by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Time and again I’ve heard it said that humans have free will. No one and nothing can interfere with our free will. That doesn’t mean they won’t try of course! Ok, I’m sure you can think of scenarios where someone wouldn’t seem to have free will. I know I can. I’m not here to convince you otherwise, but consider that maybe there’s more to that story than what we know about reality from a 3rd dimensional perspective.
No matter what seems to be interfering with your free will, your power lies within you, not your outer circumstance. Free will simply means that we always have a choice. The traditional definition of free will focuses on our ability to make choices about our actions, without outside influences like fate or force. It also often comes with judgment attached, such as if your actions are responsible, if you will be acknowledged positively by others, or if your choices might result in guilt or shame. It is time to take a different perspective regarding free will. The power of free will resides not so much in your outer actions, but in your choices about how you view others, yourself, your circumstances and reality itself. It is your conscious dedication and commitment to those choices that fuel and propel the powerful action steps that transform your life. We make millions of choices in our lifetime, and each choice leads to a new choice. We start our mornings by choosing to open our eyes into a conscious state, and the day is then filled with more choices. Many are so “automatic” or habitual that they don’t seem like choices anymore. We are also extremely skilled at making choices and then blaming some person or circumstance for that choice. If something is coming to mind right now in which you think you have no choice in the matter, this might be something to choose to look at in a different way. The way we choose to look at and interpret our reality is the most powerful aspect of our superpower of free will. There is no perspective, opinion or “fact” about reality that you do not have free will in. Yes, there is a collective consciousness comprised on the planet that you are effected by. Yet, even this, once you are aware of it, you have choice about. Whatever you consider as fact, there is at least one other person on the planet who does not. Sure, you could “prove them wrong” within your understanding of reality. Does that actually make you right? How many people need to agree with you in order for you to know you are right? If you watch or read mainstream mass media, does that mean they are reporting the truth? Is it true because the doctor says so, or the research (sponsored by, say, a pharmaceutical company) says so? It’s not that you need to disregard important outside information, it is that it is time to step into your own power. This power stems from your authentic divine nature, filled with love, joy, clarity and peace. How do you access your power? With your superpowers of course, one being free will. This is expressed through your power to choose. No one can take this away from you. If you think someone is more powerful than you, more knowledgeable, more insightful, or you’ll lose their love or respect if you tap into your own power, then that is still your choice. If you think you are limited because of all your past experiences and what you’ve been taught to believe, making you unable to change your mind or habits, that is also your choice. You get to choose if you’re wrong or you’re right. Just remember that free will includes the choice to judge yourself and your experiences. CHOOSE & COMMIT Once you make a choice, the universe shifts in the direction of that choice. Choice opens you to action, meaning action steps naturally arise out of the choices you make. Creating an action plan in itself will not give you the energy that is created from making a choice and committing to it. You don’t need to worry about the how. When you choose and commit to that choice, the actions naturally become clear to you. Synchronicity will occur such that you are in the right place at the right time, and everything you need will show up for you. Our strongest choices stem from a deep commitment to our values. An example is committing to vibrant health. Once you commit, not from fear of illness or being over weight, but from dedication to vibrant health, a friend tells you about a great documentary to watch about health and diet. It inspires you to eat more plant-based whole foods out of your commitment to vibrant health for yourself, others and the planet. You then notice a sign in a window that announces a farmer’s market near you where you can get organic locally grown produce. Continually returning to your commitment to your values, choosing them as most important to you, makes life a whole lot easier, filled with flow and grace. Making a choice opens up anything that goes in the direction of that choice. You don’t need to search for anything, because once your choice is made, you will naturally go in the direction of that choice because of your commitment to that choice. This is why it’s so important to be honest with yourself. If you have chosen to be healthy and find yourself wanting that beloved junk food, it is an opportunity to be honest about what you are committed to right now. This takes a willingness to feel your feelings and notice your thoughts with gentleness and compassionate understanding. You might find you also have a commitment to feeling good, and when you are stressed, habitually eat a certain food for relief. It is wonderful that you are committed to feeling good! Ask yourself, “If I deeply value and am committed to vibrant health, what is the healthiest way for me to feel good right now?” If free will is our superpower, then the choices we make are never wrong. The universe supports our free will, without judgment. We really are all doing the best that we can. Rather than focusing on making yourself wrong for “bad” choices or habits that do not serve you or others in a way you’d like them to, your power lies in continually re-committing to your new choice, moment by moment. Most of us in a long-term relationship know that once the commitment is made, the choice to be with that partner indefinitely, there are times that we question that choice. The questioning of our choices is not a problem. It is an opportunity to deepen into our commitment, to use our free will to say more powerfully than before, “Yes! I want this! I choose this! Count me in!” In relationships, it’s very beneficial to look at your commitment to the other person. Are you committed to hiding out, seeing what is wrong with the other person, worrying about their reaction, losing them or upsetting them? Or are you committed to connecting with them deeply and authentically, enjoying their company, and sharing your life together in a way that brings out the best in both of you? Bringing out the best includes bringing up the “worst” to been seen and transformed by your loving presence. Free will is more powerful than our doubts and fears. These are the only things that get in the way, and yes, they will arise time and again. They do not need to stop you. Use your free will to choose to trust. I trust myself! I trust my choices! YOU get to say if your life is wonderful or horrible. YOU get to say if you can have something you want or if you can’t. All your power lies in your own hands. Consider that if you really stepped into knowing that your choices create worlds, then anything you truly choose to KNOW and DECLARE you can have is destined to be yours, despite any outer proof that says otherwise. You must be willing to admit what you have already chosen to be true about yourself and reality. Are you committed to values like judgment, competition, lack and doubt? These might have been useful for your survival, but do you want to let your actions, your reason for living, be based on these values? These are your only limitations, and ones that can truly be laid to rest at this time on the planet, if you choose. With that self-honesty, you can then simply make a new choice, again and again. Choose to know that you are powerful. Choose to know you are exactly how and where you are supposed to be. Choose clarity. Choose gratitude. Choose to declare that you are joyful. You are creative. You are abundant. You are blessed. You are loved! Now these are values that you can really have fun with, a life of joy, magic and miracles! What are your deepest and most authentic values? By putting these values to the forefront of your consciousness, your choices and action steps that are in alignment with those values will naturally become apparent and energized. When you notice you feel you have no choice in something, choose to say, “I have choice in this situation. I have chosen this situation to come up for my highest and greatest good and growth.” Then declare and choose what you are wanting right now. The “how” will show up for you, when you choose to trust yourself and the universe. You will know which actions to take because they will feel good. They will bring a sense of trust, peace or joy. Even if the action is difficult, like leaving a person or situation, that action step will be calmly apparent and just “feel right.” You do not need to worry about what you need to change. You simply need to choose and declare, and change will naturally occur.
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