by Julianne Kulosa These updates are a description of my personal insights and experiences. We are all connected and in truth One Heart, so I share this with you to let you know what you are experiencing, in your unique way, is happening in the collective and that we are all in this together. All that you do truly serves all willing hearts and Gaia.
Things are heating up, literally and figuratively. Lion’s gate occurs each year on August 8th, holding the energies of fire, lion and the number 8. It is an energy presenting that supports claiming your true heart and soul’s empowerment. It can also bring up issues, especially in the 3rd chakra, around power struggles, the ego’s need to control, and self-doubt. The New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse on August 11th offers even more support for our upliftment and that heart-centered spiritual warrior energy that says, “I call forth...I command…I am committed, grounded and in union with Divine Will.” There is so much support this month to release old habits that are outdated and no longer serve your soul’s desire and mission. You know what these are, as when you notice them, you notice you are not uplifted, happy, peaceful or joyful when operating in them (or at least afterward). You may be drawn to shift some habits, big or small. Cultivating a willingness to be honest with yourself, to notice these habits, notice the pull and draw of them, is a powerful shift in and of itself. It sort of feels like the pull of the Dark Side, the habit of interpreting things as bad and wrong the way they are, and then going into fear, complaint, anxiety, tension, helplessness or anger. You’ll notice that the pull, while still presenting, loses its power, as staying committed to trusting Life, connecting to your divine nature, and reaching up to a higher vibration becomes more of the norm. A different approach to those outdated habits, beliefs and thoughts is called for this month. The ego is not something to control, for the need to control is the ego in action. Instead, know that whatever arises is actually presenting to be released from its false prison of separation back into the oneness of Light and Source. You can ease the ego’s need to find problems and dangers by bringing those denser emotions, stress and upset (especially present in the Solar Plexus 3rd Chakra) into your heart. The ego wants safety, and truly your power lies in allowing your heart and soul, connected with Source, to embrace the part of you that still believes your are alone, outcast, unwanted, not enough, unsafe and unloved. Simply be willing to try on that when upsetting feelings, actions or words occur in your reality from within or without, they are actually coming into the Light! They are being released. There is nowhere to get to but right here and now, and with your loving compassionate attention, breathing in ease and peace, all is truly well. Forgiveness and compassion, like in July, are still on the table this month. These powerful practices naturally open the space for true gratitude and appreciation. August is also a time of strong building energy of the “New You” presenting. Strange experiences around time may be occurring as timelines shift and offer new higher possibilities for yourself and the world. You may be feeling, with a sense of anticipation yet mystery, “Something is changing,” “Something new is coming.” Let go of the pressure of time and space that says to hurry up, or that a window of opportunity will close if you don’t do something now. Instead, if you know the change you wish to experience, declare is already done, see it already done, and entrust it to the Universe to manifest even better than you could imagine alone. If you are uncertain of the changes ahead yet can feel them presenting, ask the Universe to guide and show you the way. Follow the guidance of your heart, even if scary, new and unknown. Just because opportunities arise doesn’t mean you need to take them. Check in with your heart and be honest with how you feel about what is being offered. Your emotional body and responses, when centered in connection with your heart and soul, can be trusted. Your willingness to face your old habits with loving attention and commitment to a higher timeline that serves the greatest good for all will call you into the new. The new may not be a huge change, such as in where you live, your career or your relationships. Any small change, seemingly insignificant even, shifts the whole. Enjoy the mystery and pleasant surprise of unfolding in the new this month. Dedicate yourself to your highest vision and values, with an openness to experiencing new and unknown territory. As you do, the magical adventure of life grounds into being “normal”, as you walk this earth in love, reverence and service to All – all of you, all of your experiences, Gaia, humanity, and all beings everywhere. If drawn, use the energies of fire and water, the cleansing and transmuting energy available in both, such as the Violet Flame, being in water or near water. (Regarding the Violet Flame, and the keepers of the flame, St. Germain and Archangel Zadkiel: There are various ways to invoke the Violet Flame. No one way is better than another. I recommend doing a search on YouTube and following the pull of your heart and intuition as to which one to try.) Photo by Ivan Diaz on Unsplash
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It's not just you, my beloved. The world is transforming and we're all in this together. You are a master and expert in your unique experiences and contribution to the world. Together we'll navigate through these challenging yet oh so juicy and magical times. Archives
October 2021