by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Ascension Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. Losing an item can be very frustrating and stressful. Luckily, there are ways to increase your chances of finding a lost object.
1. Re-frame from lost or stolen to misplaced. A lost or stolen object implies that the item is either gone forever or will be extremely challenging to find. Rather than thinking of the item as lost, consider that it is simply misplaced. 2. Begin by relaxing and trusting your intuition. It may seem that time is your enemy, especially if you can’t find your car keys and are already running late. However, desperately and frantically looking for your keys could take longer than the time it takes to relax before beginning your search. Make yourself some tea, get out in nature, or just take some slow deep breaths to kick in the relaxation response. Now that you are relaxed, your mind is clearer and your intuition is heightened. Ask yourself about the object. Is it in your immediate vicinity? Can you see yourself with it the last time you used it? You may think I’m crazy, but there has been more than once that I’ve misplaced my wallet or a credit card and chose not report any credit cards as stolen. This is because I knew intuitively that the card was somewhere in my house. One time I didn’t retrieve my ATM card for over a week, probably because I didn’t even look for it, trusting and knowing it was somewhere safe in my home (which it was), and I’d find it when I needed it. Your intuition might prompt you to report that card stolen, and if so, trust that and make that phone call. 3. Use your powerful intention and expect to retrieve your belonging. Focusing clearly on what you want with a calm expectation that you will have it puts aside, and can even alleviate, any fears around losing an item. In my youth, a friend and I were mugged. I put up a good fight (probably not the smartest move), as the mugger and I played tug-of-war with my purse. The strap broke, and he won. My friend went along with my crazy idea to retrieve my purse. I was determined, knowing I would find the purse, and was ok with the cash missing but wanted at least the other items. Looking in nearby allies, I soon found my purse, and yes, with the cash missing. Recently, a friend had lost her wallet and assumed it was gone forever. I told her the above story, along with others. She lit up at the possibility. When I saw her the next week, she had found her wallet! However, hers also contained her cash. She said she decided she wanted to find all the contents of her wallet, including the cash. Where was her wallet? When going to pay for a meal at a restaurant she regularly goes to, the person behind the counter asked her if she had lost her wallet, recognizing her from her driver’s license. She handed her the wallet, with all cards and cash intact. 4. Be open to magic and miracles. Your mind assists you by being logical and scientifically predictive (based on past experience) regarding how any future events will unfold. Rather than getting trapped into limited possibilities, you can be open to magic and miracles. Expect the unexpected! Long ago, my mother, grandmother and I were visiting Vermont. After a nice dinner out, we returned to our hotel room, where my mother realized she had lost her $100 bill that she had stuffed in her boot for emergencies. She was certain that the money was gone forever. Using principle #3, I knew I could retrieve her money. I went alone in the rental car (not wanting my mom’s bad vibes with me – sorry mom, I was young…) back to the restaurant, absolutely certain and excited that I would find her money. I looked all around and under the table we ate at, the surrounding tables, and asked our waitress if she had seen it. I did not find the $100 bill. I left the restaurant feeling confused, standing in the parking lot with my mind not understanding how it could be possible that I did not find her money. Just then, a man exited the restaurant and called to me, “Excuse me, is this what you’re looking for?” In his hand waved a $100 bill. He said, “You were looking in the wrong area!” I surprised him with a big hug, thanked him, and went home with deep joy and gratitude. 5. Trust in the goodness of others. In the above stories in #3 and #4, the man at the restaurant and the woman behind the counter both did not have to return those items. While the news may report primarily all the bad in the world, there is actually much more good happening every day than bad. Open your heart to the goodness of the human spirit. Remember you can always reach out for assistance. Where would you return an object you found? The police department? The front desk of an establishment? Post it on Lost and found is a common place in most businesses because more often than not, someone who finds an object will want it returned to its owner. 6. Take a break. Nothing can better halt your success in finding a misplaced item than your stress, agitation, frustration and anxiety. Stress can make our minds cloudy and we can literally even be blind to seeing an object that’s right in front of us. Take a break, get your mind off looking for the object and relax. While camping with a large group of people, a friend lost his car keys. He looked frantically everywhere he could think of. After about an hour of searching, everyone knew he was missing his keys, and a search party ensued as both adults and children hunted. I suggested he stop searching and take a break, knowing his keys would be found. He was particularly stressed because if he didn’t find his keys, he would have to ask his wife to make the two and a half hour drive to bring the spares. He finally decided to go call his wife on a landline to forewarn her of the possibility, as there was no cell reception where we were camping. I realized that while he might have thought he was simply going to call his wife, he was actually taking the break I knew he needed. Once he returned to camp, he looked one more time, almost immediately finding his keys in a pocket of a pair of pants he had forgotten he wore the night before! 7. Call on Archangel Chamuel or St. Anthony You always have allies in the unseen world. They stand by to assist you if you ask. Both Archangel Chamuel and St. Anthony have been used to find not just missing objects, but also missing loved ones and pets, reconciliation of relationships, restoration of health, and finding a new job. Archangel Chamuel Chamuel is the angel of love. He is particularly helpful in relationships, assisting to strengthen your heart and pure love connection with others, yourself, and your body. Because of this, Archangel Chamuel can assist you in finding lost objects, for you also have a relationship with that object. Call on Archangel Chamuel to bring his heart-centered pink light to your situation. Ask him to assist you in releasing the ties of fear and loss you have around your missing object. As he helps you to come into your heart and calmly trust your situation, the light of unconditional love can then shine onto your object, allowing you to re-connect with it with grace and ease. St. Anthony of Padua St. Anthony is the patron saint of lost and stolen items. Saints are people who were deemed by the Catholic Church to have been extraordinarily holy and virtuous during their life and now reside in heaven. Saints often have stories of miracles they performed during their lifetime, and St. Anthony is no exception. The particular reason St. Anthony is Patron of Lost Items can be traced to a time he was teaching at a Franciscan friary in Bologna, France. St. Anthony had a book of psalms, or “psalter”, that was both valuable as well as filled with important notes and comments he wrote in it to use in his teaching. A student who was growing tired of the religious life decided to leave the friary. When he did, he also stole St. Anthony’s psalter. St. Anthony prayed that it would be returned, and the student then had a change of heart, both returning the psalter as well as returning to a religious life at the friary. You can create your own prayer to St. Anthony or find one that resonates with you. Here is one that speaks to my heart. “St. Anthony, perfect imitator of Jesus, who received from God the special power of restoring lost things, grant that I may find (name your lost item) which has been lost. At least restore to me peace and tranquility of mind, the loss of which has afflicted me even more than my material loss. To this favor, I ask another of you: that I may always remain in possession of the true good that is God. Let me rather lose all things than lose God, my supreme good. Let me never suffer the loss of my greatest treasure, eternal life with God. Amen.” 8. Re-trace your steps. This is a common way to find what you’ve misplaced. Begin by relaxing, maybe sitting in a comfortable chair, and close your eyes. Remember not only the last time you saw the object, but also the steps you took afterward, like going into different rooms in your house, answering the phone, or making something to eat. Often an item is put in a different place than usual, has fallen behind something or is underneath another item.
2/5/2018 12:55:23 pm
well, how will somebody trace it back to you?
2/8/2018 01:17:08 pm
Hi Math,
7/11/2019 04:03:04 am
My purse with my house keys and my bills with my address plus a lot more was stolen from my car I keep praying the person will take the cash n drop off my bag at a store n say they just found it bc I feel so violated they are material objects but I feel so lost
10/15/2020 07:47:52 am
I cant find my car keys for days and this website didn't help
Christie Mixon
12/25/2021 07:01:23 am
Pls help me find my stolen white ford.fusion car that someone stole out of my yard the other night .I pray I will find it
Charlene smiley
4/23/2021 02:37:39 pm
Please arch angel chamuel and at Anthony help me relocate my misplaced top teeth retainer please as soon as possible as my teeth are shifting as we speak !
Richie mendez
4/15/2018 04:22:11 pm
I found my keys ty archangel
Name 1
5/10/2018 11:15:52 am
I lost a book in school. There are rumors that 8th graders steal them. I'm in 7th grade and I don't know any of the 8th graders. What do I do?
7/22/2018 09:02:27 am
I lost my wrist watch since 20 days.. is it misplaced or stolen????
8/23/2018 10:55:37 pm
my boyfriend went for a festival and his iphone x got missing. do we find it
2/2/2020 05:02:19 pm
Did you ever find his phone?
Prue Cahill
2/18/2021 06:00:08 am
Try find my I phone app
9/1/2018 08:02:18 am
Iv misplaced my passport not see it for about a month.I know it's in the house but don't know where.
11/28/2018 05:37:52 pm
Did u get the hell??
Karen Heibner
10/20/2018 02:16:55 am
My husband has lost $150 can you help me find it please
11/22/2018 01:33:57 am
Pls help me find the scissor that is very special to my mother and to her family. St.Anthony pls help me find it.
11/28/2018 05:36:12 pm
Hi, I bought little gift for my boss at Christmas.. but it disappeared from house! It’s s misterry.. I’ve check all my table and drawers. Besides I have no kids if stuff is there any way to find the missing item?!
3/20/2019 05:09:24 am
4/13/2019 09:30:05 pm
I lost sm of my gold jewels on 6th feb 2019 in a wedding hall..i didnt chk if the jewels kept in the bag was there or no while leaving the hall...please let me know if its misplaced or stolen
5/3/2019 01:15:06 pm
What if it from your front yard? Just have faith in a miracle?
5/28/2019 03:55:12 am
Many items have been retrieved through Numerology... Pendulum... misplaced/stolen item chants...
5/31/2019 08:35:41 am
I lost my sons photo which was taken in my home town I kept somewhere safe where I kept I forgot now I am new place I asked my relative to search for photos but it's missing is it possible to get photos these snaps need to be submitted in school
6/6/2019 12:39:47 pm
I lost my gold chain that my mother gave me. I called a psychic and she told me it was stolen. it breaks my heart someone will steal it... how can I get that person to give it back?
9/4/2020 06:26:29 am
Psychic’s are not always right. They would do something to gain an extra buck.
Bhaswati mukhopadhyay
8/18/2019 12:34:31 pm
I lost my imp bag on last 9th Aug...... please please please help I am.hopeless
9/17/2019 01:31:19 am
I had lost my gold Bangle.... please help me is it in my house or someone has stolen it...will I get it back?
10/19/2019 03:01:21 am
Dear St Anthony and all angels who help find lost items especially keys, please help me fond my cat keys. I went for a walk and sis t realizeI I had a hole in my jacket pocket. It is my only car key and I would appreciate it if you would help me find it. St Anthony you have always came through forms. Please help me one more time. Thank you
11/21/2019 08:36:17 am
Dear Saint Anthony please help me locate my car keys! This happened before.. One of my students accidentally picked them up when leaving class and put them in her purse. It cost me $400 to gat them remade!. I no longer have the money or time for this to happen. I must drive up north tot teach a class.
10/24/2019 05:49:39 pm
Dear Saint Anthony please help me find a long lost Yearbook. It has messages that would mean very much to me from long lost love ones including my mother, aunt and a hero friend who died on 9/11. Seeing this again would mean so much to me. It was last left at my Sister's house that her son in law now lives. I can't go through his house but I pray that he will find it one day. This would make me so happy. Thank You. Kevin.
11/30/2019 08:23:17 pm
gold Jewellry has been stolen plz help me to find it as it was as it was of my mother in laws gift to me plz help me. Thnkyou
Adrienne Vincent
12/22/2019 05:54:10 pm
I have learned recently that dowsers do more than find water. Some of them find
Ayushi BAJAJ
1/10/2020 10:46:49 am
I have misplaced my passport ? How to get iy
3/15/2020 06:48:07 am
I recently got pickpocketed and lost my pretty new mobile. Please pray for me so that it may find it's way back to me soon. It was pretty expensive and I really loved it. I had to wait almost an entire year to finally be able to get it and I feel really bad about losing it. I had a lot of hobbies that I had just begun or restarted with this mobile and I wish I could get it back by a miracle. I live in a really heavily populated city and I believe that Lord alone can help me with a miracle as I have been rendered completely powerless to do anything to be able to track or retrieve it. Please pray for me. Thank you.
5/3/2020 09:01:47 am
I lost my very important book
5/4/2020 11:08:31 pm
Sir I lost my precious mangalsutra on dis sunday. I was walking by road and after reaching home I found that mangalsutra is not there on my neck do pl sir help me to find it.
5/24/2020 02:22:22 am
I lost my android phone, this happen when i was riding a tricycle going home. Approching my house i try to touch my pocket where my phone supposed to be thier but eventually my phone were lost. Please pray to bring back my phone, i believe in miracle and power of God. I hope my guardian Angel will guide somebody who found my phone.
6/7/2020 03:36:13 am
Please pray my dads money and mums jewelry are stolen from my dads house. we are suspecting the person sharing the house has stolen them. Please pray for him to have a change of heart n return the valuables. my sis has gone to recheck please pray she finds it.
6/19/2020 10:00:32 am
Please help me they've stolen my vehicle how can l recover it
8/5/2020 07:18:32 pm
I think my jewelry that came from my Nana was stolen from me. It was a gold necklace that says “Nanas Little Girl” that she given to me when I was a very young child. A heart shaped necklace of hers was with it that also belong to her. Also a gold sapphire ring that my parents gave me as a child was with it. All is very precious and dear to me. I feel heartbroken and lost without them. My Nana passed in 2012 and she was like a second mother to me. I pray this person will have a change of heart and bring these items back or they somehow can be returned to me. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
12/29/2020 08:37:01 am
We have lost my husband's ring. We are hoping to find it in our house as we are feeling that is had been stolen by our son. For the first time ever our relationship with him is good. We don't want that to be fractured again. So we are hoping to find it in our house.
1/20/2021 11:40:28 am
I lost 600.00 and really need it to pay by bills. it was in my car and then i went to get it it was gone.. now i'm really behind on bills due to not having it.. please pray i get it back.
1/27/2021 01:21:48 pm
I lost my Amazon face mask at work. I have no idea when I lost it. I’m a preschool teacher so my days are always crazy. I really need to find it. It was a gift from someone dear to me. Yes he can get me another one but I really need to find it. It was my fav.
1/31/2021 10:40:48 am
🙏 I am with deep gratitude for this information. I called on Archangel Michael as well as St Antony and my misplaced items appeared 🙏
Prue Cahill
2/18/2021 06:09:24 am
Saint Anthony please help me find me dentures I need them . Please guide me x Amen
3/24/2021 07:58:03 am
St. Anthony please help me find my mother's ring that she gifted to me. It was so special to me and came from Russia. It was my favourite ring. I have looked everywhere St. Anthony, so I am praying for a miracle. Please St. Anthony.
Tommasa Garisto
4/2/2021 07:40:55 am
Please help me find my son's spare car key.🙏
4/13/2021 04:45:16 pm
I am continuing to pray for a miracle that my wallet will be returned to me. It happened yesterday in travel. I live in a big populated city. I'm trying to have high hopes that I will get it returned!! It's so hard. I don't want to give up and think negative. I need support. I'm humbly hoping that wherever it is, or whoever has it will return it to me. I need somebody to agree with me in this prayer. Please pray for me that I receive my item. It was a very important gift to me and I had all of my important ID's, keys, and cash in it!! I'm so hurt, disheartened, full of pain right now.!! I see stories on internet where people had their items returned to them. Some werent even praying about it.!! I'm praying and hoping I get it back soon!! I don't care how much days pass! I just want my item returned!! It belongs to me!
I don't want to say my name lol
5/4/2021 12:57:24 pm
I lost my blue dinosaur pin at school. His name is Pomegranate. It's not the biggest deal to me, it's just from my friend and I really liked it. I highly doubt I'll find it, but I hope St. Anthony will help me.
5/19/2021 05:59:46 am
Dee St Anthony ,Dear Archangel Chamuel and all angels who help find lost items please come around my engagement ring is lost since one week and I can’t find it please please help me because I can’t take no more trust issues from my fiancé I’m devastated I’m begging you help me please .
6/13/2021 04:12:26 pm
Please pray with me to find my garage keys
6/25/2021 12:15:09 am
Please help me to find my lost gold purse from my room and I trust on St. Anthony will help me to get my things. Amen
Derrik M Burdette
8/2/2021 02:15:18 pm
i lost a hemonica and this is not helping
3/14/2022 02:52:56 am
Hello magical divine
Sally Smith
3/21/2022 02:41:22 pm
I lost my Diamond cross please could you help me find it lost it to years ago and we love to find it
8/2/2022 08:18:13 am
Please help me find my jewellery. I have had faith in St Anthony since I was a child but this time am struggling. Many thanks.
8/9/2022 06:27:38 am
I lost my trouser and blazer, please st. Anthony help me locate them back to me.
12/31/2024 10:11:45 am
I’m super excited and satisfied with the love spells the great dr spell caster helped me make sure my lover gets back to me .I never believed in spells or magic, You have made life more worthy of living. My lover is back to me after several months of separation. You can also contact him for any kinds disease’s via email: [email protected] or whatsapp massage: +2349037783904
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