging to let many of them go because I felt like I would lose a part of myself and forget all that they represented. I realized that my books are not me! Furthermore, I saw that my past has brought me to who I am now, and I can release the past, whether my memories or physical items, and know that all that matters is this present moment of my experience. My past has brought me to now, and anything I need is inside of me! When gazing at a book that didn't naturally light me up in the moment, I noticed it would seem to shout, “You are not enough right now. You might forget all the experiences and knowledge from your past, so I will remind you. You might need this book in the future. Furthermore, look what you’re not practicing or doing right now!” I held the book, reflecting on when I got it and the experiences I was having at the time, and felt authentic gratitude for those experiences and the wisdom I received from the book. This allowed me to let go of the book with love and appreciation, opening to new ideas, new experiences, and new me. The second reason we hold onto items that don’t bring us joy in this moment is because of our fears about the future. Like the past, fears of the future reflect feelings or thoughts around limitation, lack and scarcity. It could as simple as, “What if I’m having a bad hair day and don’t have anything to wear that will make me feel pretty?” (Notice that in that moment you are thinking your physical body is lacking beauty…) Fears about not measuring up might come, such as, “What if my friends thinks I’m poor, stupid or missing something by not having this item?” We might think we’re being logical and responsible by thinking, “What if I need that item again and can’t find it anywhere?” or, “What if I need that item in the future and don’t have the money to buy it?” Ooh, that last one is one the main fears of lack when it comes to material possessions, isn’t it? Furthermore, we have limited our openness to abundance by thinking that the items we need can only be attained through using our own money to purchase them. Can you see how keeping items that don’t authentically inspire joy right now creates a feeling of lack and limitation? You could have a house full of items and yet feel you never have enough. How many times have you purchased an item only to find you already have it? One day I was clearing out my first aid shelf and found that we owned seven elastic (“Ace”) bandages. Two were unopened, and I remembered buying those because I was concerned that if my son sprained his ankle (yet again), we wouldn’t have any bandages. The shelf was so cluttered and unorganized that I couldn’t find the bandages that were there all along. Keeping only what brings you joy actually creates more abundance. A great example of this is clothing. Have you ever felt like you have nothing to wear? You go through your cluttered closet and drawers, stuffed with clothing, and can’t find anything you want to wear that day. What if you truly only had items that had you feel good when you looked at and wore them? Imagine you could look in your closet and every item was something you love the idea of wearing! Material possessions don’t really bring us joy. Instead, they inspire us to express the authentic unending stream of joy that resides in us. Keeping only what inspires joy is practicing a new way of being, a way of living an authentically magical and abundant life. As you gaze around your home, every item can be something that prompts you to express gratitude. Gratitude aligns you with joy and joy aligns you with authentic divine YOU. You don’t need to “force” yourself to express gratitude or joy. Committing to surround yourself with items that have you feel good and thankful is all it takes. It’s also important to be honest with yourself about your fears, whether holding on to the nostalgia of the past or concerns about you future. A home infused with your gratitude and joy creates an opening for even more gratitude and joy. The question to ask yourself is, “If this doesn’t spark joy, why am I keeping it?” You don’t have to reflect on what you don’t like about the item. Instead, know that when you got the item it did bring you something, even if just the possibility of something, such as being prepared and calm in an emergency (those Ace Bandages), or a healthier lifestyle through those kitchen gadgets or workout equipment. Honoring that you picked and kept an item with the best of intentions will cultivate gratitude for that item and an ability to then let it go. Let’s be honest: if there is one thing we can count on, it is change. Our possessions are a way to practice being open to change, to letting go of trying to feel safe and secure in an ever-changing reality. Instead, we practice moving toward gratitude and joy, independent of what we have or don’t have right now or in the future. Your possessions are just one aspect of your life. They give you an opportunity to be honest with yourself about your fears and doubts. They also give you an opportunity to experience gratitude and tap into joy! They steer you in the direction of filling your life with joy and gratitude in all that you do, to ask yourself time and again with every aspect of your life, “If this doesn’t spark joy, why am I doing it?” You are meant to have items in your home that remind you that inside you is all the abundance, joy and love you could ever desire. These items might be beautiful or useful. You can courageously clear out the things that you’ve kept that seem to protect you from the loss of letting go of the past or fears of scarcity in your future. Opening up your physical space opens you to the vast spaciousness of your own heart, of your authentic self. No longer weighed down by material possessions that don’t activate your joy right now, you assert to the universe that you trust life to provide you with all you need. You declare that You Are Enough, You Have Enough, now and in the future. You can look around at what fills your home and let every item you use or gaze upon remind you to be truly grateful and enjoy your life right now. by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Some of you are very familiar with the idea of grounding your energy. The concept is used to really get our “feet on the ground,” to be fully in our bodies. When we are grounded, we are better able to handle all of life's challenges as well as fully experience all of life's gifts.
The first time I learned to ground my energy was back in about 1988 at the Berkeley Psychic Institute. I would send a cord from my root chakra, at the base of the spine, down to the center of the Earth. I’ve also grounded by imagining roots like a tree coming out from my feet and grounding down into the earth. When I was a fitness instructor, I would guide my yoga students to ground in this way during "tree" pose, as well as release what no longer served them by giving it to the earth, where it would be composted. After all, it’s the nature of earth to gain rich and fertile soil through dead leaves and creatures. Wouldn’t the same be true with dead thoughts, feelings, habits and memories that no longer serve our highest good now? Over the past few years, I’ve noticed I feel strange about grounding my energy as I used to. I’ve been drawn to more heart-centered practices, sensing that the heart is the place to start in my spiritual practice. In fact, I even feel strange about a tried-and-true method of bringing in light through the top of my head, grounding it down into the earth and filling my body with light. Not that I don’t still use light in many ways including a pillar of light from above and below, but it is different than in the past. Know that I am not talking about “earthing”, a practice of naturally connecting to the earth such as through barefoot feet. We can talk about that another day. As you know, it’s a challenge to trust yourself without anyone else agreeing with your viewpoint, especially when new ways of being and acting in the world are involved. I’m blessed to know the universe is co-conspiring with me (as it is with you!), and because of that, I have noticed that others whom I respect are talking about what I’ve come to find as well. There are two realities afoot, my friends. The first is the one we know so well, that of 3rd dimensional experience. The other is 5th dimensional and beyond. Take a look around you and you’ll see the world is in chaos. While 5th dimensional earth is here, 3D is as well. Which do you want to add to? I don’t want to get too “out there” with you in my blogs, though I do like to sprinkle in new concepts and possibilities that I’m certain you’ll be hearing about more and more. My goal is to serve you in a practical way, a way that brings more love, peace, joy and abundance to your life each day. When we use outdated methods of grounding, as I described I’ve used in the past, we are unintentionally adding to the chaos. Mother earth is going through what we are, so she is not the best being to assist us in grounding into our bodies as spirits. Yes, we can indeed connect to her in 5th dimensional ways, but this does not include using her to recycle our internal waste or ground a body that is stressed, anxious or fearful. So where do we start? How do we come more fully into our bodies, knowing that when we are stressed, our spirits tend to want to be anywhere but in our bodies? Your anchor, your grounding point, is your heart. You start from there. Think of the heart as the new root chakra, the chakras no longer thought of as energetically linear bottom to top as in the past. When we want to remember and live the truth of who we authentically are, when we want relief because we are stressed, overwhelmed, or dizzy with the chaos around and within us, we can anchor and ground into our hearts. This is a practice. No amount of reading or others telling you what’s possible can replace you actually doing the practice. We must practice a different way of being in order to experience change in our lives. I know that you know this, but it’s easy to forget, especially when you are feeling victimized by circumstances you can’t control. When we are in a state of pain, fear and doubt, we naturally want to escape. Know you are doing the best you can, and can also commit to a new way of being. 6 Ways to Ground Into Your Heart 1. Try HeartMath. If you’re a more scientifically-minded person, begin with taking a class with the HeartMath Institute. There are many places to find classes, from Meetups to The Shift Network, to HeartMastery. They also have developed an amazing biofeedback system called the emWave so that you can literally know when you are in a coherent state with your heart and sustain longer periods of this state. When your heart beat rhythm is coherent, meaning have a more consistent pattern, the heart sends a message to the brain and all other systems in the body to become coherent. In coherence, the body’s psychological and physiological state, such as the immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems, become harmonious and highly effective. These are the states of relaxation, peacefulness, and joy. Try their “Quick Coherence” practice. It takes just a minute or so! 2. Add on to the Quick Coherence technique. Place your hands on your heart, and breathe. Imagine your breath is coming into your heart and out from your heart. With your attention in your heart, say a word, such as “peace.” My personal favorite is, “I love you.” What is it that you need in this moment? Other phrases might be, “I am safe,” “I am loved,” “Relax,” “I trust myself,” or “All is well.” Whether you feel different or not right away, you are practicing your ability to move and change energy by calling forth what you are wanting. You are powerful. 3. Expand Light From Your Heart. As you connect to your heart, imagine that there is an eternal flame of light within you. It is who you authentically are. It is your true essence, where all the love, joy, peace and abundance you might tend to seek outside yourself exists. This love is not dependent on any outer circumstance, including when you are feeling pain in your body or thoughts that tell you otherwise. Sense, see or feel this light in your heart, a crystalline diamond white light. If you see or sense another color, trust that. Imagine this light expanding from your heart, filling your entire body. Don’t worry if you don’t experience anything. Just imagine. Imagine this light expanding out in all directions – above, below, in front of and behind you. If you’d like, expand it to your home, your neighbors, your town, your country and around the earth. You can even expand this light into all dimensions and timelines past, present and future. You are divine love and light! 4. Take a walk. This is a way to use our beloved earth for grounding. As you walk, deliberately connect to your heart by placing your hand on your heart, breathing into your heart and allowing yourself to feel, see and smell nature around you. 5. Call For Help. You are never alone. When your emotions, stress and thoughts are so intense that you can’t get yourself to do your own practice, call for support. Ask the universe for support, call on your angels for their love and guidance, call a friend who you know will remind you that you are strong and able to be in your body as you move through your upset, read inspiring words, or listen to a guided meditation or uplifting music. 6. Practice Calling On Your Heart. One of your best practices is to call on the help of your true divine self, that light that expands from your own heart. Practice noticing your connection to your heart when things are going well, when you are in a space of love, gratitude and trusting your process. You are the one that can really be there for yourself in the most loving and powerful way. What does this look like in practice? I’ll explain with a personal example. I’ve found myself time and again noticing that I feel anxious, that I am doubting my abilities, my process, and where I am at in my life. I place my hands on my heart, breathe, and give attention to where in my body I am feeling anxious. I notice the thoughts that go along with my feelings. I say, “It’s ok, I am here for you. Tell me all about it. I love you.” I listen, like a loving mother would to her child. I’ll say, “I love you. I’m not going anywhere and am always here for you. You are safe. It’s ok.” You see, the heart, the root of your true authentic self, is your greatest guide and biggest fan. This is the part of you that loves you for all that you are. Your heart is meant to guide your mind and ego. It’s habitual for us to think it is the other way around: that the mind, filled with fear, doubt and a need to control our experiences and future, is meant to guide our true authentic self. Some of you have practiced meditation, meaning practiced being the “observer”. While this is an excellent practice, know that divine you is not a separate you who observes your experiences. You came here to experience being a human, with human thoughts, feelings and judgments. While I am practiced at observing, when I call on help from my true divine nature, it actually is not separate from “me”. It is the me that remembers that I am not my experiences. I remember that my experiences do not define me nor limit my reality, but I can describe them. Rather, I am having experiences, and honor that what I am experiencing is absolutely real to me. This brings me the light, relief, calmness and love that is ever present if I only remember. You can be like the hawk, flying higher to see this bigger perspective and truth of reality. When you come down from the sky and go to catch your dinner, filled with survival needs like feeding your body, you are bringing with you that bigger perspective of what brings true nourishment to your soul when you were flying above. A hawk is always a hawk. He immerses in his experience, whether from a broader perspective above or hunting on earth below. By deliberately practicing, you can remain conscious of who you really are, even when immersed in any life experience. So go ahead and practice observing during your meditation time, and then come down, grounding into your heart and body here and now, able to fully be there for yourself, even in challenging times. by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and WayShower, guiding the way to living a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Doubt is a powerful emotion that comes with a list of reasons why we are in a wrong situation. Doubt about the self comes in many forms, such as our beauty, intelligence or choices. Doubt about the world can show up in our finances, relationships, or feeling of safety in our environment. Our heads spin stories about how we are not good enough, can't have what we want, aren’t making the right choices, or aren’t where we are supposed to be. When we doubt, we feel helpless in our ability to control our thoughts, feelings, situation and experience. Doubt can stop us from moving forward with our dreams and enjoying our lives now. The freedom, joy, relief, love and trust we are craving does not lie outside of doubt. The way out is the way through. Rather than trying to solve the problems that doubt seems to create, the first place to start is by changing our minds about what doubt actually is. We can choose to tell a different story about doubt, even if there is no evidence that our new story is “true” or “factual.” Remember that you can gather evidence to prove that your doubts are real. That is just one viewpoint of many you can choose to live in. Instead of making yet another enemy in life, the “doubt monster,” we can begin by greeting our doubt as we would a friend, a wise teacher, and an ally. Doubt screams at us to listen, and if we resist, it only screams louder. We can hold up the white flag and say, “Ok, ok! I surrender! What are your terms?” You might think that the way through doubt is to take action despite your doubts and concerns. While this is a part of moving through doubt, using action alone it is like putting a small Band Aid over a deep cut that needs much more attention. Ignoring the wound will not make it go away. If you take a step towards your doubt by acknowledging it and asking what it wants, you’ll find that the peacefulness that trust brings is available within your doubt. Acknowledging your doubts opens up freedom to make a different choice. We often drown in our doubts or use any means necessary to avoid, escape or find relief from them. What is being called for is to understand that these doubts are based in the past, when you experienced separation from your true authentic self and the divine. They are a gift because they show you where your attention is and that you have forgotten your authentic nature, which is connected to and in harmony with all. By the nature of who you truly are, your choices and challenges are always a part of your divine path. This includes the experiences that had you feel unsafe, alone and uncertain. When you choose to trust your path, you open to the abundance, peacefulness, support and love that reside within you and around you. When you doubt, you have an opportunity to choose trust. This means you must first be honest about your doubts, thanking them for trying to protect you, and then choose to focus on trusting yourself, the universe and your unique path of evolution and growth. This will begin to give you clarity as to whether your doubt is based on fears or your intuition. The difference between the two lies in your experience of doubt. Know that intuitive guidance that directs you, for example, to stay away from a dangerous situation, is not doubt but rather a type of inner knowing. Your intuition may suddenly alert you to an immediate action to take, but it not bogged down by your busy mind, fears, anxiety, worry or stress. Anytime you notice a doubt, you can breathe, place your hand on your heart, and say, “I trust myself. Thank you for my life!” Be gentle on yourself and your doubts. Each time you allow yourself to actually notice and feel your doubts, you are receiving the gift of an opening to bring more loving attention to yourself and return to trust. A MESSAGE FROM THE ANGELS & ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL
Trust comes from a place of allowing. Many of you do not feel comfortable with the word surrender, so we will use allowing to explain the energy of trust. Allowing is a statement to the universe, to God and the angels, that you are willing to be supported, open to the possibility that you are not alone, not in danger, and never held in a negative view by a vengeful God or universe. You are here to thrive, not survive. You have survived for so long, many of you repeating lifetimes on this Earth in which your survival was your primary task. Or so it seemed. Archangel Jophiel steps in to speak: You are meant to feel the joy of the angelic realm, the beauty of your abundance of experiences. Look at the earth around you, at nature. I am here to assist you in seeing the abundance and joy that surrounds you. It is always surrounding you. Oh, the beauty of the world opens your heart! Can you feel it? Nature calls you to allow yourself to open to its beauty, its harmony and its abundance. Call on me, Archangel Jophiel, to assist you when you feel doubt. I am here to protect you, to envelop you with the pure essence of trust. All your desires live within you, and if you were not capable of having them manifest, you would not wish for them. This is the illusion of time. Just because you do not have things as you see they could be does not mean you have done something wrong. It means that you see your future, and it is certain. How can this be? You, beloved, are here to create more love and beauty than has ever been known. You were born to do this. You can have this now by enjoying the beauty around you, infusing it with the love in your heart, with the attention of your sweet gratitude and appreciation. Do you see? Open your eyes to the beauty around you and you will have more! This is surrender. You surrender to trusting that all you need is here now, and all you seem to not have is simply not time for yet. Your doubt of the present is really just seedlings beneath the earth promising beautiful flowers in Spring. Are you willing to trust? Are you willing to infuse the flowers in bloom now with your loving appreciation? You are loved and cared for unconditionally. Allow yourself to feel your connection to the divine, even just to connect to the smell of a flower, the smile of a stranger, or the warmth of the sun. Trust and know that you are completely enveloped by the light of the divine at all times, even in your darkest hour and doubts. Open to receiving all the love, support and guidance by trusting yourself and your divine unfolding. You are so loved! by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and WayShower, guiding the way to living a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Decisions, decisions. Why is it so easy to see what looks best for a friend to do and sometimes so challenging to make decisions for yourself?
Okay, maybe it’s not so hard to decide what to eat for dinner. Or is it? Research shows we make between 15 - 200 decisions a day around food. Furthermore, we make anywhere between 5,000 and 35,000 decisions every day. The ability to make wise choices isn’t a personality trait, and having no willpower isn’t your problem. Psychologists call it “decision fatigue,” and it depletes your natural willpower. Given my background in fitness, I like to think of each decision as doing one repetition in strength training. If you’re doing bicep curls, at some point, your muscles are going to weaken and fatigue. We start out in the morning filled up with energy and our best decision making skills. As the alarm goes off, we have to decide to snooze it or not. We decide if we’ll get out of bed, brush our teeth, take a shower, what to wear, what to eat or drink, and not to mention whatever else in going on in that head of ours about things we will be doing that day. Feeling a little depleted already? Decision fatigue effects our ability to make the best and healthiest choices. That’s when we grab the easiest thing to eat, do our impulse shopping, or snap at a loved one when we otherwise would have stayed calm or communicated more lovingly. If decision fatigue has the ability to make our day-to-day decisions more challenging, imagine what it can do to those bigger life decisions around career, health, money, and relationships. These are decisions we’ve probably been thinking about for quite a while. Filled with doubt and uncertainty, we are probably exhausted by the stress of it all. As time goes by, clarity seems to elude us even more. How To Make Decisions More Effectively 1. Meditate. Meditation is a way to calm the mind and become more present. Taking even a few minutes to simply notice your breath begins to illicit more relaxation in your body and clarity in your mind. Remember that the mind and your thoughts are not something you need to “turn off” during meditation. Meditation offers peace of mind as we embrace whatever we are experiencing in the moment with gentle attention. Once you are aware of your experiences, with nothing to fight against, you then have a greater ability to choose what to give your attention to, be it your breath, bodily sensations, thoughts or emotions. This gentle awareness cultivated during meditation allows you to have more clarity and make better choices. 2. Take a Walk. There’s nothing like fresh air, sun and nature to clear your mind and relax you. Even in the city, where I grew up, nature shows itself through the cracks in the sidewalk, the air, the sounds of pigeons and the sky above. Put down what you’re doing and take a walk, even for 10 minutes. I promise you’ll feel even better and clearer about your decisions. 3. Become Aware of When You’re Fatigued. Sometimes we don’t like to admit when we’re fatigued. The “be tough” attitude keeps us moving forward despite illness, pain and emotional upset. What are we trying to prove and who really cares? What if the coolest thing you could do, the thing most respected by others, was taking care of yourself? Admitting you’re fatigued allows others to step up and assist you. I know you can toughen up and get it done. You’ve got nothing to prove to me. Notice when you’re on edge, when you want to grab those chips or candy bars at the check out, when you’re more “snappy” or impatient with your loved ones, or just plain not enjoying your life. You’ll be at your best when you admit those times you’re not in the best state to make decisions. When you’re confused, hungry, sick, tired, angry, frustrated, doubtful or agitated, know that you are not going to make the most effective decisions in the moment. Make the ones you absolutely need to right now, and save the rest for when you feel calmer, more peaceful, clear and loving. 4. Connect To Your Heart. Your heart is a source of infinite solutions. It is meant to guide your mind and ego. Your heart holds and expresses the most loving viewpoints and choices available to you. Placing your hand on your heart and putting your attention and breath into your heart aligns you with your Divine Will-Power to make the best choices in the moment. It may surprise you by its guidance, but if you take action from that gentle quiet voice beneath your stressful thoughts and concerns, you’ll find that each step you take is indeed for your highest good. 5. Plan Ahead. Even the most spontaneous of us can benefit by planning ahead. Write out your grocery list before you shop. Schedule in when you’ll pay the bills. Commit to what time and days you’ll exercise. Plan your meals ahead of time, whether that morning or for the week. Clear out your closet of clothes you don’t wear. Choose what day you’ll do laundry or clean house. You don’t need to be a schedule hound, but by planning ahead the things you know you’ll be doing anyway, you’ll have more energy for the decisions you need to make today, especially if there are big life-changing decisions you are thinking about. 6. Ask for Help From the Universe. You don’t have to believe in God or the angels in order to get assistance from a universe that is in a living co-creative relationship with you. The thing I love about divine guidance is that it comes one step at a time, relieving us of a laundry list of decisions to make when making plans toward a goal. Calling, praying, or asking for help works! Do it in your style, in a way that feels good to you, knowing that the universe and divine guidance are an ever-present source of love and support that will assist you if you ask and are willing to take action. You are never alone! 7. Talk to a Neutral Friend. If we are stressed, trying to decide something, the last thing we need is for someone else to tell us what to do or rev up our stress by agreeing with us about how difficult our decision is. You may think this is what you want, but if you reflect back, you’ll find that although your friends meant well, what you really wanted was someone to just listen to you with love and compassion. You want to find your own answers. When a loving friend gives you even the best of advice without your asking, you are usually left feeling bad about not using it and they are left feeling frustrated by you not taking it. Asking a friend to just listen and gently reflect back what they hear helps you see more clearly. You might ask for their advice as a way to open your mind to a new viewpoint, knowing that in the end you are the one who will make your own decisions. Your friends love and care about you, and it is their love that holds you up in challenging times. 8. Journal. Writing down your thoughts, concerns, dreams and fears is a way to get them out of your head so you can think more clearly. By taking the time to give attention to your thoughts on paper, you get to know what you really want, what is stopping you, and which choice feels best. Journal. Draw. Doodle. Put those choices out on paper so you can see more clearly. 9. Make Decisions Quickly. There’s plenty of research to back up the fact that successful people make decisions quickly. Now wait a minute – remember you do want to be in a calm clear state of mind before making major decisions. I’m talking about those day-to-day decisions that you might put off or doubt. What restaurant should we go to? Which shirt should I buy? Should I take a walk or continue working? Over thinking decisions has us doubt ourselves and creates more stress. When you practice making decisions quickly, you begin to trust your own choices. You tap into your intuition, which is depleted when you analyze and dissect your choices. By practicing making decisions quickly, you’ll be better able to make those important choices when they arise. 10. Get More Sleep. Yeah, yeah, you’ve heard this before. But seriously, our culture right now seems to pride itself on being over-worked and sleep deprived. Put down the phone, turn off the television and close your computer. Some of you remember the days before cell phones, computers and Cable T.V. Did you miss anything important back then? That text, Facebook post or T.V. episode is not that important. It’s all a form of more unnecessary stress, increasing your decision fatigue. Should I answer that text right now? Should I like that FB post, emoticon it, or type a comment? Cut out unnecessary decisions and instead treat yourself to more rejuvenating sleep. Fill up your cup of clarity and energy for your next decision-filled day! 11. Eat Your Vegetables. We live in a country of abundant food choices where many of us are under-nourished and sick. A plant-based whole foods diet feeds your body with the nourishment it needs to make the best choices for your life. Glucose levels in our brain play an important role in our decision-making ability. We might habitually increase our glucose by eating sugar, but unfortunately, sugar spikes our glucose levels and then crashes them down quickly. We need to fuel our bodies with healthy nutrients throughout the day. If you’ve ever dieted, you know the effect that minimal food or lack of certain nutrients has on your willpower. Worrying about the sugar, much less the carbs, fat, chemicals, GMO’s and processing that goes into your food will only create more stress. (I felt stressed just writing that last sentence!) Instead, consider adding more whole foods, organic if possible, into your diet. Add double the veggies in a recipe. Eat a handful of nuts instead of a Snicker’s bar. Choose to have water instead of soda. Buy whole grains like brown rice instead of white. Order a side of steamed vegetables. Eat an apple. You get the idea. More veggies please! 12. Make Your Important Decisions In the Morning. Knowing that decision fatigue increases throughout the day, consider making your most important decisions in the morning. This is when you are well-rested and those glucose levels in your brain are at their highest. P.S. Did I give too many choices on ways to make better decisions? Well, just pick one! Tell me a number between one and twelve. That one! |
It's not just you, my beloved. The world is transforming and we're all in this together. You are a master and expert in your unique experiences and contribution to the world. Together we'll navigate through these challenging yet oh so juicy and magical times. Archives
October 2021