by Julianne Kulosa I had a flash not too long ago I’d like to share with you. You know those flashes – they’re so profound when you get them, even if afterward they feel a little fuzzy or have been forgotten entirely. Then you remember you’ve heard it before, in various ways from various people. Nonetheless, you just got that flash in your heart, in your soul, in your bones. It’s one thing to get it intellectually, it’s another to embody it.
Getting that we are multi-dimensional beings and that everything is divine and connected (aka unity consciousness) are two important concepts and descriptions of 5th Dimensional Consciousness and New Earth. Love and Light are keywords, so much so for me that I got them tattooed on my wrists to remind me of my Prime Directive. I had been using Light as a tool, bringing in Light, sending out Light and blessings, connecting to Source through that ever present beam of divine Light connected between us and Source, and connecting to the heart of Gaia. This year, I’ve been drawn to choosing to merge with Source and Gaia, to merge with my multi-dimensional nature, Higher Self, I Am presence – all of me. However, in the idea of “merging”, I experienced a disconnect. While I learned how to “run energy” in my late teens, basically bringing in Source light through the top of my head and grounding into the earth and bringing her energy up into me and cycling that light and energy through specific energy channels of the body, I never thought of it as unifying or merging. Things like workshops in non-duality, meditation, and deepening my understanding of unity consciousness led me to experiences of oneness, yes. The word merging brought up for me those thoughts and subsequent feelings that I’m not enough and the thought, “Who am I to think I can merge with God and with Gaia?” As I’ve practiced my willingness and openness to merge, it’s certainly become easier. Easier in the sense of feeling empowered inside enough to say, “Gaia, how can I better care for you today? Life, how may I serve you? God, please guide me today, to see you, hear you, feel you more clearly, to do your Will.” In the past I’d asked these things, yet sometimes felt helpless, that not good enough feeling to even deserve that kind of clarity of my service or my mission. You know the feeling, “God, I pray, please help me, though I’m not sure I deserve it,” feeling that powerlessness as a mere selfish human, at the effect of not-so-good experiences in yourself and in the world. The flash I felt, and subsequent thoughts told me, “This is about merging with all of you. Unity consciousness begins within you, merging with and including all of your multi-dimensional nature.” Yes, I already got that it’s been about loving yourself, all of you. But this was more about bringing in Light. As I’ve done clearing or releasing, regardless of technique, I’ve done so with, “Thank you, I love you.” But there’s been this sense of “never enough” present, that all that clearing and releasing will be unending. As I become more aware of those programs, thoughts, judgments or deep wounds, I’ll notice there’s still more. Even in the desire to love it all, to know All in Well and in divine order, all to be loved, there’s the sense that my judgments, lack, fear, reactivity and habits that are “lower vibe and need to be seen and released” won’t ever go away completely. Furthermore, I can’t count how many people, techniques or courses have made the promise of, “Do this and it will be gone forever…your problems, your doubts, your blocks, your habits etc.” Or how many people I’ve heard or read about that seem to have “gotten rid” of those feelings, thoughts or problems forever. I call bullshit. New Earth and 5th dimensional consciousness does not change the dualistic nature of a physical universe, a physical earth. The nature of being human is that we have the ability to choose how we interpret and respond our experiences, where we place our consciousness. These experiences give us an opportunity to choose compassion, love, care, peace, trust, joy and service. In the consciousness of 5D, those more “3D” fears, doubts, and feelings of lack and separation aren’t “gone”, they just don’t have power anymore, and are easier to move through because you are in a very different vantage point of those experiences. Nature shows us the way. Are you overwhelmed with grief by witnessing the cycle of birth and death as a flower grows and then withers and dies? Are you appalled by the way animals hunt, kill and eat other, or fight to gain being alpha of the pack or to get their mate? Have you ever seen a petition or rally against stopping the earth’s earthquakes or volcanoes? Unless you put human labels on nature’s way, it is just the nature of the circle of life. So, too, are all parts of you and your experiences, just cycles and experiences. Not good nor bad, but all to be chosen as reason to lift up into the Light of seeing all as Divine, all to be loved, respected, held with deep compassion and brought into that Light. That FLASH about merging felt so good because I got that those things coming up, the wounds, the judgments, the pain, aren’t “supposed” to go away. It matters not. What allows that Light to come in is getting my own unity consciousness, that all of me is whole, interconnected and One with All. One with ALL INSIDE ME. There’s no “clearing it out” really, it’s all just metaphors and ways to make the ride easier and more fun. It’s more about transformation than clear-cutting, though sometimes it can look that way when the fire inside burns down the forest (or external things in your life) so the phoenix (True Divine You!) can rise from the ashes. I can include all of me in 5D. That includes me in all dimensions, which includes the doubtful me, judgmental me, “bad habits” me, anxious me or angry me. Striving to be a loving, kind and caring person, yet then seeing how I’m selfish, mean or hurtful to others or the planet has made it challenging to include that on my list of "including all" in unity consciousness inside of me. Because 5D is about unity, that includes my own judgments and preferences. It’s just fine to think, “I hate that about myself.” Can I include that into my heart and embrace that judgment with love? Why yes, yes I can! This is embodying Light – admitting that you came here as a Divine Spark and are that NOW, not only if you reach some standard of measurement. When you don’t try to push anything away or get rid of anything, you then are in this awesome space of inner power. You can just have that thought, and yet its power is lost, the power to dim your Light inside, because when you get that it’s ALL light, All Divine, All United inside of YOU, then you can just use your freewill to align with Source, to focus on your true heart’s desire, your deepest values, and the reality you want to live in right now, not one day. Source casts out nothing and loves unconditionally always. Aligning with Source God, then, means bringing that love to All aspects of You. There are no rules or regulations of how a Light-filled 5D human should act or be. Chuck those out the window, because they just put into a box what is in unity and what is not (wait – there’s that separation again). We are learning about transcending duality, about the possibility of living in a universe that has duality, yes, the yin and the yang, yet operating from a place that merges rather than separates from that duality. It is because we live in a reality of such duality, be it in nature, perspective, belief, action, thought or emotion, that we are propelled into moving beyond the illusion of separation. Oneness and unity is the greater reality, and we really can live there and experience duality, that juicy diversity, at the same time. You’ve been there, such as in an intimate experience you’ve had with a loved one where you’ve bared your soul and felt safe, seen and loved. You might try on being willing to merge. Just willing. Willing to merge with all parts of yourself, willing to merge with God/Source, and willing to merge with Gaia. Allow this willingness to merge assist you in more easily holding the loving space for all the darkness inside to be seen as what is asking to be embraced back into your Light and the divinity of your soul. Even in those hardest moments, when your mind is incessantly chattering negative judgments that feel so true and powerful in your emotional body, you can just call in Divine Light. Imagine it filling all of you (that willingness to merge…) - your body, your “ego”, your soul, your emotions, your mind, all of multi-dimensional you. You can ask for support and assistance from the Universe. It only takes a small recognition, a spark of light, a breath into your heart, to reunite with and remember the You that experiences Divine Union with All by bringing love to All of You. Photo by Joe deSousa on Unsplash
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7/13/2018 10:06:25 am
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