by Julianne Kulosa Julianne is a Spiritual Intuitive and Guide, empowering others to live a life of miracles and magic through trusting the power of love. ![]() With Spring Equinox yesterday and the upcoming Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on Wednesday, March 23rd, there is a powerful opportunity to plant the seeds of our dreams and desires. Right now, our intuition and emotions are also heightened. Before we declare our dreams and intentions, we must be willing to look at and release that which is holding us back. Choosing to commit to being awake to the truth of who you divinely are is the Hero’s Journey, the warrior’s path. For on this path, we must bravely and honestly face all of our thoughts, feelings and experiences. As you look at what your are wanting to manifest, you can ask, “Are these dreams feeding the growth of my soul, the desires of my authentic self?” Any dreams that are based in love, in a feeling of pure joy for being alive, come from the authentic self. Any doubts that you can have those dreams fulfilled alert you to your forgetting about who you really are and what you are actually capable of. Your fears and doubts give you an opportunity to move toward your greatest dreams and desires. They show you where you have outdated habits that are based in upset from the past or fears of the future. By being aware of them, honoring how they guide you to move toward your true divine nature, you can then choose practices that bring you into conscious connection with your authentic self. You can choose to trust your process, which includes upsets and challenges. Because of the powerful energies affecting all of us right now, you are naturally more in touch with your heart’s desires and the path to reaching those desires. Trusting that your intuition is heightened, you can tap into your inner knowing as well as the divine guidance that surrounds you. This is a truly magical time! You deserve to take full advantage of having your dreams fulfilled! A Simple Releasing and Manifestation Ritual You’ll need: Pieces of paper and pen, a fire-proof container such as a kitchen pot, matches or a lit candle, a bowl of water large enough to dip your hands into, your journal or paper to write on. 1. Set aside a quiet time where you will be uninterrupted for at least 20 minutes. 2. Make your space feel good! This could be with a beautiful or inspiring image, crystals, flowers or a statue. Maybe you’d like to light a candle or put on some soothing music that creates peacefulness and warmth in your heart. 3. Begin with your regular meditation practice or the following: Sit comfortably, close your eyes and breathe. Place your hands on your heart and as you exhale, make a sound such as “Ahhhh.” Do this a few times. Imagine white light is expanding from your heart, bringing with it peacefulness and relaxation. This white light, the divine essence of who you are, expands more and more, enveloping your body like a bubble of white light. 4. Ask yourself, “What am I willing to let go of that no longer serves me?” Notice whatever comes to mind, whether a habitual thought, judgment, fear, or a way of acting in the world. For example, this could be eating habits, unhealthy relationships, or physical pain. Open your eyes and write each down on a separate piece of paper. 5. For each item you wrote (filling in the blanks with that item), declare: “I am willing to let go of ________. Thank you, _________ for trying to protect me and keep me safe. I now release you for my highest good and growth. I forgive myself for _________. I did the best I knew how, given my state of consciousness at the time." 6. If you feel any doubt, repeat your declaration until you feel you truly are affirming you are willing to let go. 7. In a safe and secure space (or outside), do the following for each piece of paper: Over your fireproof container, light a corner of the paper with your candle or matches, placing it in the container. As each piece of paper burns, declare, “I now release you with love. I am free. So it is.” 8. Be sure all fire is out completely. 9. Placing your hands in the bowl of water, declare, “I wash away the old and open to the new.” 10. Sit with your journal or paper and pen in arms reach. Close your eyes and place your hands on your heart. Feeling the white light surrounding you, call on your angels. “Angels, I call on you for guidance for my highest dreams fulfilled. Please assist me in clearly knowing my next divine step. Thank you! I am open to magic and miracles!” 11. Notice any thoughts, feelings, sensations, memories, sounds, or images that occur. Open your eyes and begin to write in your journal. Allow whatever comes to mind to be put on paper. Write all the things you notice, no matter how seemingly unrelated. Trust that whatever you write is coming from your intuition and divine guidance. If something doesn’t make sense, you can ask for clarity, breathe, let go, and write more. Remember: you’re not “trying” to get answers. You’re simply writing freely whatever you notice or is guided through your hand to pen and paper. This could be drawings as well. 12. Drink plenty of water. Consider leaving your journal entry for 3 days and returning to reading it then. Often more insight, integration and understanding blossom after a few days. 13. Take any action guided by your insights! May you be blessed with empowered magic and miracles manifest!
It's not just you, my beloved. The world is transforming and we're all in this together. You are a master and expert in your unique experiences and contribution to the world. Together we'll navigate through these challenging yet oh so juicy and magical times. Archives
October 2021