by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Look around and you see bad things happening to good people, and good things happening to bad people. It’s madness!
We know you’re one of the good peeps. So why would you be having a hard day? Did the universe punish you yet again for your bad deeds? Well, you know, what comes around goes around. “What you sow, so shall you reap.” It’s as simple as the law of causality (cause and effect) in physics, or the law of attraction, right? Of course, karma isn’t just from this lifetime. Those past lives are coming back to get you, too. And, worst of all, did I mention that it looks like it’s gonna be coal again for you this Christmas? Those of you who want to look to blame your troubles on your past naughty deeds will be sorely disappointed by this blog. Please put down your phone or leave your computer now and proceed to do 10 Hail Mary’s and 20 Our Father’s, and God might consider only punishing you for your original sin. If you still believe in karma, I am certain the universe is happily obliging you by giving you evidence of it. You are looking for that evidence after all, yes? I’m honestly not here to take that away from you and try to make you change your mind. Karma goes both ways, so if the idea of it encourages you to be a kinder and more loving person, go for it, seriously! I am here to offer you a way off the “karmic wheel” for good, should you be interested. New Earth is a dimension we can access through our state of consciousness at any time. In New Earth, karma no longer exists. Karma only exists in the old ways of thinking about reality and spirituality that we continue to re-live. Those of you that might at least ponder the possibility that you have reincarnated many times on this planet need to understand that the way we’ve thought about the cycle of death and rebirth, that karmic wheel, can come to an end now, if you choose. What is available to experience consciously now is a multi-dimensional state of being in which reward and punishment don’t come out to play. So what’s changed? Karma is a viewpoint about the nature of reality. It served us in the past. It called us to be kinder, gentler and more caring. “Do unto others…” The lessons learned from our karmic past can now be cleared through the power of divine light and love. We have an opportunity now to choose to embody divine consciousness as humans walking the earth. We now have a new call, and many of us are experiencing this. There’s got to be a better way. The call is to love, to express love from our hearts outward, letting love guide our decisions and actions. This isn’t so that we can finally judge ourselves as good and right humans. This call is given to us so that we may step into and embody the love that we naturally are. No longer are there separate compartments for our heads and our hearts, or for the good and the bad. Love, the energy that creates worlds, asks us to trust that all is unfolding perfectly. Even when we are frustrated, worried, angry or fearful, we declare that this, too, is a part of our unfolding. Let’s get to the bottom line question: How can I apply this in my everyday life? 1. Simply being open to the possibility that the universe, God or physical/spiritual laws do not seek to reward nor punish will begin to change the quality of your experiences. 2. Act as if everything is your ally, teacher and is here for your growth and highest good. Whatever is occurring, whatever you have done or don’t do, whatever someone is doing to you, is not your fault. Instead, you can take full responsibility for creating a reality in which you are having all different kinds of experiences that are ultimately bringing you more in touch with your true divine nature, or showing you ways you blind yourself from your true divine nature. 3. Become aware of ways you habitually blame yourself or others for negative outcomes. With blame comes judgment. If you’re good, you are rewarded. If you’re bad, you must be punished. Notice when others blame you – and remember that they, too, are simply stuck in the old ways of operating in the world. Responsibility is different than blame. 4. Re-frame the LAW OF ATTRACTION. If things aren’t going your way, it doesn’t mean you did something to create that. You weren’t in a “lower vibration” or being a “match” for the bad stuff. The law of attraction is a reflection not just of the vibration or call of your “lower self”, your ego, but also of your higher self, your soul’s calling. You might intend, feel with all your being, and have your complete attention on the manifestation of your desires here and now, and still – shit hits the fan. Why? Because your soul knows the best way to manifest your highest, purest desires, and this yucky smelly crap around is actually the best way to propel you into that direction. That doesn’t mean you have to like it. It does mean you can re-frame your experiences here and now and give yourself space to breathe, be gentler on yourself, and trust yourself. Take heart that all is unfolding in the direction you need to go right now, leading the way to the next step to take. 5. Being a divine human does not mean being free from pain. Pain and pleasure, love and fear, doubt and trust, are all a part of the experience of being human. Our divine nature reminds us that the chaos and suffering of humanity is a call to love and embrace all that we are in this moment. This is why loving the self, choosing actions, thoughts and deeds that are an expression of your authentic self and desires, is the focus now. By loving from within, confronting our own suffering, we become the light that assists and guides others, rather than getting tossed about by the pain and suffering occurring in our loved ones and the world. 6. Try on that there’s nowhere to get to. You are not some day, one day, going to arrive. Rather than taking this idea and making it reason to “give up”, make it reason for you to be more loving and compassionate today, right now. You made it! You’re here! Every time you choose to go in the direction of trusting your process, of giving yourself gentle attention, of assisting others with your loving presence and actions, you more deeply arrive to the magic and miracles possible right now. You break the ties to karma by declaring that you do not need reward or punishment in order to be guided toward the direction of acting in a way that is the most loving, authentic, and joy-filled expression of awesomely Divine YOU.
karen zerfoss
6/1/2016 08:26:46 pm
6/12/2016 08:25:18 am
"With Wisdom comes knowledge. Knowledge's base is awareness. Awareness is the forerunner of understanding, and understanding is foreknowledge of discernment. Discernment is foresight. Foresight sees spiritual and sentient implications, and consequences of all thoughts sent forth upon the wave of truism's intent, and purpose of the moving spirit of the mind, and vibrations of the balancing Principle of Gravity equalizing exactness. Gravity is the only law of equality, and balance all thought whether singular or plural. Gravity is the unknown principle of justice which assure everything is in its rightful place, therefore, fulfilling the commandment "everything after its kind." Man is bound, whether known or not, and live in the authority of gravity's equalizing law. Whether man is aware, or believes this to be true or not, it is his conscientious actions, prompt by his human spirit of intent and purpose which activate decisions he institute in the congress of his souls. Decisions which bind him to the images he will into manifestation, and project in purpose and intend of thoughts throughout the universe of his consciousness. "Let there be light," is the principle which automatically fulfill the purposed pattern of man's desire. "And there was light" not only manifest those desires, but prompt the thought whether God has, or has not created anything that is not necessary. This must be considered, because man is bound to the principles and patterns he establish, and direct as laws his spoken words issued forth into the vibrating rhythm of matter. Laws which imprison man behind invisible mortared walls of moral and intellectual spiritualism he has set in motion in the universe of himself. Laws which form gravity's circle of repetition, or karma. Repetitive laws, which, as flypaper, catch all intents, and purposes of like substance, roaming to and fro, through the universe of man's thoughts manifested as the spoken word of good and evil sent forth unto himself." - "WHO WILL EVER KNOW OF YOUR EXISTENCE?"
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